Saturday, 24 September 2011

Will changing the name of "Bailout" to "Rescue Plan" change your mind about it?

How about %26quot;boondoggle%26quot;?
Will changing the name of %26quot;Bailout%26quot; to %26quot;Rescue Plan%26quot; change your mind about it?
No but calling it a %26quot;bailout%26quot; was pretty stupid..
Will changing the name of %26quot;Bailout%26quot; to %26quot;Rescue Plan%26quot; change your mind about it?
No. A pig is a pig is a pig. I don't care how much lipstick you put on it.

No Bil Out. Sign the petition. And then pass it on.

And this one too.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Good point from the earlier poster about what a bad name %26quot;Bail Out%26quot; was. They should have called it %26quot;Save the wealth of our citizens initiative%26quot; or something.
no it is what it is, weather or not it has a stupid name
Nope. I have always had a keen eye in seeing right through politically correct bullsh!t. I have no patience with those who try to manipulate the truth. It's comical that they've change the name to %26quot;rescue plan%26quot;. Only the feeble-minded would buy that nonsense.
Heck no. The name has nothing to do with what it is.
No! Wallstreet Junkies jones'n for a quick fix really nails this down to what is actually happening there. The next best 'term' to describe it would be %26quot; Reality restoration%26quot;.
No more than substituting %26quot;undocumented workers%26quot; for %26quot;illegal immigrants%26quot; did.
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