Friday, 16 September 2011

Changing Mind on A New Car Lease...?

I just signed a lease for a Jeep Commander on the 8th of March, however I did not test drive the truck nor do I like how it guzzles gas! Will I be able to tell them I would like a car instead (Sebring) from the same dealer? I've only had the truck for two days???
Changing Mind on A New Car Lease...?
Check your States Buying Laws

Along with your Contract....

Some states have Buyers remorse on some lease's same as purchase..

Or you will have to hire a lawyer within 24 hours and have him come up with a game plan from the contract you signed.
Changing Mind on A New Car Lease...?
read your contract. i bet you are going to start liking your commander ny day now.

the car is off the lot, and titled in your name. it is no longer new, the dealer will have to sell it as a used vehicle.

who should absorbe the loss?

you had the opportunity to test drive and the mileage was posted on the window.
You can take the shot QUICKLY and HAT in HAND. You made a legal purchase and it should come as no surprise that that big SOB drinks gas,must be a 4.7. If it was an 07 model stop here and learn to love it.The dealer merely made a sale of a good looking car, BUT if you are lucky the office has not hammered the M.S.O. leaving the Jeep as a technical new car. If you plead your case well enough maybe the manager will help, offer to sweeten the deal on the Sebring to give them an incentive.Be there when the doors open good luck!!!
Once again, there is NO LAW in any state that gives you the right to cancel c car deal. The only exception is CA, where it is an option you must purchase up front.
First, there are NO state or federal laws that provide the right to return a car, whether it's purchased or leased. This is a common misconception that gets spread around all the time.

Since a lease is for a specific car, and not like renting, you can't simply swap one car for another. You might be able to beg the dealer to help you, but he is under no obligation to do so. Unless you want to swap for something much more expensive, he has no reason to be interested. The swap could only take place if your lease papers have not yet been approved and completed by the finance company that the dealers uses.