Saturday 24 September 2011

Mental illness in someone who radically and constantly changes their mind?

or would it just be a personality trait? the person who does this also has ADD. he seems to jump into big decisions quickly without thinking about them, thinks unrealistically a lot of the time, and radically and constantly is changing his mind about anything and everything.

does this sound like any type of disorder or illness or the symptoms of one, or just plain ole' personality traits?
Mental illness in someone who radically and constantly changes their mind?
Well, 'ADD' as you call it, would be the cause of the fickleness in decision making. Generally people who are incapable of staying focused on a subject are incapable of being aware of the situation to an extent where a proper decision can be made. The confused mind is one that chooses. When the mind sees something clearly, there is no choice. If i am walking in the woods and there is a cliff in front of me, i dont have to choose whether not to step to my death, i see it quite clearly. there is no choice. Only the confused mind chooses... inability to see something clearly is at the root of your friends fickle mind.; a lack of awareness, or in ability to pay attention long enough to see. True change in the mind can only comes about with a passive awareness, unhindered by thought, cause then you can see something with a fresh mind.
Mental illness in someone who radically and constantly changes their mind?
to me, it sounds like it good be anything, this sounds like something written in a psychiatry book.
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