Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Constant changing of mind, mental Illness?

I am trying to further my education from a college cause I dont want to do anymore. This is only one of many examples of my constant flicking and changing of mind. One minute I commit whole heartily to one pathway or decision that i refuse to think of any other possibility, then I will change my mind, almost to the point where I feel sick because I have put so much faith in one idea. It is really irritating and scary, especially now where I have to jump of the boat so to speak. I need some advise if anyone has any???
Constant changing of mind, mental Illness?
Ive got the same problem and always wondered what illness it is a symptom of, if any.

Chronic indecision, could be to do with upbringing. Consistency is important...some ppl are all rounders and interested in loads of different things by nature but if its stopping you going forward it needs working at.

I can say for myself it gets better with age, you take the things you do more seriously and consider how you'll go about it before rushing in.
Constant changing of mind, mental Illness?
Try writing down the reasons you have chosen to take a certain path.

When you begin to doubt yourself look at what you wrote.

If you do get a new idea about what you want to do, give it time. Think about it for a while. Don't jump right into the new idea. If it keeps eating away at you for a long enough period of time, it is at this point that you may want to talk to someone about making any decisions. I hope you will have a rich and fulfilling future. Good Luck.
you seem maybe impulsive, not crazy. you should think about what you are wanting to go after carefully before going after it. seems like you jump in to things without getting all the facts. you really commit yourself to things and u seem like u dont like to bail out until u have strong reasons too. but thats what college helps you do it helps you discover yourself and who you are. dont stress, u are not crazy . if u have someone knowledgable and nice who u feel comfortable talking to then ask them about life sometimes. my uncle helps me with that. or if you are religious ask God. i have changed my major and y brother has too. its normal to change your mind when you are young and learning. but try to be more knowlegable and plan things and use foresight when making decisions. when you are young you make mistakes and that is ok.
im like that also,i always change my mind on things,especially things that i commit myself to,i hate myself after i commit to something--i usually end up not doing that thing, i think %26quot;y%26quot; explained things really well, they pointed out things that was helpful,that was some good advice,maybe they could teach us to not be so indecisive about things, well,i hope things work out for you and no matter what you end up doing--do what makes you happy,thats all that matters,life is full of choices--again,GOOD LUCK in your decision