Friday, 16 September 2011

If changing your mind is flip flopping and makes you weak is the congress abandoning Bush evil?

Or are politicians allowed to change their minds as they leaen more?
If changing your mind is flip flopping and makes you weak is the congress abandoning Bush evil?
Flip flopping has been labeled as bad but look at Kerry in the 04s he was for funding the troops and then flip flopped why? because the Bush Bots lost the first billion congress gave him and to this day is still lost.
If changing your mind is flip flopping and makes you weak is the congress abandoning Bush evil?
It is one thing to change your mind due to ignorance of a situation, I agree....

But to change your mind from one way to another and back several times just to appease a group of people you are talking to is called flip flopping. John Kerry is a MASTER at it.

I am curious... How is BUSH Evil in your eyes? Just because he is a Republican?
all politicians are blood sucking leeches who want nothing else other than fill their pockets while thy can. So they will do whatever it is to their advantage.
Republicans in Congress have not changed, it is Bush who is trying to please the democrats on amnesty that has changed. The liberals want millions of more illegal immigrants to enter the country so they can buy their votes with free hand-outs.
Here you go.
never argue politics with an idiot.
You will have to ask that NAM traitor Kerry about that. Bush, at least stays the course, and at best has to be the best Commander-in-chief that this country has been privileged to have since Ike. What's this Bush evil stuff? The only evil are like the terrorist (and his 7 buddies) that we just clobbered.
I would say that the Congress abandoning Bush is an attempt to bring some order to the governing of the United States and to try and regain some international reputation, which at the moment is in tatters. So, congress is far from being evil, it is doing its job on behalf of the people. Jules, Australia.
You miss %26quot;BJ%26quot; Clinton, don't you? Bless your heart.