Take a first grade class of say 25 students and ask them which candidate consistantly makes the headline news changing his mind, would it be Obama or McCain? Who would be the YES/NO YES/NO winner? A pair of golden flippers to the most funny answer...and 10 points.
If a first grade class voted on which candidate changed his mind over major issues lately, who would win?
They'd vote for Barry cause Kool-aids involved
If a first grade class voted on which candidate changed his mind over major issues lately, who would win?
That's why first graders aren't allowed to vote.
First graders are immature--not educated--have no street smarts--no sense of history
so with THOSE credentials-----they'd vote McCain
Obama. I don't need the points.
Who ever there socialist teacher told them to vote for!
They would vote for more cookies... Kind of like what the McCain supporters think when they get older..
Why would we ask first graders?
Changing one's mind isn't a bad thing. The inability to do this can lead you to pursue a faulty strategy for 4 years until your party is voted out of the majority in congress.
Obama hasn't changed his position, he just said he's willing to enter discussion, just as he always has. McCain, has flip-flopped on abortion, taxes, states rights (he wants to permit drilling off the coast of Florida even though Floridians don't want it), the lists go on. McCain isn't a Conservative even though he'd have you believe he is; but he is a betrayer of the Middle.
Change is good. We like change. We want more cookies, and kool-aid instead of milk. Mommy and Daddy say Obama is for lots of change, every day.
Mcain drilling and Fema
They would say McCain
Because 1st graders have the intellect of a liberal