Does changing your mind mean you made a mistake, did %26quot;god%26quot; make a mistake?
What if changing isn't redoing, just evolving....The changing of something may mean it was not enough.. ..not enough any way to stay as it was but has room for more....
It could, at times, .... and change may be perfect , part of perfect, part a beautiful perfect universe with all its imperfections, all of the shortcomings, disappointments of the natural state of things...
I struggle with that idea, evolution doesn't seem so perfect, the weak being left behind doesn't seem so perfect, but what if they were greatly loved and appreciated for what purpose they did have in life however short or painful?
That is a grace, that seems a perfection of the soul,,,
I don't know... why are we so horrible to each other, lost our way, out of balance with nature, with perfection, perhaps this is the course of nature to become out of balance and then change,.... always change towards a different life, constant change, the perfection in itself?
Does changing your mind mean you made a mistake, did %26quot;god%26quot; make a mistake?
Me too, although I don't see the Bible as the word of God, I do believe it has God in it and yet it was changed a rewritten so many times before Constantine even. The oldest bible ever known is now on line and it all noted with changes, just like editing. Yet I believe there have been those who c
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who can commune with %26quot;God %26quot; and share, and lead, and I believe they are not perfect either. I believe Jesus was not perfect. But %26quot;God%26quot; with out perfection is hard for me to grasp. If there is a God, I believe it is more like %26quot;Source%26quot; and does probably have the key to what is best for us...but
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what if like any artist, he may be more than his creation but is still mastering his art, still correcting himself because that is his perfect nature...? To change, to elvolve but not in the way we can comprehend very well. I don't think we understand evolution completely even other species....
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there is stuff we don't know, an element in water that hasn't been defined, true zero, etc. and the course of evolution past is still guess work no matter how educated and tested, there is the question of timing for a mutation, the trigger, the method of the mutation even, how the brain and body of
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the animal knows how and to what to change, in a molecule for mutation... there is still mystery here and in where we came from and yet we try to live up to the potential that we have ....that we feel is to you Rez...namaste
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Thank you! I made this exact argument in real life to some Christian friends and never got a straight answer! Looking forward to the responses. Starred.
One doesn't change unless they see something wrong with themselves, especially not so drastically if you compare the Old Testament god to the New Testament one.
No, Jesus did not %26quot;do away with%26quot; any of the rules, in fact He said that not one iota of the rules will change.
What He did was clarify the intent behind the rules.
Love, I'm speaking of love, btw.
Jesus was the fulfillment of all the Leviticus laws. We no longer have to do THINGS to earn God's blessing-we only have to follow Jesus!
Matthew 5:17 (New International Version)
17%26quot;Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
no it does not indicate you made a mistake
the law when given at the time, it was valid for those days.
when God provided a better way by his son dying on the cross the laws that supported the old way were no longer needed.
circumstances change and new rules are required.
I can understand you point. However, He didn't do away with any rules. The old testament was what we consider the LAW. However, when Jesus arrived we fell under GRACE. This only means that the perfect sacrifice for our sins had arrived and we could move on to the next level of God's plan for humanity.
Well, I see what you are saying, but I don't believe in %26quot;God%26quot; so.... Looking at it from a human perspective....Sometimes you can just change your mind because you become privy to more doesn't necessarily mean you were mistaken to begin with, it just means that you now have more info to work with and base your decision on.
Or maybe I dislike a person, and later on they redeem themself, so I change my mind about them. Was I mistaken at the time? No, because the situation changed.
I know what you are %26quot;really%26quot; getting at with this question, and I agree. I just had to put in my 2 cents from a different perspective.
What changed was people. There were no reborn people in the old testament. God had to deal with people who were spiritually dead.And he couldn't just force his will on anyone. He had to make covenant.If they kept the covenant, he could protect them from demons, sin, sickness and disease, poverty and fear. But if they strayed outside of the covenant they were where satan had a shot at them. Now we are reborn. We have access to the Holy Spirit and the finished word of God. But when man put the word of God out of reach of the folks, as in the dark ages, when the catholic hierarchy hid the bible out in monestaries where only they had access to it, that brought on darkness over the land. But when the bible was free to all men, the renaissance happened. That ended the dark ages. But the bible once again is hidden from people by ignorance and we are headed for the darkest times in man's history.The great tribulation.
When concerning an omniscient deity.
If an all-knowing deity changed their 'mind' then, obviously that deity was NOT all-knowing.
Simple logic.
But Christians will never admit it.
God IS perfect. God didn't change the laws.
Galatians 3:19,23-25
Why then the law? It was added because of transgressions鈥?Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God鈥?br>
Colossians 2:14
Having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.
Changing your mind is not automatically an admission of fault or wrong doing.
Look at the laws of any state, country, or province. I assure you their laws have been modified from what they were 100 years ago. Are some laws changed because they were a mistake? YES. Take slavery, for example. But more often than not, laws are modified to adapt to an ever-changing society.
This is quite philosophical! I will give this a try. The god within never makes a mistake because if god is love this god only feels and seeks the oneness (love that cannot be described in words).
We are so %26quot;humanized%26quot; that we do an %26quot;about face%26quot; on the divine within when we hear %26quot;within%26quot; those repetitive words we were taught as babies. %26quot;No you can't do that%26quot;, %26quot;that's a bad thing, you just did%26quot;, %26quot;how many times have I told you not to do that%26quot;, %26quot;why can't you be like your brother/sister...%26quot;, %26quot;What's the matter with you, are you crazy%26quot; and so on.
We are imperfect because we were taught that we were imperfect. Love is perfect.
This brings up a question......
The bible is simply a record of a certain segment of the human population's perception of %26quot;god%26quot; and their own history.
God didn't change His mind. Certain men's perception/understanding of god changed.
I do not EVER change my mind but I do often acquire new data that causes me to see things in a different light. My mind is ALWAYS open ... 24/7 ... for your thoughts and ideas.
Rules were made to be broken. This is usually due to society changing or something becoming redundant or outmoded. The ONE thing that we can count on here is CHANGE! Obama did NOT invent Change. It is the True Consistent.
God is always imperfect and flawed when you realize that WE Are the Gods of our Worlds and WE are the ones who create the truths on this planet.
We write a book ... we find more data ... we re-write the book. Was the first book wrong? No, not really. For the data we had at the time it was very accurate. But new data caused the change later.
God isn't wrong because things change and He must change with them or become obsolete. He is being realistic. If God had a closed mind we would still be fighting off dinosaurs with the latest %26quot;Throwing Sticks%26quot; from AMF or POD (Protection from Dinosaurs ... The latest in hand held throwing devices ... now totally lethal to MOST Dinosaurs ... T-Rex is NOT included and not covered under the warranty ... not liable for those eaten by T-R's since you are good with ketchup and crunchy).
There are NO MISTAKES ... just learning experiences!
The instances of God announcing an intention to do something and allowing himself to be talked out of it are usually based on Him extending mercy to someone. Most of the times, the change of heart is directly tied to obedient behavior from the humans involved. They repent and He takes that into account.
What you are saying about Jesus changing things is because He was enforcing the new covenant.
God made a new covenant when Jesus was crucified as Jesus was the final sacrifice.
The old covenant was not the way anymore. The observance of the law was not the way anymore but it was still to be used as a guide. It went from all the rules and observations of the law to having the law written in your heart by the holy spirit after you accept Jesus. We went into the period of Grace.
I am not a an objective view from someone with no interest in it other then the truth... have my permission for what it is worth to believe what ever
you want
Jesus was attempting to help people see how to LIVE a certain way.
...Without getting all caught up in the rules and regulations set up by organized religion and government .
Which is something that happens to people with organized religions and government........
even today
Things like %26quot;Love God and love your neighbor%26quot;......this was meant to
say if you truly love God and your neighbor......
You will be obeying the Ten Commandments...and respecting your neighbor
Honoring God and not killing or stealing...or bumping uglies with the neighbors wife
He also said %26quot;If your sheep fell in a ditch on the Sabbath...would you let it there to die%26quot;
Meaning...keeping holy the sabbath...was an attitude more then
all the rules it had come to be
You still have a life and things that need attention more then little rules of a church
He also said %26quot;Give to God what is God's and give to Cesar what is Cesar's%26quot;
Where he lived was ruled by Rome...that was the government
so he was your taxes and all that civil stuff
because your supposed to and your life will become difficult if you don't.....
but it has nothing to do with God.
The God thing is seperate from government.
So he %26quot;Jesus%26quot; wasn't so much pointing out God's mistakes
He was clarifying...because with all the rules of organized religion and government
People become confused as to what they should do and how they should live
Remember %26quot;No judgement implied%26quot;.....but almost no one back then could read and write
Knowledge and education were reserved for religious and government leaders
They %26quot;People%26quot;...very much needed someone to give them verbal instruction/guidance about the things they couldn't figure out.
Give 1000 people a concept and it will be over 500 heads
The other 500 will come up with 1100 spins on that concept
and 100 of them will use it for??????
You figure it out....makes no difference what I think
But Jesus understood the concept
God is perfect and doesn't make mistakes.
Jesus wanted to do away with man's erroneous interpretations of God's word. He wanted to set us free from the rules we had built up that stop us from seeing the truth or true meaning.
It's easier to follow rules than to question them which is dangerous when many of the rules stem from man's corruption and not from God's will. That's why we need Jesus. He is God's son. And through Him God wanted to show us that He doesn't love us inspite of our mistakes. He loves us in them and through them and will forgive all of them over and over and over.
We make mistakes. We can change our minds. Sometimes we change our minds and THIS is the mistake.
This is God's gift to us. Freedom to make mistakes.