i'm not ugly, people call me cute all the time. i told my guy friend about my true feelings and he said we are just good friends. i wonder if i lose some weight and change myself for better, he will change his mind. I just have too strong feeling for him to let him go. right now, i'm trying to rebuild our friendship.
guys change their mind all the time right?
thanks all
Can changing yourself change guy's mind?
Two years ago I really liked a guy friend of mine. I wasn't ugly, I wasn't fat, but I could afford to lose a little weight. I got my braces off, started doing my hair differently, lost a little (like 10 lbs) weight...and I forgot about him. I moved on with my life and went out with other guys. About a month ago he said he wishe he'd gone out with me when he had the chance, and that he was mad he missed his shot with a great girl.
I'd already moved on.
Can changing yourself change guy's mind?
depends on how much weight you mean and we need a pic to tell