During the debate he made a huge issue of the fact that he had voted against Bush on torture being allowed in military prisons.
He did at one point. But I seem to remember huim renegging on that and subsequently voting for a bill which allowed it.
Am I wrong?
And if he HAS changed his mind back to being against torture, can we look forward to him changing those laws should he - by some miracle or imsadventure - be elected on Nov 5?
Did it sound like McCain had changed his mind on torture AGAIN?
I recall that too. At one time he also opposed off-shore drilling-now he is in favor of it?
Bill Number: S 3930
Issue: Military Issues
Date: 09/28/2006
Sponsor:Amendment: Rockefeller, John D., IV [WV]; Original Bill: McConnell, Mitch [KY]
Roll Call Number: 256
Amendment Rejected (Senate)
How members voted
Senator McCain voted NO
Read statements Senator McCain made in this general time period.
Official Title of Legislation:
S Amdt 5095 to S 3930: To provide for congressional oversight of certain Central Intelligence Agency programs.
Project Vote Smart's Synopsis:
Vote to adopt an amendment that requires the Director of the CIA and others to report to the congressional intelligence committees every three months on the detention, interrogation and rendition programs.
- Requires the Director of the CIA to include a description of: any detention facility, the detainee population, each interrogation technique, the intelligence obtained, violations during the detention and interigation programs by any government official, and an assessment of the program's effectiveness
- Instructs the Inspector General of the CIA and the General Counsel of the CIA to each submit an annual report detailing their assessments of the CIA adherence to the laws established regarding the detention, interrogation and rendition program
- Directs the Attorney General to submit a report within three months of enactment detailing whether the approved interrogation techniques complies with the Constitution and applicable treaties, and why they comply
Senate Amendment Vote: 09/28/2006: Rejected: 46-53. Record Vote Number: 256.
Senate Passage Vote: 09/28/2006: Passed: 65-34. Record Vote Number: 259.
House Passage Vote: 09/29/2006: Passed: 250-170. (Roll No. 508).
Presidential Action: 10/17/2006: Signed by President. Became Public Law No: 109-366.
Additional Sources:
Congressional Quarterly (2006). Military Tribunals- CIA Quarterly Reports. Retrieved October 27th, 2006, from http://cq.com. (Subscription).
Library of Congress (2006). S.AMDT.5095: To provide for congressional oversight of certain Central Intelligence Agency programs. Retrieved October 27th, 2006, from http://thomas.loc.gov.
Last Updated: 10/27/2006
For further status information, call the Voter's Research Hotline at 1-888-VOTE-SMART (1-888-868-3762).
Did it sound like McCain had changed his mind on torture AGAIN?
That wasn't a highlight for me. But it was a great debate, wasn't it!
No, his stance is the same as always.
McCain is a flip flopper and is terrible at covering his tracks. He is much better at, distraction than telling the truth. Just like Bush.
Torture is not necessary. We have drugs and other methods. But if we didn't have those things and torture of an enemy was the only alternative. I hope they make him scream for his life.
amazing debate. and now we can be sure that Obama is actually going to have a chance. This is incredible and i am soooo excited!
You seem to remember McCain reneging on the vote against torture. I remember it differently and that is he never reneged on that vote.
As to %26quot;if he HAS Changed his mind...should be elected on
Nov. 5th?%26quot; I hope you'll be able to tell us your opinion after you are sure of whether McCain ever backed off his vote against torture.
He did a 180. He will again if he is even asked to witness what he agreed with Bush about. no man that has been tortured can watch someone else %26quot;get it%26quot; without breaking down!
I think (just thought of this now) all people that approve of ugly things like this should try it first. Or volunteer their wives or kids.
The whole idea ANY member of my Government agrees to SICK crap like this makes me crazy! Thank God I am old and don't have to deal with it. Much longer...
Oh good Lord...
What does torture have to do with anything?
Nobody is torturing anybody in this country!!!!! .....unless you count the nimrods in congress mentally torturing all of us by diddling around on the financial rescue package.
I'm sick of all you tin foil hatted conspiracy freaks dreaming up hypothetical issues like torture and extinction of the purple spotted mink frog when we have real enemies out in the big bad world and real economic issues at home. You ought to get on your knees and thank Jesus and the Republican Party if the biggest problem in your little world is that some potentially explosive jihadist cabdriver is made to prance around naked on a Marine base in Cuba.