Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Is Obama finally changing his mind on gun control?

Check this news link out:鈥?/a>

I'm surprised to know that Obama approved the expansion of the right to carry in national parks in refuges for law abiding citizens, why didn't he veto it? And by the way Harry Reid supported it. Is Obama coming back to his senses and discovering that gun control is harmful to law abiding citizens?
Is Obama finally changing his mind on gun control?
It goes back to what I've always said. Gun control is NOT one of the issues Obama is passionate on. He'll sign gun control legislation if it's sent to him by Congress, but he's not going to expend any political capital or effort to get more passed.

In this case, he wanted the credit card bill reform law and if he had to swallow that one bitter pill to get it, he did it.
Is Obama finally changing his mind on gun control?
We can all hope, but I think more likely he is trying not to make the mistake that the democrats did in 1994 which cost them a lot of seats in congress. His entire administration (especially Holder) is filled with anti-gunners, and I doubt they have changed those beliefs overnight. I think they are just trying to play it smart for now...If the economy doesn't improve (which is likely) and we have lots of inflation (which is VERY likely), his limited popularity would be in the tank...why further aggravate that by instituting some asinine gun legislation.

What really cracks me up about the whole %26quot;gun control%26quot; debate is how really ignorant the average American is about guns. You can't buy an AK-47 in this country unless done illegally with some drug cartel or something!! The average joe has not been able buy a fully automatic weapon since 1934 without going through a stringent FBI background check involving fingerprinting and a tax stamp, and only then the weaponit has to be manufactured before 1986. And you have to go through the whole process again to sell it (unless you want a LONG jail sentence). This is VERY different from the insta-check system for other gun purchases. I can buy a gun that %26quot;looks%26quot; like an AK-47, but it is a semi-auto only gun that has a reciever that is specifically made for semi-auto weapons (i.e. you cannot install the parts tha make it run full auto). It is no more dangerous (and in many ways less) than the average hunting rifle. it is not an AK-47, which is by definiton, a select fire %26quot;assualt rifle%26quot; (there is really no such thing as an assault weapon---except tanks and such, but we can't buy those).
I think he's finally figuring out that he'd never win as a gun hating, constitution wrecking president, so I think he's finally giving up and leaving things as they should be and helping this country instead of trying to ruin some of it's top laws.
Obama keeps taking the rap for being this huge anti-gunner, yet theres no proof at all.

I dont hate obama, but i dont exactly like him either.

As long as Hillary didnt get in the whitehouse im happy.

Hillary DEFINATELY would have pushed for the assault weapon ban again.

She SAID she would, it's recorded on youtube and news channels.

Obama is MAINLY concerned with handgun crime, that's pretty much it........and he's said it over and over again.
he didnt approve Concealed weapon carry...he approved of a credit card bill which our currupt politicians put that little detail on.
No, he was just willing to pass this one small gun item so he could get the credit card law he wanted. It some ways, this law was inevitable. Various pro-gun groups have been working on this for a long time. There was no point fighting it and stirring up controversy. Maybe one of his allies will attack it later.

%26quot;Obama keeps taking the rap for being this huge anti-gunner, yet theres no proof at all.%26quot; - Except of course the things he's said. Just look at his Transition page, under the %26quot;Crime and Law Enforcement%26quot; section. And his voting record.

%26quot;Hillary DEFINATELY would have pushed for the assault weapon ban again.She SAID she would, it's recorded on youtube and news channels.%26quot; Once again, Obama's own webpage promised he would seek to reinstate the 'assault weapons' ban and make it permanent.

%26quot;Obama is MAINLY concerned with handgun crime, that's pretty much it........and he's said it over and over again.%26quot; Obama is mainly concerned with handguns. We can reduce handgun crime by investigating and prosecuting crimes committed with handguns. Simply put, everything bad that you can do with a handgun is already illegal.

%26quot;Address Gun Violence in Cities: Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.%26quot;

Those are all phrased to sound like good ideas, but I can explain why each is very bad. I'll spare you though.
They were able to tag it onto a bill that the Dems wanted VERY badly (Credit Card Reform Legislation) and Obama signed it. If it had been thrown out onto the floor of the Congress by all by it's lonesome, it would have been torn apart by the Democrats.
I hope he is finally seeing the light but i doubt that he actually is trying to help any gun owners out.

i think he just wants it there to look good on his voting record.

If he wins us over then he can stab us in the back easier.

I say nay. Watch him and don't be swayed to his side. Or you will regret it.

he voted 38 times for gun control laws but never for gun rights. Watch him like a hawk.
He was never banning any guns, that's what people don't understand!!!
im not a fan of obama but he has always supported the wright to bear arms even while campaigning he supported the 2 amendment