Saturday, 24 September 2011

Why is Obama changing his mind on the bailout?

First he said his plan was similar then the next day his campaign had to explain what he really meant when he said that? I am sure everyone heard his reasons for voting for it. He said, %26quot;the rescue plan may work then again it may not work. It may help our economy then again it may not help the economy.%26quot; The more I hear this guy the happier I am that I changed my mind on him.鈥?/a>

Why is Obama changing his mind on the bailout?
kind of like how McCain changed positions on the bailout of one of those banks last week
Why is Obama changing his mind on the bailout?
because one day he likes dogs more than any other animal, but the next day his favorite animals a cat. one hour he thinks meat is gross and the next hour he would kill for a steak. that's how he is and thats the only thing that aint gonna change about him. that is why yall ought to vote McCain 08
He's looking for wiggle room so he can say,,,,i told you so
who knows how the mind of this man works. i do not believe he is evil, unlikable, ugly, stupid, insincere. i do believe his ideas show an apalling lack of knowledge and experience. i do believe he licks his finger and sticks itin the air for votes. i do believe he is incompetant. i do believe he is a racist. and i do believe he is big trouble if this country elects him. he is not a leader, he is an empty suit.
Democrats say anything that's needed to get elected, then do what they have always done.

The Congress should be a warning to all how its going to be if they are allowed to run amuck