why is this?
what are the chemicals doing to the brain or nerves?
also, how thought patterns change too?
please explain
btw, which area of the world are you?
and WHY some people just seem to eat crap all the time and not seem to be any different? do they just not know any better?..lol
thanks for your answers!
How does ones state of mind change after so long after switiching from a vegetarian diet to processed food?
Some one who is used to eating a healthy diet full of vitamins and proper amounts of proteins would undoubtly suffer from switching to a processed food diet.
They'd be denying their body proper nutrition and this could lead to a chemical imbalance and feelings of depression, lack of energy, and irritability. This could happen in a matter of days to weeks.
Eventually they might get used to it, but all of these symptoms are a sign that the body is not getting all that it needs.
For vegetarians, going back to meat can cause them to feel sick, guilty, or not have any effect at all depending on the person. It also depends if they eat lean meats, or processed fast food meats.
And for those who %26quot;eat crap all the time%26quot; and seem to have no effect? it's because they're body has gotten used to such a diet that they don't notice anymore. It never goes without effect though. They can still be unhealthy even thought they claim to feel fine, and many drawbacks will effect them later on life that they don't consider at the time. Obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol are some drawbacks that often don't come into play until years down the road.
How does ones state of mind change after so long after switiching from a vegetarian diet to processed food?
Why would one want to go back to processed food?
1. I am American
2. i have no clue what chemicals or anything like that
3. I eat anything i think tastes good, and wont make me sick, The reason for that?
because god put all of these animals and plants on earth for our consumption (with the exception of companion type animals) I would eat a rabbit and not care, i would eat dolphin and i wouldnt care, Did you know that jello is made from bone protein? i dont care i eat it!