Friday, 16 September 2011

Changing mind and moods so much it's effecting my life...?

I'm 13 and am possibly bipolar, i'm not self diagnosing i just fit the criteria and am aware i need to see a doctor because it's getting worse and worse but anyway, i wanted to know why i change my mind so much. It's not just ambitions that change it's my whole way of life for example i will want to be a doctor and study and work really hard in school but then a week later i will want to get suspended, expelled and set a world record of how many schools i can get kicked out of, as a result of this i get in lots of trouble with my parents being called in to school etc. Other big goals are finding every single member of my family and %26quot;living life to the full%26quot; e.g. Do anything and everything. I also was on a mission to have sex before i turn 14 and now when i look back it was really stupid. When i'm in a depressed mood the ambition/lifestyle changes stop because of the depression but when i'm in a normal mood they kick in again and when i'm extremely happy the stupid ones like having sex, spending money etc. occur.

Is that another sign of bipolar? I know it can't be normal because it's so extreme it interferes with my life...opinions please?
Changing mind and moods so much it's effecting my life...?
This is sort of my stock answer to all the stock questions about bipolar. Not saying that you don't have it, just as a way of showing people that it's much more severe than they think. Yes, changing your mind is classic of bipolar. I have majored ion 5 different areas but never finished any of them..... and my career is in a completely different area.

Please speak with your parents about seeing a psychologist. When I was your age I sold Katnip at school to see what would happen if they arrested me for selling pot..... Yeah, it's a lot about getting in trouble.... Anyway.. read on.

Contrary to popular belief, the mood swings in Bipolar disorder do not happen in a second. It’s not about being happy one second, then mad, then sad. The mood swings last weeks or months and a manic or depressive episode needs to last three or more days before being labeled a Bipolar episode. Also the mood swings in bipolar can be trigered by events (even the weather) but more often are not triggered by anything

Here are some of my personal examples of the extremes. My moods generally last for a couple of months then there is a short period of being normal before I start to swing the other way

The low - Do not care about anything, stop showering, stop cleaning house, crying a lot, sleeping 14 hours a day, want to die but don't have the energy to plan it, hating yourself for every little bad thing you have ever done..... feeling guilty about everything you have done while manic, knowing that everyone else hates you too. I feel like my mind has stopped working, thoughts are dulled, can't read..... just lay there like a dead lump of nothing.

The High – these are symptoms as listed online followed by my examples

* FEELING EXTREMELY HAPPY OR IRITABLE* Like you just won the lottery or like your boss just cut your pay in half so he could give his daughter a raise but the feelings go on and on for weeks or months.

*INFLATED SELF ESTEEM* Believe that everyone loves you, everyone knows how smart, funny, pretty, sexy, you are. Think you are so good you can do anything.

* REDUCED NEED FOR SLEEP* 2 to 3 hours of sleep a night for weeks or months and you are never tired.

* TALK FASTER AND MORE THAN USUAL* Ramble on and on but the talk may be disjointed because thoughts are going by so fast you can't get them out fast enough. It's called pressured speech.

* BE MORE ACTIVE THAN USUAL* Needing to run 10 miles a day when you never used to even jog. Taking up 5 new hobbies.

* RACING THOUGHTS* Can be seen as confusion. It's very confusing because your thought go by so fast and you have no control over them it's like having 10 people all shouting at you at the same time.

* BE EASILY DISTRACTED BY SIGHTS AND SOUNDS* Ohhhh bright and shiny things. :) Because you have ceased to even try to listen to your own thoughts.

* ACT IMPULSIVELY, DO RECKLESS THINGS, REDUCED INHIBITION, SPENDING SPREES* Spending the mortgage money on furniture, buying 25 books about penguins because wouldn't it be cute if they could be a colony,* DRIVE RECKLESSLY* 120 mph down back roads with the radio blaring and not really paying attention to the road because of all the bright shiny things, *GET INTO FOOLISH BUSINESS VENTURES* cashing out your 401k to invest in a worm farm or going deep into debt so you can gamble because you know you will win, *HAVE FREQUENT, INDISCRIMINATE, OR UNSAFE SEX* like sex with strangers (without a condom) or with your sisters husband or your husbands sister. Suddenly decide you are gay because the opportunity for twice as much sex is there...... Oh my I didn't know I was into BDSM before... tie me up and flog me baby.

I am Bipolar 1 and while the other types of bipolar may not be as bad they are still much more extreme than the online symptoms portray. The above are things I have one while manic and that's just a few of them.
Changing mind and moods so much it's effecting my life...?
I was told that I was bipolar and I have the same problems as you do.

try to get help as fast as you can.

and I try to focus my mind on something else or do something that will take my mind off of that.
I don't know much about bilpolar-ness, but I have been on most of the mainstream %26quot;headpills%26quot;. One thing I'd like to point out is that its great that you realize your sex conquest was a stupid idea. You realize this, so use that as an example by which to decide if you're next action is rational or if it will seem really stupid in two weeks. Learn from your mistakes. You're 13, you have lots of time to get your sh*t together and study to be a doctor of sorts (I think, I'm not sure how that works in the States). Pay attention to your thoughts, you don't have to follow them if you don't want to. Always be alert.

I'm not a doctor, or a therapist, just a guy who has made a lot of mistakes.
It's called puberty your hormones are raging........For your own sake tell your Mom you really need to talk to her and tell her what you have told us and that your really afraid something is wrong with you, so that she will take you serious. Even though I really believe its all hormonal you need support right now and even though as teenagers the last person we want to turn to is our MoM it really is important, she knows you best and she really can help you through this time.
You're not bipolar, you're 13. It's perfectly normal for you to be wanting to do different things and changing your mind over ambitions and what have you (though I think what you'd consider to be life styles coincide more towards ambitions). Your views on things will always be different when you're depressed compared to when you're happy simply because you're depressed.

If you start having serious emotional problems (crying over a pencil being misplaced and things of the sort or going into fits of rage because of someone standing in a particular way) similar to what bipolar disorder generally gives, then you might want to look into seeing a psychiatrist or something.
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