in order to regain ground he is losing by taking the position an alternate position? Why would any decent intelligent american vote for this person when it is clear Obama doesn't know his own mind well enough to have the courage of his convictions?
Imagine what a horrible president he would really make before you cast a vote for this waffler?
WHO Thinks Obama Is Fickle, Changing His mind every time it suits him..?
His mind is %26quot;I want all that power, money and corruption%26quot;. No politician changes their mind from this focus
WHO Thinks Obama Is Fickle, Changing His mind every time it suits him..?
i strongly doubt that he is changing his mind,
just his statements
Not me. Nobody flips as much as McCain. He's changed nearly every position since his last presidential run.
I agree with you.He will say anything for a vote.
who thinks McBush is an angry old man = ME!!
You are calling Obama fickle, but you are a woman.
Women are the queens of fickle, the infamous ficklers.
You have no room to talk Ms. hypocrite.
He's a lawyer!
No, because I have looked at the records of both candidates--not just one of them.
The result~~
McCain wins hands down in any contest for %26quot;changing his mind every time it suits him%26quot;. He has changed his position on so many issues that it's hard to keep track. He would not be the GOP candidate if he hadn't reversed some of his positions to appeal to the big Republican donors.
He is also a strident voice for continuing the 'war' in Iraq yet on 5 different occasions, he has become confused over the difference between Shiites and Sunnis. Any skilled military tactician will tell you that you must know your enemy. Apparently McCain does not.
As you said, %26quot;Why would any decent intelligent American vote for this person...?%26quot;
I don't think Obama stands out in this regard more so than any other politician, especially any presidential candidate, in US history. He's a straightforward politician through and through, just like the next guy. If he weren't, he wouldn't have come this far. The democratic process has a way of ensuring it is the most dishonest among us who rise to the top.
The only problem with Obama in my eyes has nothing to do with being %26quot;fickle,%26quot; since that's a flaw characteristic of every politician. Rather, it is that the people who favor him seem to think he is somehow different, somehow above all this. Support for Obama really seems to be based more on emotion and faith (faith that he will bring %26quot;change,%26quot; whatever you want that to be) than on facts or logic. In many ways, he strikes me as the George W. Bush of the democratic party. People vote for him because they like him, because they feel they can identify with him on some level, because he says all the right things at all the right times -- simple things that carry a clear, comforting message -- though one that is clearly ambiguous when examined more closely. Especially in the re-election, Bush appealed to fear, and the appeal was so strong that voters couldn't use their common sense to overcome it. In this election, Obama is appealing to frustrations about the status-quo, to feelings of hopelessness that are seeping in as the economy crumbles and the world becomes a more dangerous place. Unfortunately, to the average voter, it doesn't matter what his plans are to deal with these things. All that matters is that he's provided a sufficiently stirring message to inspire in others faith in him. Yes, it is faith. People %26quot;believe%26quot; Obama is the right guy. He's almost made himself a demigod.
People like his ideas of %26quot;change%26quot; and %26quot;hope,%26quot; even if they don't know what specific changes they want and what, in particular, they are hoping for... surely, Obama hasn't spelled these out very clearly. Not because of flip flopping, but because he has said little concrete except when forced to.
He's a good politician. He's had more Americans duped and all emotionally worked-up about him than any politician I've ever even heard of before. I don't think I'd vote for him for president because I fear that, because of his age and lack of experience, he will be too profoundly influenced by those around him, as %26quot;W%26quot; is by Cheney. Then again, if I felt he had a stronger personality, and if he didn't have such an anti-doctor stance on medicine, I might vote for him, if nothing else because he would be a good, diplomatic face for America... if he fooled voters so easily, perhaps he could do the same to the rest of the world as well, get them to like us once again.
But in short, to get back to the question (sorry for the tangent), Obama is not uniquely fickle. He's normall fickle. Just like he's a normal politician in other ways. There is absolutely nothig special about him, except perhaps his ability to appeal to people's hearts without them even knowing he's doing so. Perhaps he's unique in that, rather than persuading Americans to vote for him, he's courting Americans with the same goal in mind. And if the least two presidential elections are any indication, he will probably succeed.
For a politician, he is not too bad, especially better than people such as McCain.