3 months ago me and my husband of two years both agreed that we would start ttc. I went off of bc and when were were supposed to try he backed out and said no he had changed his mind. Last week he said he was ready and that he wanted to try we even went out and he bought me some prenatal vitamins so i can start taking them early..he even has been eating healthier and watching his diet for ttc. last night we were suppose to start and he knew that yesterday was the start of my fertility but he instead did all these household chores he insisted needed to be done and kept himself busy until around 2 am..so that when he finally came to bed he said he was too exhausted and needed to get some sleep. I was VERY upset bc i know he did this on purpose.I talked to him today on the phone and tried to talk about trying again tonight and he just hesitated.I understand he may be nervous but i don't think its fair he keeps messing with my emotions. What do i do or how do I handle this? He gets happy and talks about us having a baby and then he makes a promise and then backs out last minute and i just feel stupid. any ladies have any good advice I would really appreciate it.
Husband keeps changing mind about trying to have a baby?
Sometimes guys just get scared about the responsibility of starting a family. For the woman it's more about raising the baby physically speaking while for the man it's often financial concerns that stress them out. Of course both of you might worry about these things, but for men, well...let's just say that they tend to freak out about %26quot;affording%26quot; a baby as the breadwinner part of them is generally stressed already.
Sit him down, look him in the eye and ask him to tell you what his fears are and how you can help work through them. Once you are both %26quot;ready%26quot; to really try, you'll find it to be exciting, romantic and really bonding for your marriage.
I wish you the best!! xx
Husband keeps changing mind about trying to have a baby?
Awwww, honey. He's probably just scared about how his life will change, or your relationship. Just keep doing what you are doing and if it happens it happens. If no joy in a few months then have another chat. Don't pressurise him as that will make him run more. I really feel for you, HUGS x
I had the same problem with my BF when we first started TTC. He was actually the one who first approached me about TTC, and then when the time came to actually try, he backed out. Then he just kept changing his mind back and forth. I finally sat down with him to talk about it and it turned out, he was worried about the way his job was going and was concerned that if he didn麓t get a renewal contract that we wouldn麓t be able to support the baby. We had a long talk about it and decided that there are no guarantees about job contracts/income for the next 18 years; but that we felt financially and emotionally ready to do this now. We are now actively TTC (following a miscarriage) and he is completely sure now.
I think you just need to sit down with him and figure out what is going on. Talk to him and listen to what he has to say. He may have fears about finances or about his parenting abilities. Talk about and work through those fears together.
Best of luck.
Awww, I feel your pain too. My fiance is doing the same thing! It makes me feel stupid as well bc im taking prenatals and getting healthy. I directly told him that it really hurts me when he tells me something that I am really looking forward to and I told him I felt really stupid. He then said that from now on we are trying. Address it to him the way you would think he would give you an answer or explanation on why he changes his mind. Explain that he is messing with you emotions when he changes his mind, hopefully he will see your point of view like my fiance did! I wish you the best of luck and lots of baby dust when everything is figured out!
Keep you head up,