Now he say military tribunals are the way to go?
Wasn't that Bush's idea?
When Obama was talking about %26quot;change%26quot;
did he really mean changing his mind about everything?
Why did Obama change his mind about having civilian trials for the terrorists?
Obama has no business being in the oval office in the 1st place
He has no clue about what he is doing
Why did Obama change his mind about having civilian trials for the terrorists?
This guy is totally clueless, when will the democrats put forward someone who actually knows anything?
Obama has never led anything in his life. He has no idea what he's doing and he's gone off half-c*cked attempting ill-advised things. I hope we can survive four years of him.
(Half-c*cked is not a bad word. lol)
Obama will throw his wife and kids under the bus if it takes that to pass his legacy project, OBAMA CARE
The city did not want it. Nice to see Obama respecting the city instead of being the decider.
He needs to establish a precedent for trying domestic terrorists by military tribunal for expediency.
Because we have never given enemy combatants the right to Civilian Trials in the past.
We should not establish a precedent that says that enemy combatants are entitled to Civilian Trials.
So he can focus on jobs right? lol!
The Obama Administration caved into all the propaganda from the Conservatives that have been using this issue to bash President Obama. Conservatives were even planning to cut off the funds for the trials. Conservatives assume that the Bush administration had terrorist trials in military tribunals but that is false.