I'm just curious if debate on this issue is changing minds one way or the other. If so, what convinced you?
If not, then what, if anything, about your current stance (if you have one) makes you uncomfortable?
Have you changed your mind on the issue of abortion?
Yes. For some years I had thought to find common ground with abortion prohibitionists, hoping we could work together to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies, and toned my words down a bit accordingly. You know, the %26quot;abortion should be legal but rare%26quot; routine. In the past decade I have sadly concluded that the prohibitionists generally work AGAINST, rather than FOR, reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies because they are consistently opposed to making contraception and education more available.
Abortion should be rare only because contraception is always so much easier, cheaper, and safer. And in the same way abortion is always so much easier, cheaper, and safer than pregnancy and childbirth. Unwanted pregnancy is a tragedy; abortion is a blessing.
Abortion is GOOD.
I'm uncomfortable about my naivety in thinking these people seriously cared about the well being of women. These are people who are desperately frightened by the idea of sex that is totally unconnected from procreation. Go figure.
Have you changed your mind on the issue of abortion?
I was once neutral on the matter and have come to believe that the more abortions the better.
I'm glad my mother changed her mind. Otherwise I wouldn't be here.
Part of me thinks it horrible, part of me thinks it is your business, ALL of me thinks that tax payers should not pay for any of them.
i'm neutral its up to a women to decide if she wants to keep it or not nobody should tell her what to do with her baby i'm not a fan of abortion but interfering %26amp; telling what people to do is wrong
I was pro abortion till the day i held my newborn son. After that my views shifted i still don't support a ban but i do believe all other options should be looked into first.
it is murder to me,
but the law says that a woman is allowed to murder her own fetus, even though it has a rudimentary brainstem, circulatory system and nervous system.
Yes, I changed my mind when I was in high school. I was pro-choice but someone on the internet convinced me that I wasn't sure where life began so if I wasn't sure how could I end the life of a baby in the womb?
If I passed by someone lying hurt in a ditch, and I wasn't sure if he was alive, would I shoot him in the head? No, I would try to help him.
Even when I was an atheist, I still saw the unborn as a human being that had nothing wrong but come into existence.
Yes, but not because of any debate. I changed my stance when I saw the sonogram of my first daughter. She was a 2 months old fetus and was sucking her thumb. That's when I knew that %26quot;fetus%26quot; was only a word used to dehumanize this tiny human.
VERY slightly, yes. I used to be for it in all it's forms and stages. After seeing some pics on a website, I now agree with making %26quot;partial birth%26quot; (I think that's the right term) abortions illegal.
I have been pro-life since before I can remember and that has never changed my entire life. What makes me uncomfortable is nothing.
I continue to believe that abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.
I used to be against abortion but that was when I failed to realize that there are so many valid reason why women get them. Pro life people may call it selfish but people have many opinions on what selfish is. All I know is after researching surveys of women who got abortions, I realized %26quot;oh her situation was horrible, I guess I can't blame her for getting an abortion%26quot;. That's just me though. Ever since then , I just think abortions should remain legal as long as woman are paying for their mistakes
I was on the fence for a while, leaning more towards pro-life. That was before I did REAL research for myself and saw that abortion pics were fake/mislabeled/misrepresented, that a fetus wasn't able to feel pain when the majority of abortions occur, that abortions Pre-Roe left women injured and some dead, ect. So my own research opened my eyes and brought me to the Pro-choice side and I've been there ever since.