In 1999, he was pro-choice and now he is pro-life? What were the reasons for him changing his mind (besides just to get more votes)?
What made Mccain change his mind about abortion?
What made Mccain change his mind about abortion?
more women voters.
he has to be super conservative/religious to fit in with the majority of his party.
i didnt know he was ever pro-choice. but he changed to get more votes from conservatives. He's a sell out.
To get more votes.
they changed the name of the term.
don't want to offend anyone...
he wanted the far right
yup more woman voters.
Well I dont think changing to pro life will get more womens votes. I would imagine pro choice would. So if he changed his mind in that time frame, well it has been 9 years so he could have just reconsidered his position.
In 1999 he could get a woman pregnant, he can't do that now, so he won't need to talk a woman into having an abortion.
it makes him look better
he is the fakest piece of crap......everrrrrrrr.
Maybe.... just maybe he found out he is going to be a DADDY.
Didnt' we just have a president that wouldn't change is mind on anything? I thought that was a bad thing? Now changing your mind is a bad thing? Which is it?
He is represtenting the Republicans as a whole, and nearly all Republicans are Pro-life.
His wife...i believe it was his wife because she had so many miscarriages he thought that abortion was ok but then he saw his wife not giving up hope in having a child and wanting a child so bad that i guess he switched to pro life....she inspired him (at the end they ended up adopting a black baby so for all of u mccain haters no he is not racist)
Sen. McCain has always been LIBERAL on social issues. This is why conservatives don't like him. Given the fact that he is electible he happened to get the nomination this year because he can reach out to both Democrats and Republicans.
Unfortunately, through lies and deception Sen. Obama has made him sound like President Bush, which makes someone unelectable (except to people like me). We can only wish he was as conservative as Gov. Palin, who is only as far to the right as Sen. Biden is to the left. Amazing how media can spin things.
All in all Sen. McCain has chosen to go for the conservative vote on the abortion issue. I think he personally believes it is okay but he definitely needs the votes.
He made his choice to run more conservative when he chose Sen. Palin as his running mate over his long time friend Sen. Lieberman. When you stop and think of everything that Sen. McCain is known for, except defense votes, he is a Democrat.
In fact, don't forget that in 2001, everyone in Washington thought Sen. McCain was going to become a Democrat.
chazy- Please stop. In 1999 Sen. McCain was the only serious challenger to President Bush for the Republican nomination. He WAS running for President in 1999, but you are correct that he probably wasn't looking forward to running in 2008. If anything he thought he would be leaving. He received about half the votes President Bush did and nobody else got over 5% if I remember correctly.
Why else would a candidate change positions when he is this far behind and this close to the election?
Like a lot of people he probably really really got LOVE.
saw a baby for what she IS!
Saw the pain and suffering and fear of young girls and boys who have aborted their own children.
Why do any of us come to our senses about abortion?
Do you know anyone who has had an abortion?
Have you ever had a child?
I can not believe these answers.
too many of you are emotionally dis- connected.
I know somethings about this issue.
I support not making a baby in the first place.
Wanted Palin's and his ideas to be the same so that people can't criticize him because they had different ideas.
He's pro- %26quot;whatever ppl want to hear%26quot;. Whatever it takes to get votes. What a shame. Take a stance on something and stick with it.
I vote cynically on this one - but the main reason I'm replying is to correct several answerers who said that abortions have increased. They've actually gone down in the US since '99.
He changes his stance every chance he gets to get female voters.
Abortions have increased drastically!
Abortions have increased, and he is a diffrent person than who he was in 1999. People change every day.
I bet you dont like some of the same stuff you like a few years ago.
In 1999 he wasnt even planning on trying for President.. you cant even use that as an excuse.