Friday, 7 October 2011

Is changing your mind a bad thing??

iv been seeing this guy for over two years now..

the first year he didn't seem as bothered.. he liked me ye

n enjoyed being with me but that was about it!

All along though iv loved him

Now however, in th last year or so he keeps

telling me how much he loves me and is going to

spend the rest of his life with me!!

i feel overwelmed by it all... i feel as though my mind is

changing about him though.

I don't know why.. i think he seems really serious about

me! n i don't know if im ready for that.

i know id be really upset though if i wasn't the girl in

his life.

wat would you do if you were in my shoes??

this question seems to be taking up alot of my time


Is changing your mind a bad thing??
Do what is right for you.
Is changing your mind a bad thing??
i think the mind changes

but i do not thing we change it

i think it is much more random then that

what would i do?

i would say what i said to a girl recently

which is:

it doesn't matter if i like you

it doesn't matter if i think you are cute

it doesn't matter if i have mixed feelings about you

it doesn't matter if i am attracted to you

it doesn't matter if you like me or even love me

it doesn't matter if we have great sex

it doesn't matter if we made plans

it doesn't matter if you are great





and the truth was that i was not willing to take anything on or commit to anything and i owe her and no one any explanation for that.

She wanted me to take it on. I would not.

We went our separate ways.

Is there anything you are willing to %26quot;take on%26quot; in your relationship with this guy? It is a yes or no answer?

It does not negate his or your could still like him and just NOT be willing to take anything on..........
i think you'll want him again if he lost interests to you now.
I'd give the relationship time and see what develops. If his feelings are strong %26amp; he is sincere, he'll be around for awhile. If I had doubts (which you expressed that you are beginning to have) I'd be sure to not make any permanent changes or be too quick to take things to the next level. You can continue assessing the situation w/o letting him know you have reservations. Talk things through with him though--communication is the key to most good relationships. Good Luck
You're lucky to have found a guy that really seems to love you. But if things are getting too serious for you, then just calmly talk to him about it. If he loves you as much as he says, he'll hear you out and slow it down to a pace you're comfortable with. Good luck.
What you are feeling is perfectly normal. i went through the same phase with my girl of 3 years, at first she was mild in the way she cared bout me then in the last year we were together she started to really turn on the heat bout marriage. What she didnt realise was i was slowly falling out of love with her, the bad thing that i didnt do was admit to myself that i didnt love her that much and i feel bad now for prolonging the relationship coz i eventually had to tell her that i didnt love her anymore, but i had to because you might regret in future. You have to be honest with him, dont feel bad because its your life and you should be in control. Good luck and may God give you courage.
Maybe you just preferred the chase to the catch???!!
Yeah mind changes from time to time, but if you're feeling like this I don't think that you are ready to commit yourself to him.

So I think you should think about carefully and if you can't find a solution then you should tell him about this feeling. It's the two of you that can find a solution for this problem.

Hope this helps hun and good Luck hun.