Between Obama and McCain. What do you need to keep changing your mind?
The November Election is five months off, how many times will you change your mind as to who to vote for?
None. Obama all the way.
The November Election is five months off, how many times will you change your mind as to who to vote for?
I will always support John Obama.
I am always open to a new view of the candidates. I'm not close-minded enough to ignore evidence as it comes forth through the process of the campaign. People that do are strictly partisans and don't elect on the merit of the candidate, but rather the stance of the party.
There is always the possibility of a political bombshell that could alter my opinion one way or the other. I generally side with McCain for a variety of reasons - if, in the process of the campaign, my reasons for supporting him are comprised and Obama appears to be a more harmonious choice - I would change - and I would hope free thinking, open minded Democrats would be open in the same way.
No change of mind McCain.
Never! McCain 08!
I'm firm in my decision. It won't change.
Obama and I will never change my mind. the thought of a mccain presidency makes me want to puke
McCain, set in stone
I voted for Obama in the primaries and I will vote for him in November.
I will not change my mind again ,,,they can not find out anymore about McCain but Obama got a lot more to come ,,because he dirty as hell.
It all depends on how each candidate acts.
Never, I've been with Obama from the beginning and that won't change no matter what.
I am so happy John McCain wants to drill for oil.
Imagine the jobs that will be created... And look what happened in Brazil, they found more oil than what they thought they had.....
I cannot imagine ever voting for Obama %26quot;I love to raise taxes%26quot;
I always make up my mind early . it's made up .It won't change unless something extreme happens.
I have voted McCain in the beginning and it will be McCain in the end!!!!!
None, us Hillary supporters will come out and support McCain. The thought of an Obama presidency makes me want to puke, there is no way ON EARTH I'm voting for Obama.
Obama will NEVER be my President!
He can KEEP the Change!
I have never changed my mind. I'm voting for McCain!
I hope others that are voting for Obama will see the truth and change their minds though.
God Bless America!
God Bless Our Troops!
%26quot;Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity;
and I鈥檓 not sure about the universe.%26quot; -Albert Einstein
There are certain core issues that I am not willing to abandon in this election and I don't see either side changing very much through the rest of the election.
There will be ups and downs and maybe a few shocks to make it interesting and I love an interesting election. Through all of that, they will still be pretty much right where they are now.
Either I'm voting for Obama, or I'm not not voting at all. Under NO circumstances would I vote for John McCain, because I don't support him. Now, if Obama does something, or says something, or if something comes out about him that is beyond controversial, he will loose my vote, but McCain sure as hell won't gain it. I really feel like it is my obligation to vote for Obama, and if one of the aforementioned things happen, I will be heartbroken, no doubt about it. I'll shake my head and think about how close we were to proving this country is FINALLY over racism. I'll think about how Dr. King's dream almost finally came true. I'll think about how the words %26quot;all men are created equal%26quot; almost finally proved to be, in action, as powerful as they are in written words...then...I'll move on, just like I did in 2000, and 2004.
I don't plan on changing it. I'm not happy with my choices but since this is what we have then my mind is made up.
*looks at floor sheepishly* Ok, so , I almost drank the kool aid. I rather liked Obama very very very early on. Luckily, the kool aid did not kick in completely and the actual facts and truth broke through. I changed my mind for McCain - but it won't change again. Absolutely nothing will shift me back to Obama.
because they are both bad choices;;one day Mc cain is so out of touch that i cant stand him. and then Obama seems the way to go. Then Obama and his ideas of change and hope come on as just too phoney. so it goes back and forth. If we get real real lucky. somehow Hillary becomes the nominee; lately i dont know if ill vote or not. maybe a lot of people will make up their minds just as they mark the ballot;; that would really throw off the polling results even a day earlier..
Never Obama
I still haven't decided, but I'm leaning toward Obama. This crap that McCain's spouting about our %26quot;vast oil resources%26quot; is making me doubt his integrity. He's seen the U.S. Geological Survey; he knows that there are 32 billion barrels of proven reserves; drilling the gulf and Alaska both will barely be a drop in the bucket.
I noticed somebody mentioned the fantastic find off the coast of Brazil. I'm a little more cynical: They were holding an auction to sell a huge chunk of of offshore property to the oil companies as potential oil producing properties. Suddenly, a few weeks before the auction, they announced that they were pulling a small number of the parcels from the auction because they had found the richest oil field in the history of South America on those few parcels. They needed money for development, so they were reluctantly still going to sell all of the rest. Bid high and bid often, everybody.
It's called %26quot;seeding the mine%26quot;. People have pulled the same stunt for thousands of years. The only difference was that they used to drop some gold in a mine; now they announce that they've struck oil. Quite a few people have looked at the timing and the situation and decided that the whole thing needs to be taken with a grain of salt.