Sunday, 5 June 2011
Are you changing your mind about travelin now that theres the Swine flu out there?
Has it affected your vacation plans?|||yes I was not going to take a vacation this year but then I looked on expedia com and found you can get hotel rooms and air fare to Mexico for almost 90 % off now is the best time to travel. it seems you can get great deals if you go to Mexico..|||yes i will not travel outside the united states|||People need to stop traveling out of the U.S. and back unless its urgent|||no, they just came out with a report that swine flu isn%26#039;t as serious as they thought|||we only need to post pne our trips for like a month or 2 until the season for the flu is over.|||I was going to go to canada but a Friend hooked me up with some tickets to an all inclusive resort in mexico for just $200 for a full week. I would spend more then that on just beer in canada.