I have been keeping updated on the democratic convention, and in the beginning i was still unsure who i was gonna vote for, but after watching it I feel that Barack Obama and all his companions are wanting the same thing as the average American. I will keep watching everything about the election but so far my mind is set that Barack is the best candidate.
I would love any information on why you oppose this decision for our president. On what you believe and what %26quot;made%26quot; you decision.
Thank you,
Undecided|||It is changing my mind in a few ways, and crystalising my thinking in others. Especially after Bill Clinton%26#039;s speech, the argument for Obama is highly defined and very clear to me.
The Republicans have had NOTHING to say about themselves and a LOT to say about Obama - but none of it is important or even real in most cases.
McCain has a LOT of explaining to do. He needs to help us understand why we should elect a Republican president after 8 years of Republican control nearly wrecked the place. I%26#039;ve been waiting for him to do so, and have heard nothing so far. Maybe he has a decent plan. I wouldn%26#039;t know it because he spent the summer bitching about how his opponent is more popular than he is.
McCain says he doesn%26#039;t understand the economy, he thinks the fundamentals of the economy are strong right now, his former economics mentor (gramm) was of the belief that the recession was %26quot;in our heads,%26quot; and he thinks the middle class goes up to $5 million/year in income. WTF...and all this while THE ECONOMY is the #1 issue in America right now!
He%26#039;s a BAD choice right now. His focus is on military, we need economy and energy, which we would have with Obama. Plus, most have a difficult time arguing against Biden%26#039;s foreign policy prowess. He arguably has more than McCain.
It%26#039;s high time he shuts down his BS machine and starts talking for real about what he%26#039;s going to do for the U.S. of A. As far as I%26#039;m concerned, he has already wasted precious time and frankly, I don%26#039;t think he can make it. His economy plan died on the vine and his energy plan focuses on nuclear power and drilling for more oil - the two most problematic, controversial energy sources in the world (to say nothing of being a waste of time).
It%26#039;s fascinating to me that most American complain about %26quot;business as usual%26quot; in the White House, and how it%26#039;d be GREAT to have %26quot;fresh blood%26quot; and a %26quot;new politic%26quot; in Washington - but that %26quot;it%26#039;ll never happen.%26quot; And NOW...you have it available to you and you don%26#039;t want it. YOU are business as usual, YOU are the old guard finding every reason not to pull the trigger on what you%26#039;ve wished for decades.
I think our economy will start to revive strongly with an Obama leadership, based mainly on a few of his key economic policies plus his energy policy that infuses significant effort into reforming our energy resources.
I am confident we will enter another age where diplomacy displaces military activity, in the spirit of Ronald Reagan. All too easily has the Bush administration been willing to assert military power before exhausting other resources, and this has cost us so very dearly - financially and with the lives of our kids. I certainly don%26#039;t see diplomacy becoming an effective tool under the tutelage of McCain, who is not known for his level-headedness, innovative interactions or negotiation skills.
I believe and am excited about finally launching into the direction of energy reform, where we start systematically replacing oil with energy sources that don%26#039;t destroy our environment and drive our foreign policy into ditches. I have kids, and this is a very big deal to me. I think it%26#039;s absolutely abysmal that we have not taken leadership and control on this issue for decades.
I also look forward to an Obama administration that will present fiscal responsibility for the government. It%26#039;s true that some costs will go up in a few areas, but they will do down DRAMATICALLY in others and it%26#039;s important to note that the money that will be spent is on the right stuff. Obama%26#039;s tax plan has me saving money on taxes, but even if it doesn%26#039;t, I%26#039;m willing to pay a little more if it means my neighbor%26#039;s family won%26#039;t get obliterated by health care costs. Making sure that our families can pursue the American dream without getting utterly destroyed by a health event is simply American to me and nothing else.
I would tell you what I think of the Republican stance on these issues, but so far what little I%26#039;ve heard is totally unattractive to me. McCain%26#039;s energy plan puts nuclear power and more oil at the forefront. Is he serious? Doesn%26#039;t he GET IT? Doesn%26#039;t he GET that I out of the seven different ways to make power, I don%26#039;t want the two most dangerous ones to my family????
I think Obama is an outstanding American, paired with an outstanding American. The Obama/Biden ticket is seriously one of the strongest I%26#039;ve seen in at least several elections. Best plan for America in years for energy reform, economy, foreign policy, health care and fiscal responsibility.|||I decided on Barack a long time ago because the Republicans couldn%26#039;t give me anything more than smear and misinformation. The hot button social issues I%26#039;ve always identified with as democrat, so it was the obvious choice for me there. I do prefer fiscal conservatism, but our conservative party practices everything BUT fiscal conservatism, what with their inability to even keep a budget balanced without needed to raise the deficit cap. I mean wtf was that all about.|||Watching the democratic convention, my life too changed, I realise how pointless my life must be if I%26#039;m watching this ****. Damn, I need a job, and soon.|||Yeah, I%26#039;m voting for Barack. I think he will really get this country moving towards the right direction. Mccain just wants more years of bush politics.