I have been struggling with an eating disorder for a couple years now, ihave gone to therapy and blah, but my hardest thing is gaining self control, i mean if i eat normally i am actually skinnier than when my whole ED goes on. but all i ever think about is food....esp as the day gets later....any tips on having self control..
Any tips on gaining self control..or changing my mind set?
Well, the first thing I think you should do is contact a counselor who specializes in eating disorders, I know you stated that you went to therapy but what kind?. By doing this you will be able to be honest and get to the basis of why you are continuing the habit. They may be able to help you take countermeasures when you feel the urge to fulfill the need to eat. They can also refer you to a dietician who will be able to match your specific disorder with a healthy diet depending on your needs. The answer is not to starve yourself, there are far too many low-cal options out there.