When the parents return there will be a lot of clean up work to be done. I think the babysitter fell asleep in january.|||there is no such thing as a neocon. have a good day.|||No matter how many facts or how much proof you show them it can not be done.|||Sure. Just wait a few days, and Limbaugh and Hannity will say the opposite of what they said before. That%26#039;s when the dittoheads will instantly change their minds.|||If you%26#039;re assuming that%26#039;s where every conservative gets his information. Since we couldnt possibly be educated or able to read and research our own facts.
Another great example of the narrow minded falsely informed liberal.|||the truth hurts, doesn%26#039;t it...|||At least they make an attempt at understanding other points of view.|||People don%26#039;t listen to %26quot;be convinced%26quot;
They listen because they already agree with them !
And as for Limbaugh.. it%26#039;s 20 Million a week
NONE of you liberals have EVER listened to Limbaugh..
You don%26#039;t realize that everything he says be backs up with data.
You don%26#039;t realize that the majority of what he does reveals the %26quot;media%26quot; failing to do it%26#039;s job|||I very rarely listen to or watch Rush, and I don%26#039;t listen to Hanity at all. God bless.|||No. So you may as well accept the fact that you are toast in 2010...and Obama is finished in 2012|||Considering that Limbaugh and Hannity have done more reading of the bills that Congress would shove down our throats than the average congressman, I would tend to believe them more.|||I don%26#039;t know, what did the All Barack Channel (ABC) or Olbermann tell you think about it?|||No because these folks think just like Limbaugh and Hannity.|||not a major fan of hannity
rush on the other hand doesn%26#039;t say anything that isn%26#039;t backed up
or research ..
most of what he points out is spoken by the clowns on the left
and he only points out the ridicules they say..
anyone who hates rush without listening to him is the one in never never land|||%26quot;Conservatives have a greater desire to reach a decision quickly and stick to it.%26quot;
%26quot;Conservative men are more likely than liberal men to prefer conventional forms of entertainment like TV and talk radio.%26quot;
...by these powers combined...|||The term %26quot;neocon%26quot; was originally assigned by liberals to democrats who abandoned the party because of liberal policies.
You should pay more attention to the verbalization of thought because they are not telling us what to think, they are telling you what we think.
I comprehend the difficulty of understanding the concept by those unable to think.|||Neocons figure out on their own that liberalism is a bad idea. That is what makes them neocons. I am a long time conservative. I listen to Rush and Sean because they usually agree with me. Radio talk shows are entertainment.
I won%26#039;t aggravite myself by listening to left wing liberal loonies.|||You have no idea what a Neo-Con is. If you did, then you would realize they are the reason so many real conservatives abandoned the Republican Party for the Libertarians.|||I don%26#039;t get what this general assumption that all conservatives are %26quot;brainwashed%26quot; by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity is all about. I would throw a bunch of names that question your intelligence, but I%26#039;ve already been reported for that three times [pansies].
Obviously, people flock to COMMENTATORS because their viewpoints align with theirs. Their job isn%26#039;t to give news. Unless you have some psychological study that verifies this, I suggest you stop spewing useless rants against people who don%26#039;t agree with you.|||Those who follow Rush, Beck, Hannity, Coulter and company are much like those who followed Jim Jones.|||About as much chance as changing the mind of a lib after listening to Stewart or Air America or reading MoveOn propaganda.