First she was against them, now since she might need them she%26#039;s for them??
hmmmm typical or not?|||Don%26#039;t you just love it! I noticed yesterday on Fox News that %26quot;democrat%26quot; Geraldine Ferraro was blaming the %26quot;democrat%26quot; primary situation in Florida on the republican governor (Jeb Bush) they had at the time their %26quot;democrat%26quot; primary was moved forward by the %26quot;democrats.%26quot; As though the democrats have no control over their own party. Her conclusion was that Florida should be allowed a do-over because of republican interference. How typical is that? Answer; Very.|||Very typical. She changes her mind and her position with the wind. It all depends on what audience she is in front of.|||I think you may be mistaken. When the question of superdelegates came up, the Hillary camp was against getting rid of them all along, because she had more of them.
It was the Obama camp that complained about superdelegates, and since he%26#039;s been gaining momentum and getting some more support from them, he%26#039;s been quiet about it.
Is it typical? Sure. Politicians always argue for things that favor them and against things that favor an opponent. That%26#039;s the way politics work. Get used to it.|||Ummmm, nope, that%26#039;s Obama. First he was all %26quot;Forget the superdelegates%26quot; when it was in Hillary%26#039;s favor, but today he was all %26quot;We have support of superdelegates%26quot; total hypocrite.|||No.I%26#039;m not surprised. If she keeps that up she will become a repub,she%26#039;s already like Bush|||Whatever happens, the Democrats have fallen on their sword. Does anyone seriously think the US is ready to elect either a black or female President? Not on your Nelly! Your next President is John McCain - mark my words!|||Yeah, sort of like Obama with states that break party rules. He thinks they should have a voice, as long as he won in the state in question. Otherwise, rules are rules.|||I wonder if she knows that Americans realize that. Alot of the things she does, makes me wonder if she really thinks everyone in the U.S. is that naive....|||Yes, typical. When she said she was against counting Florida and Michigan that was when she was winning and it was just a formality that she would be the candidate. Now things have changed. Don%26#039;t underestimate the Clinton Machine. It%26#039;s in full action right now. Fasten your seatbelt.