Saturday, 24 September 2011

An Athieist changing his mind, is this possible? I found new proof of a possibility of Gods existence.?

Quantum mechanics is showing us possibility in almost anything, including other universes. Could it be that something could exist outside of our universe and effect our universe? We would have no way of knowing what that thing is of course, but the concept is still there. It would have to be operating on a whole different line of physics as well, so as not to be part of our universe. Just a thought :)
An Athieist changing his mind, is this possible? I found new proof of a possibility of Gods existence.?
Even if that were true (not saying it isn't), I don't think that it would constitute a god figure because we would probably have a similar effect on other universes and that would put us on the same plane as a god figure.
An Athieist changing his mind, is this possible? I found new proof of a possibility of Gods existence.?
i am happy for you to rediscover finding a stronger more powerful being than ourselves someone who you can look to through faith and guidance.i don't profess G-d to have all the answers that make sense.but i do believe we are loved by G-d even where things don't make sense.good for you for taking th

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Your Cute!
You misunderstand quantum mechanics if you really think it says anything about a deity.
but something would still have to create that being so it would just esetially be a god like alien

I think a god is only a god if nothing created him her it

otherwise its just essenially a higher form of life

in the same way we are a higher form of life than ants but being higher thn ants doesnt make us gods
Lol, Proof of the possibility?!
Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect? I think that has something to do with our universe vs others. I know there's something beyond the beyond, but who knows if we are in any way connected.
It's possible, but what you've described is hypernatural, not supernatural.

There's quite a bit of difference.
If you have testable proof of course.
So what?

I f you can draw a conclusion between parallel universes and evidence for god ill convert myself.
I love it when former Atheists convert to a non-Christian religion.

And really you're talking apples and oranges here. You say you found proof of God's existence...oh and by the way you'll finish your thought with, %26quot;And don't you want to be a Christian now?%26quot;

Prove God's existence but don't try to convert others to a religion in the process...You lose credibility then.

You don't have to be a Christian to believe in God.
Believe in whatever you want, just make sure you educate yourself.
Yes it is possible. As an Atheist myself i havn't found any proof of the existence of god that is believable to me so i am sticking to Atheism. But if you have found some proof then it is very possible and you should follow your beliefs.
Okay, if you want the unknown to be inhabited by a grouchy old wanker like God, then go ahead and think so... but there is no reason to think it's true.

It COULD be, but the onus is still on you to demonstrate that (1) it DID happen, (2) that it was caused by a god or gods, and (3) that the parties responsible bear any resemblance to the deities described in your scripture of choice.
Just as possible as a theist becoming an atheist
The universe is defined as everything known of. If we discover something else it would still be considered part of the universe.
By definition, the universe can not interact with anything outside itself. That is sort of what universe means!

Which is why one of the standard theist 'cop outs' the claim that god 'exists outside of time and space and so is not bound by physical laws' does not hold water.

QED and QM are fascinating areas, but are part of natural physics, not blanket confirmation of the preternatural! And most people who go on about them do not understand them.
Heres a hint: If you can just as easily substitute a giant cosmic leprechaun fart in, instead of god, then it isn't evidence:P lol
Sorry, I missed the part where you provided proof of God. All I saw the scientific ideas of another universe. I'm not sure how this equals; There must be a God!

Humans no longer credit anything we don't understand to deities. We stopped doing that after the dark ages.
that doesn't get you anywhere, all you have said is %26quot;essentially anything is possible, therefore you can't rule out god%26quot;. well sure it's possible, maybe there really is a god it is a non-zero probability. but the key word here is probability not possibility.

it doesn't matter if something is possible. it's possible that i will the lottery every weekend for the rest of my life, it's possible that megan fox will burst through my door any second now, it's possible that there is a planet somewhere in the universe populated by pink leprechauns on pogo sticks. the real question is are any of these things at all likely? well no, and neither is a god.

saying there is reason to think that there is a non-zero probability of a god existing is not a reason to think one does.
We are the believers in miracles and a super natural, all powerful God.

So, yes an atheist can change his spots (I mean mind ;~) )
Sure an Atheist can change their mind.

I once did not like sour cream on my baked potato. Now I do.
new proof of a possibility?

I want proof of proof
Is that a question? Putting a question mark after a statement or %26quot;is this possible%26quot; does not make a statement a question. Ask something real or start a blog.
Athieists are probably the most stabborn religious people on earth! so let time convince them better.

I think this one has a lot to do with our brothers and sisters of the world today.

%26quot;The Sower and the Seeds%26quot;.
How about we stop dealing in %26quot;could be%26quot; and start dealing with what we know exists?
yes indeed god is real
Sure, it could be possible that there is a superuniverse that affects ours. And one that affects that one. And one affecting that one. What we call god might just be some other god's puppet.

You see, when you have poorly defined concepts such as gods then you are open to widely variant descriptions of what they might be. And, in the end, the concept that something is possible still does not mean it is probable or existent.
Read up on String Theory and Super String Theory.

Again, there is no evidence of a god or gods.
Perhaps you should read up on Anthony Flew, who was a former atheist who became a theist. He might give you some ideas.