Saturday, 24 September 2011

John McCain has been scolding Obama for possibly changing his mind about fundraising cap!?

Now John McCain's campaign plans on utlizing GWB to do fundraising for him for the general election. Now, please note IF McCain claims he plans only to use public money which is capped at $85 million, why would he need Bush to fund raise for him? Any money collected for the general would have to be returned if he uses public money!!! So is this being hypocritical by scolding Obama yet getting fundraising done?
John McCain has been scolding Obama for possibly changing his mind about fundraising cap!?

McCain only wanted campaign finance reform because he knew back then that he would be running for President and doesn't have the clout to raise the funds that the others have the ability to.

The Republican Party on the whole doesn't seem to REALLY believe in McCain. I believe him to be the right puppet at the right time.

I see weakness and I smell fear on the part of McCain AND Clinton..

Why is McCain attacking Obama instead of spelling out his plan(s) as President of the United States?

Obama hasn’t even won the nomination yet.

The same with Hillary.

Notice that Obama is running a campaign on what he has done and hopes and plans to do as President of the United States.

I agree with the responder using the moniker “none” .

I too want a President that CAN realize that when the course of action initially taken isn’t producing the desired result - CHANGE THE COURSE OF ACTION!!

I guess I SHOULDthank McCain and Mrs. Clinton for showing us that with either she or McCain as President, it WILL be…NEGATIVE POLITICS AS USUAL and neither of them will truly try to work in a bipartisan manner.
John McCain has been scolding Obama for possibly changing his mind about fundraising cap!?

I believe you understood my response.

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I am not a McCain fan but I agree with him. Obama made that commiment and he needs to stick with it. If he does not then we is the empty suit of words everyone calls him.
John McCain can still fundraise because he is still competing in the is not the general election yet.

Also, John McCain is 100% correct. OBama is the one that initated the publice financing deal. McCain agreed, and now Obama is going back on his word.....once again.
He's not. Obama took a pledge a long time ago that he would take public funding. Now he says he may not because of all the money he has raised on the net. Why would John McCain screw himself by accepting it before Obama does? John McCain is simply calling Obama out on it. Something a lot of people are unwilling to do.
I think its hysterical (and revealing) that the Republican party has this ideal where you stick with what you said even if it turns out to be a bad idea. i.e. Obama saying he would use public funds. Well if its clear that doing so would leave him short and unable to compete on a level playing field - WHY WOULD HE KEEP DOING IT???

The definition of insane is to do something over and over and expect different results! DUH! I WANT a president that will realize that when course of action initially took is not producing the desired result - CHANGE THE COURSE OF ACTION!!

It is neither wise, nor noble to %26quot;keep your word%26quot; if doing so produces disastrous results! Why does this seen like such a challenging concept for republicans?
all candidates are at each others throats now. i think if they run they should only use funds that are donated or their own money. also, they should not promise something that they can't keep.