Sunday, 5 June 2011

Undecisive? Changing mind? is it BAD?

Why is it considered bad to change mind and NOT stick to your FIRST decision? I mean, isn%26#039;t the goal to make THE BEST decision possible, and if so, changing mind before its tooooo far in the process should be a good thing, not a bad thing, na?

Or am I missing something?|||Usually for first gut reaction is the right one.|||Re-evaluating and changing your mind on things isn%26#039;t bad at all!!|||You sound wishy washy when you can%26#039;t make up your mind.|||It depends upon what it is that you changed your mind about and how often you do that. If you are changing your mind on every little thing then that is bad, you are doing so to please someone else. If it%26#039;s once in a while because you have new information that says your old thought was bad then it%26#039;s good. But you are still the one who has to live with those decisions.