Saturday, 24 September 2011

Is Hollywood changing their mind about socialism? Whoopie Goldberg (rich) doesn't want?

to see her money go to taxes ... well if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen is what I say to you Whoopie.
Is Hollywood changing their mind about socialism? Whoopie Goldberg (rich) doesn't want?
Yeah I watched it, she's finally woke herself up from the Obama dream
Is Hollywood changing their mind about socialism? Whoopie Goldberg (rich) doesn't want?
Stupid liberals, tax is for you.
They didn't see pass the promise and now have to worry about their change.
whoopie must not be feeling like she is part of the social elite club anymore!
Sounds like she has finally realized the %26quot;change%26quot; meant what the rich will have left

Limbaugh the Hut: you need to redo your math. You need to use value for value comparison not dollar for dollar. You can not compare a dollar in 1930 to a dollar in 2000. In 1930 a pound of sugar was 5 cents now its $2.00. Obama is on track to spend more in one year then Bush in 8.
She certainly did a 180, folks are learning that Obama is a great orator and that's about it.
she's afraid the people will take %26quot;her%26quot; money back.
My goodness she woke up. Amazing isn't it?
Seems the Spread the Wealth is not all that popular with girls from the hood who have made millions. This is so funny that Whoop thinks she deserves to keep the money she earns, such a conservative concept.
Interestingly enough, Steven Spielberg gave a similar statement the other day as well by basically endorsing a stimulus payment for Hollywood, but emphatically saying that they (as artists) should not be taxed or restricted by the government any more than they already are. If this isn't either blind ignorance or blatant hypocrisy, I don't know what it is.

Buckle up kids; we're in for a wild ride!
Wow , was i surprised to see that clip form her of all people, maybe there is hope for liberals waking up and seeing the light !
I was not aware that there was ever a consensus in Hollywood favoring Socialism. Seems Republicans get started labeling people %26quot;socialist%26quot; and just don't know where to stop.
She is very talented and works hard for her money.

She has earned every dollar.
Who gives a fug about Hollywood? Liberals don't need someone telling us how to think, but you cons wouldn't know about anything like that.
Taxation now must go toward the lack of adequate taxation by the previous administration while the National debt was doubled- did you know that half of your taxes will go merely to service the debt that was doubled by Bush. I'd be pissed off too. unfortunately it remains what the Republicans left us with. It is the money that is lost forever going to foreign governments and investors of virtually every ilk-quite likely even Saudi, terror-supporting investors.
See what happens when the pocket book is affected Whoopie has enough money to last her 10 life times, but she turn coated at the first sign of deficit in her account, she advocated this change, now she cries foul ......I hate her for her hypocrisy

Edit: No I did not vote for Barrack, I feel sorry for those who did
If it's true then Whoopie Goldberg is a traitor to herself.
Yeah I saw it . It looked like she was %26quot;channeling%26quot; a conservative ,the way she did in the movie Ghost .
Seriously, you need to get your head around the fact that Obama is nowhere near socialist. Politics 101 for you my friend.
A Conservative is a liberal who becomes successful.
I'm reminded of the words of one Mr. Karl Marx, from his seminal work known as the Communist Manifesto.

Karl Marx believed that the government would gain too much power, mostly through back-alley deals with various businesses and corporations; and that this would give the government the wealth necessary to screw the worker, and the business world the authority to do the same.

Who let that one happen?

Karl Marx then said that the workers would be unable to take this oppression, and would move toward Revolution.

Who just asked for a revolution?

Karl Marx said that the workers would then establish their own government %26quot;of the people.%26quot; This would be a temporary situation as this government cleared out the last vestiges of the old and corrupted government. When this was done, the workers would get rid of government entirely.

Who is calling for revolution, so they can return power to the people, then shrink government down to practically no power?

When one country (Russia) tried to do this process as laid out by Karl Marx, what emerged was a Fascist state (that only called itself Communist); and that believed that it was its duty to spread its ideas to the rest of the world through any means necessary, even war.

Who has been calling for %26quot;spreading democracy%26quot; to the rest of the world, even through war?

Yet the three biggest spenders in American history were (in order from most to 3rd most):

1) George W. Bush (R)

2) Richard Nixon (R)

3) Ronald Reagan (R)

Ronald Reagan also happened to have raised taxes on everyone (except the top 1%) for the last 7 of his 8 years in office. The tax rates during Reagan's entire time in office were higher than the tax rates during the entire time Clinton was in office.

The biggest expansion of government occurred in 2002, done by a Republican Congress and approved by Republican President George W. Bush (who came up with the legislation in the first place, mind you).

In every way, Republicans are following the Communist Manifesto to a T. Yet they show the same %26quot;big government%26quot; tendencies that they complain is present in Democrats, and the same %26quot;big government%26quot; tendencies that Stalin showed when he took what was to be the no-government solution of Communism into the total government control of Fascism.

So perhaps you should channel one Mr. William Shakespeare, who once said, %26quot;We have seen our enemy, and he is us.%26quot;