Wednesday, 21 September 2011

If you wouldnt vote for Obama would him changing gun laws change your mind

If Obama were to change the 2nd amendment and remove the right to bear arms, would you be more likely to vote for him?
If you wouldnt vote for Obama would him changing gun laws change your mind
%26quot;Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.%26quot;

Abraham Lincoln

If you wouldnt vote for Obama would him changing gun laws change your mind
Only is he also promiced to get rid of the rest of the Bill of Rights as well.....
No, and he wouldn't dare. He's a Constitutional Lawyer for god's sake!
your a dum ***
Why would I vote for someone that doesn't want me to protect my self?
I would be more likely to revolt
I'd be more likely to storm Washington to have him impeached.

However, he couldn't change the 2d amendment. He hasn't the influence.
you're not from this country, are you? here in the USA, the president can't change the laws
No that would make me even less likely to vote for him.

People fail to realize that most criminals don't commit crimes with registered handguns. Attempts to ban them only drive the black market and put more money into the hands of criminals.
He can't change an amendment.

Everybody just relax.
No, you don't seem to get it. He's a racist, he associates with radicals and other unsavory characters, he's the biggest liar, and he's INEXPERIENCED. Now, what part of all that do you not understand???

I am more concerned with a President who claims an inherent power to imprison American citizens whom he has determined to be this country鈥檚 enemies without obtaining a warrant, letting them hear the charges against them, or following other safeguards against wrongful punishment guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Under his administration, the government has engaged in inhumane treatment of prisoners that amounts to torture.

If you are worried about Obama changing the 2nd amendment, why aren't you concerned with our President changing the Bill of Rights?
that would be all the more of a reason to call him a moron. the man already can't speak without a tele-promter, he doesn't have the slightest idea how to solve our economy, he doesn't want to drill for oil, he has very little experience as a senator, why not just have the left-wing moron take away my right to protect myself while he's at it. the funny thing is how the liberals will defend the 1st amendment but shun the 2nd... like our forefathers were wrong to allow the people that placed them in office have the right to defend themselves in case the government that america was founded on became something the people didn't like. hmmm...
I would'nt vote for him if he gave out free gas while dancing a jig of glee!
It would at least show he has some common sense
Hell no. The US cities with the toughest gun laws are, perhaps ironically, the ones with the worst crime rates.

The Constitution actually says that militia have the right to bear arms (against the English) not Tom Dick and Harry.

I am English
Criminals will have arms whether legal or no. No it would not.
XD The president cannot change the second ammendment just as he can't change the first one.

If he did I'd move to Australia.
I hope it does not come to a point that someone breaks into my home, kills my wife %26amp; so on, I'm there looking for a screwdriver saying %26quot;excuse me while I look for something to protect myself with!%26quot;
Hell with guns and killing. hell with Republicans and their god satan.