Wednesday, 21 September 2011

What is Hillery's stance on the Iraq war and illegal immigration? It seems se keeps changing her mind.?

Which way is the wind, wait....which crowd is she babbling to , wait...what is the latest focus group wait....what's the latest Zogby poll, wait ...

You get the idea !
What is Hillery's stance on the Iraq war and illegal immigration? It seems se keeps changing her mind.?
Guess I was right about you, sad.

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What is Hillery's stance on the Iraq war and illegal immigration? It seems se keeps changing her mind.?
She's a nut case. Why do you think Bill ran around with other women.
What mind. :)
I don't think we will ever know..
That's a very good and timely question, one which should be studied and examined closely to see how relevant it is today in determining what our future position should be should the need to discuss this issue arise again in the future. Next question, please.
her stance is the SAME AS BUSH's.

she is for illegals and for his war.

i mean it's not rocket science. she is Bush's mole. why do you think he and rove endorsed her?

to keep the faith
She doesn't know herself. In her obsession to become what she views as the ultimate power, and one with a democratic congress and senate to back her up she will do or say whatever it takes to get there. I think she believes she'll rule the world, so whatever group shes amongst she's going to say what they want to hear. Only she doesn't seem to realize what it's doing to her image.
Commande post said it best!
check the polls of the week and you will know more about her current stance on any subject.
Tune in Thursday night, 8: PM om CNN. If we don't get a clearer picture from any or all, throw them all back and get some fresh live fish to entertain us with their flip-flopping acts. What a dismal catch.
Hillary has a wide stance.
She's been saying exactly the same thing about Iraq ever since she declared for the Presidency and had to answer the first question about what she would do. She'll bring the bulk of the troops home. She'll leave residual troops there to protect our interests, engage Al Queda, keep Iran and Al Queda from taking over a weak Iraq, and continue to help train the Iraqi military. I've heard her say this so many times I can recite it in my frigging sleep.

As far as illegal immigration she holds the same basic beliefs all the Democratic candidates hold on this issue. A pathway to citzenship for most of them, a real plan to stop the flow into our country. There isn't one Presidential candidate from either side, save Tancredo, who likes to talk about immigration. Since the failure of Congress and Bush to get that bill passed this year, everyone's backed off like the issue has the plague. She is not the Lone Ranger by any means when she generalizes on this subject. If you have some sort of evidence that she has changed her mind about illegal immigration I'd love to see it. It really seems as though you just picked two subjects out of thin air assuming it would be safe since you buy into the b.s. that she constantly changes her mind. Two bad picks, wrong on both counts.
Hillary Clinton has changed her stance on every other issue by supporting what is the impulse of the people and flexing her principles. She wanted to give way to what the people wants.

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