I have been keeping updated on the democratic convention, and in the beginning i was still unsure who i was gonna vote for, but after watching it I feel that Barack Obama and all his companions are wanting the same thing as the average American. I will keep watching everything about the election but so far my mind is set that Barack is the best candidate.
I would love any information on why you oppose this decision for our president. On what you believe and what %26quot;made%26quot; you decision.
Thank you,
Undecided|||It is changing my mind in a few ways, and crystalising my thinking in others. Especially after Bill Clinton%26#039;s speech, the argument for Obama is highly defined and very clear to me.
The Republicans have had NOTHING to say about themselves and a LOT to say about Obama - but none of it is important or even real in most cases.
McCain has a LOT of explaining to do. He needs to help us understand why we should elect a Republican president after 8 years of Republican control nearly wrecked the place. I%26#039;ve been waiting for him to do so, and have heard nothing so far. Maybe he has a decent plan. I wouldn%26#039;t know it because he spent the summer bitching about how his opponent is more popular than he is.
McCain says he doesn%26#039;t understand the economy, he thinks the fundamentals of the economy are strong right now, his former economics mentor (gramm) was of the belief that the recession was %26quot;in our heads,%26quot; and he thinks the middle class goes up to $5 million/year in income. WTF...and all this while THE ECONOMY is the #1 issue in America right now!
He%26#039;s a BAD choice right now. His focus is on military, we need economy and energy, which we would have with Obama. Plus, most have a difficult time arguing against Biden%26#039;s foreign policy prowess. He arguably has more than McCain.
It%26#039;s high time he shuts down his BS machine and starts talking for real about what he%26#039;s going to do for the U.S. of A. As far as I%26#039;m concerned, he has already wasted precious time and frankly, I don%26#039;t think he can make it. His economy plan died on the vine and his energy plan focuses on nuclear power and drilling for more oil - the two most problematic, controversial energy sources in the world (to say nothing of being a waste of time).
It%26#039;s fascinating to me that most American complain about %26quot;business as usual%26quot; in the White House, and how it%26#039;d be GREAT to have %26quot;fresh blood%26quot; and a %26quot;new politic%26quot; in Washington - but that %26quot;it%26#039;ll never happen.%26quot; And NOW...you have it available to you and you don%26#039;t want it. YOU are business as usual, YOU are the old guard finding every reason not to pull the trigger on what you%26#039;ve wished for decades.
I think our economy will start to revive strongly with an Obama leadership, based mainly on a few of his key economic policies plus his energy policy that infuses significant effort into reforming our energy resources.
I am confident we will enter another age where diplomacy displaces military activity, in the spirit of Ronald Reagan. All too easily has the Bush administration been willing to assert military power before exhausting other resources, and this has cost us so very dearly - financially and with the lives of our kids. I certainly don%26#039;t see diplomacy becoming an effective tool under the tutelage of McCain, who is not known for his level-headedness, innovative interactions or negotiation skills.
I believe and am excited about finally launching into the direction of energy reform, where we start systematically replacing oil with energy sources that don%26#039;t destroy our environment and drive our foreign policy into ditches. I have kids, and this is a very big deal to me. I think it%26#039;s absolutely abysmal that we have not taken leadership and control on this issue for decades.
I also look forward to an Obama administration that will present fiscal responsibility for the government. It%26#039;s true that some costs will go up in a few areas, but they will do down DRAMATICALLY in others and it%26#039;s important to note that the money that will be spent is on the right stuff. Obama%26#039;s tax plan has me saving money on taxes, but even if it doesn%26#039;t, I%26#039;m willing to pay a little more if it means my neighbor%26#039;s family won%26#039;t get obliterated by health care costs. Making sure that our families can pursue the American dream without getting utterly destroyed by a health event is simply American to me and nothing else.
I would tell you what I think of the Republican stance on these issues, but so far what little I%26#039;ve heard is totally unattractive to me. McCain%26#039;s energy plan puts nuclear power and more oil at the forefront. Is he serious? Doesn%26#039;t he GET IT? Doesn%26#039;t he GET that I out of the seven different ways to make power, I don%26#039;t want the two most dangerous ones to my family????
I think Obama is an outstanding American, paired with an outstanding American. The Obama/Biden ticket is seriously one of the strongest I%26#039;ve seen in at least several elections. Best plan for America in years for energy reform, economy, foreign policy, health care and fiscal responsibility.|||I decided on Barack a long time ago because the Republicans couldn%26#039;t give me anything more than smear and misinformation. The hot button social issues I%26#039;ve always identified with as democrat, so it was the obvious choice for me there. I do prefer fiscal conservatism, but our conservative party practices everything BUT fiscal conservatism, what with their inability to even keep a budget balanced without needed to raise the deficit cap. I mean wtf was that all about.|||Watching the democratic convention, my life too changed, I realise how pointless my life must be if I%26#039;m watching this ****. Damn, I need a job, and soon.|||Yeah, I%26#039;m voting for Barack. I think he will really get this country moving towards the right direction. Mccain just wants more years of bush politics.
Sunday, 5 June 2011
If a guy says he doesn't want a relationship, is there any hope in changing his mind?
I met a guy a few weeks ago and right off the bat he told our mutual friend that he doesn%26#039;t want a relationship. He said this before him and I actually ever had a real conversation so I%26#039;m not sure how much weight I should give it.
Is there any hope in maybe changing his mind after we start talking or has he made up his mind for good?|||If he doesn%26#039;t want a real relationship, nothing you do is going to change his mind. He has to change his own mind. It sounds like he%26#039;s being very honest with you, so good for him. He doesn%26#039;t want to be friends with you and have you think there%26#039;s going to be something more.
If you like him, go out with him as friends and enjoy his company. Don%26#039;t expect anything more than friendship from him though. If he ever gets to the point where he%26#039;s ready for a real relationship he%26#039;ll let you know, but don%26#039;t put your life on hold waiting.
If you can do that, enjoy his friendship! He could be a great friend.|||It could go either way.
I met a great guy on a online dating site...we met in person and he told me that he really isn%26#039;t looking for a relationship. We are still good friends though...just nothing (so far) has come of it.
Is there any hope in maybe changing his mind after we start talking or has he made up his mind for good?|||If he doesn%26#039;t want a real relationship, nothing you do is going to change his mind. He has to change his own mind. It sounds like he%26#039;s being very honest with you, so good for him. He doesn%26#039;t want to be friends with you and have you think there%26#039;s going to be something more.
If you like him, go out with him as friends and enjoy his company. Don%26#039;t expect anything more than friendship from him though. If he ever gets to the point where he%26#039;s ready for a real relationship he%26#039;ll let you know, but don%26#039;t put your life on hold waiting.
If you can do that, enjoy his friendship! He could be a great friend.|||It could go either way.
I met a great guy on a online dating site...we met in person and he told me that he really isn%26#039;t looking for a relationship. We are still good friends though...just nothing (so far) has come of it.
What can i do about my ex wife's mind changing all the time?
we had an agreement of maintenance money which i paid each week and then she told csa i was not paying and then it got back dated and then she told them i had paid all the money and not bother me any more. and now another letter from csa to my employer about paying maintennance. then cant have children and then can..and then she hates my partner and says i cant have children if i am with her..i live with her!! cant afford legal help and this ex is ruining my life.|||sounds like yourex is trying to control you by using the children if your realy happy with your new partner then i suggest you seek legal advice regarding contact with your children|||That didnt make much sense at all.. um, go on the Jeremy Kyle Show or something similar?|||Visit the CAB
Are you changing your mind about travelin now that theres the Swine flu out there?
Has it affected your vacation plans?|||yes I was not going to take a vacation this year but then I looked on expedia com and found you can get hotel rooms and air fare to Mexico for almost 90 % off now is the best time to travel. it seems you can get great deals if you go to Mexico..|||yes i will not travel outside the united states|||People need to stop traveling out of the U.S. and back unless its urgent|||no, they just came out with a report that swine flu isn%26#039;t as serious as they thought|||we only need to post pne our trips for like a month or 2 until the season for the flu is over.|||I was going to go to canada but a Friend hooked me up with some tickets to an all inclusive resort in mexico for just $200 for a full week. I would spend more then that on just beer in canada.
What should i do about changing my mind all the time?
I always have this problem...for example i%26#039;ll have a favorite band then the next week i have a favorite rapper and don%26#039;t like the band anymore...what is up with this?|||Nothing is to b wrry in it but its too gud to have a change in likings, dislikingsetc to live a wonderful life. So pls accept what it is.... and enjoy your life..... |||Really? |||I think that is perfectly normal. I am a woman, and I can never make up my mind on anything. Just go with it as long as your happy. I have learned though not to invest in much because it is a waste of money. For example I have a closet full of cloths that I had to have wore once, and now I don%26#039;t like then anymore. I also have many cds that I have purchased, and don%26#039;t listen to. I have learned to always buy songs on itunes because then I am not investing in the whole cd just a song or 2. So as long as you recognize what you do you can make adjustments so that it doesn%26#039;t affect your like, and make you go bankrupt!
Why does my ex keep changing his mind?
My ex changes his mind so much.
We%26#039;ll get along great, then he pushes me away and I%26#039;m chasing him then I stop and he chases me and the process starts all over again.
%26amp; he%26#039;s dated other girls but keeps coming back to me.|||Reminds me of the song %26quot;With or Without You%26quot; ~ U2
We%26#039;ll get along great, then he pushes me away and I%26#039;m chasing him then I stop and he chases me and the process starts all over again.
%26amp; he%26#039;s dated other girls but keeps coming back to me.|||Reminds me of the song %26quot;With or Without You%26quot; ~ U2
Why does everyone keep changing their mind about Miley Cyrus?
At the start everyone loved her, then about 2 years ago until recently enough everyone hated her. Now that she is starting to move away from disney channel people like her again! I dont even see why people ever hated her shes really talented??|||She is trying to be a grown-up superstar getting away from her Disney image and it just doesn%26#039;t click. She is still 17. Personally can%26#039;t stand her voice when she talks or her attitude, she seems very boring and no charisma in her personality. I remember when Brittany Spears did a provocative belly dance when she was young, saw it several times while she was promoting a new song. She was telling the press she was still a virgin and I heard people say that they didn%26#039;t believe it the way she was moving. And later her mother told the press she wasn%26#039;t and shouldn%26#039;t lie about it.|||I%26#039;ve hated her all along, I%26#039;ve remained constant.|||Not a fan.. :)|||their changing their mind because shes changing her attitude
Is Anyone surprised that Hillary is changing her mind about the delegates?
First she was against them, now since she might need them she%26#039;s for them??
hmmmm typical or not?|||Don%26#039;t you just love it! I noticed yesterday on Fox News that %26quot;democrat%26quot; Geraldine Ferraro was blaming the %26quot;democrat%26quot; primary situation in Florida on the republican governor (Jeb Bush) they had at the time their %26quot;democrat%26quot; primary was moved forward by the %26quot;democrats.%26quot; As though the democrats have no control over their own party. Her conclusion was that Florida should be allowed a do-over because of republican interference. How typical is that? Answer; Very.|||Very typical. She changes her mind and her position with the wind. It all depends on what audience she is in front of.|||I think you may be mistaken. When the question of superdelegates came up, the Hillary camp was against getting rid of them all along, because she had more of them.
It was the Obama camp that complained about superdelegates, and since he%26#039;s been gaining momentum and getting some more support from them, he%26#039;s been quiet about it.
Is it typical? Sure. Politicians always argue for things that favor them and against things that favor an opponent. That%26#039;s the way politics work. Get used to it.|||Ummmm, nope, that%26#039;s Obama. First he was all %26quot;Forget the superdelegates%26quot; when it was in Hillary%26#039;s favor, but today he was all %26quot;We have support of superdelegates%26quot; total hypocrite.|||No.I%26#039;m not surprised. If she keeps that up she will become a repub,she%26#039;s already like Bush|||Whatever happens, the Democrats have fallen on their sword. Does anyone seriously think the US is ready to elect either a black or female President? Not on your Nelly! Your next President is John McCain - mark my words!|||Yeah, sort of like Obama with states that break party rules. He thinks they should have a voice, as long as he won in the state in question. Otherwise, rules are rules.|||I wonder if she knows that Americans realize that. Alot of the things she does, makes me wonder if she really thinks everyone in the U.S. is that naive....|||Yes, typical. When she said she was against counting Florida and Michigan that was when she was winning and it was just a formality that she would be the candidate. Now things have changed. Don%26#039;t underestimate the Clinton Machine. It%26#039;s in full action right now. Fasten your seatbelt.
hmmmm typical or not?|||Don%26#039;t you just love it! I noticed yesterday on Fox News that %26quot;democrat%26quot; Geraldine Ferraro was blaming the %26quot;democrat%26quot; primary situation in Florida on the republican governor (Jeb Bush) they had at the time their %26quot;democrat%26quot; primary was moved forward by the %26quot;democrats.%26quot; As though the democrats have no control over their own party. Her conclusion was that Florida should be allowed a do-over because of republican interference. How typical is that? Answer; Very.|||Very typical. She changes her mind and her position with the wind. It all depends on what audience she is in front of.|||I think you may be mistaken. When the question of superdelegates came up, the Hillary camp was against getting rid of them all along, because she had more of them.
It was the Obama camp that complained about superdelegates, and since he%26#039;s been gaining momentum and getting some more support from them, he%26#039;s been quiet about it.
Is it typical? Sure. Politicians always argue for things that favor them and against things that favor an opponent. That%26#039;s the way politics work. Get used to it.|||Ummmm, nope, that%26#039;s Obama. First he was all %26quot;Forget the superdelegates%26quot; when it was in Hillary%26#039;s favor, but today he was all %26quot;We have support of superdelegates%26quot; total hypocrite.|||No.I%26#039;m not surprised. If she keeps that up she will become a repub,she%26#039;s already like Bush|||Whatever happens, the Democrats have fallen on their sword. Does anyone seriously think the US is ready to elect either a black or female President? Not on your Nelly! Your next President is John McCain - mark my words!|||Yeah, sort of like Obama with states that break party rules. He thinks they should have a voice, as long as he won in the state in question. Otherwise, rules are rules.|||I wonder if she knows that Americans realize that. Alot of the things she does, makes me wonder if she really thinks everyone in the U.S. is that naive....|||Yes, typical. When she said she was against counting Florida and Michigan that was when she was winning and it was just a formality that she would be the candidate. Now things have changed. Don%26#039;t underestimate the Clinton Machine. It%26#039;s in full action right now. Fasten your seatbelt.
Undecisive? Changing mind? is it BAD?
Why is it considered bad to change mind and NOT stick to your FIRST decision? I mean, isn%26#039;t the goal to make THE BEST decision possible, and if so, changing mind before its tooooo far in the process should be a good thing, not a bad thing, na?
Or am I missing something?|||Usually for first gut reaction is the right one.|||Re-evaluating and changing your mind on things isn%26#039;t bad at all!!|||You sound wishy washy when you can%26#039;t make up your mind.|||It depends upon what it is that you changed your mind about and how often you do that. If you are changing your mind on every little thing then that is bad, you are doing so to please someone else. If it%26#039;s once in a while because you have new information that says your old thought was bad then it%26#039;s good. But you are still the one who has to live with those decisions.
Or am I missing something?|||Usually for first gut reaction is the right one.|||Re-evaluating and changing your mind on things isn%26#039;t bad at all!!|||You sound wishy washy when you can%26#039;t make up your mind.|||It depends upon what it is that you changed your mind about and how often you do that. If you are changing your mind on every little thing then that is bad, you are doing so to please someone else. If it%26#039;s once in a while because you have new information that says your old thought was bad then it%26#039;s good. But you are still the one who has to live with those decisions.
Once Limbaugh or Hannity tells the average Neocon what to believe, is there any hope of changing his mind?
When the parents return there will be a lot of clean up work to be done. I think the babysitter fell asleep in january.|||there is no such thing as a neocon. have a good day.|||No matter how many facts or how much proof you show them it can not be done.|||Sure. Just wait a few days, and Limbaugh and Hannity will say the opposite of what they said before. That%26#039;s when the dittoheads will instantly change their minds.|||If you%26#039;re assuming that%26#039;s where every conservative gets his information. Since we couldnt possibly be educated or able to read and research our own facts.
Another great example of the narrow minded falsely informed liberal.|||the truth hurts, doesn%26#039;t it...|||At least they make an attempt at understanding other points of view.|||People don%26#039;t listen to %26quot;be convinced%26quot;
They listen because they already agree with them !
And as for Limbaugh.. it%26#039;s 20 Million a week
NONE of you liberals have EVER listened to Limbaugh..
You don%26#039;t realize that everything he says be backs up with data.
You don%26#039;t realize that the majority of what he does reveals the %26quot;media%26quot; failing to do it%26#039;s job|||I very rarely listen to or watch Rush, and I don%26#039;t listen to Hanity at all. God bless.|||No. So you may as well accept the fact that you are toast in 2010...and Obama is finished in 2012|||Considering that Limbaugh and Hannity have done more reading of the bills that Congress would shove down our throats than the average congressman, I would tend to believe them more.|||I don%26#039;t know, what did the All Barack Channel (ABC) or Olbermann tell you think about it?|||No because these folks think just like Limbaugh and Hannity.|||not a major fan of hannity
rush on the other hand doesn%26#039;t say anything that isn%26#039;t backed up
or research ..
most of what he points out is spoken by the clowns on the left
and he only points out the ridicules they say..
anyone who hates rush without listening to him is the one in never never land|||%26quot;Conservatives have a greater desire to reach a decision quickly and stick to it.%26quot;
%26quot;Conservative men are more likely than liberal men to prefer conventional forms of entertainment like TV and talk radio.%26quot;
...by these powers combined...|||The term %26quot;neocon%26quot; was originally assigned by liberals to democrats who abandoned the party because of liberal policies.
You should pay more attention to the verbalization of thought because they are not telling us what to think, they are telling you what we think.
I comprehend the difficulty of understanding the concept by those unable to think.|||Neocons figure out on their own that liberalism is a bad idea. That is what makes them neocons. I am a long time conservative. I listen to Rush and Sean because they usually agree with me. Radio talk shows are entertainment.
I won%26#039;t aggravite myself by listening to left wing liberal loonies.|||You have no idea what a Neo-Con is. If you did, then you would realize they are the reason so many real conservatives abandoned the Republican Party for the Libertarians.|||I don%26#039;t get what this general assumption that all conservatives are %26quot;brainwashed%26quot; by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity is all about. I would throw a bunch of names that question your intelligence, but I%26#039;ve already been reported for that three times [pansies].
Obviously, people flock to COMMENTATORS because their viewpoints align with theirs. Their job isn%26#039;t to give news. Unless you have some psychological study that verifies this, I suggest you stop spewing useless rants against people who don%26#039;t agree with you.|||Those who follow Rush, Beck, Hannity, Coulter and company are much like those who followed Jim Jones.|||About as much chance as changing the mind of a lib after listening to Stewart or Air America or reading MoveOn propaganda.
Another great example of the narrow minded falsely informed liberal.|||the truth hurts, doesn%26#039;t it...|||At least they make an attempt at understanding other points of view.|||People don%26#039;t listen to %26quot;be convinced%26quot;
They listen because they already agree with them !
And as for Limbaugh.. it%26#039;s 20 Million a week
NONE of you liberals have EVER listened to Limbaugh..
You don%26#039;t realize that everything he says be backs up with data.
You don%26#039;t realize that the majority of what he does reveals the %26quot;media%26quot; failing to do it%26#039;s job|||I very rarely listen to or watch Rush, and I don%26#039;t listen to Hanity at all. God bless.|||No. So you may as well accept the fact that you are toast in 2010...and Obama is finished in 2012|||Considering that Limbaugh and Hannity have done more reading of the bills that Congress would shove down our throats than the average congressman, I would tend to believe them more.|||I don%26#039;t know, what did the All Barack Channel (ABC) or Olbermann tell you think about it?|||No because these folks think just like Limbaugh and Hannity.|||not a major fan of hannity
rush on the other hand doesn%26#039;t say anything that isn%26#039;t backed up
or research ..
most of what he points out is spoken by the clowns on the left
and he only points out the ridicules they say..
anyone who hates rush without listening to him is the one in never never land|||%26quot;Conservatives have a greater desire to reach a decision quickly and stick to it.%26quot;
%26quot;Conservative men are more likely than liberal men to prefer conventional forms of entertainment like TV and talk radio.%26quot;
...by these powers combined...|||The term %26quot;neocon%26quot; was originally assigned by liberals to democrats who abandoned the party because of liberal policies.
You should pay more attention to the verbalization of thought because they are not telling us what to think, they are telling you what we think.
I comprehend the difficulty of understanding the concept by those unable to think.|||Neocons figure out on their own that liberalism is a bad idea. That is what makes them neocons. I am a long time conservative. I listen to Rush and Sean because they usually agree with me. Radio talk shows are entertainment.
I won%26#039;t aggravite myself by listening to left wing liberal loonies.|||You have no idea what a Neo-Con is. If you did, then you would realize they are the reason so many real conservatives abandoned the Republican Party for the Libertarians.|||I don%26#039;t get what this general assumption that all conservatives are %26quot;brainwashed%26quot; by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity is all about. I would throw a bunch of names that question your intelligence, but I%26#039;ve already been reported for that three times [pansies].
Obviously, people flock to COMMENTATORS because their viewpoints align with theirs. Their job isn%26#039;t to give news. Unless you have some psychological study that verifies this, I suggest you stop spewing useless rants against people who don%26#039;t agree with you.|||Those who follow Rush, Beck, Hannity, Coulter and company are much like those who followed Jim Jones.|||About as much chance as changing the mind of a lib after listening to Stewart or Air America or reading MoveOn propaganda.
Is the economy changing your mind about having children or having more children?
No jobs, people losing their homes, no medical insurance..... people starving and homeless.....
Is anything of this making you think- Gosh, I don%26#039;t know if I want to have a child or another child if we are going to repeat something like the %26quot;Great Depression%26quot; again. Or doesn%26#039;t it matter?|||well people will always continue to reproduce.....and they better otherwise Maury might lose his show and what would I watch on a Monday afternoon?????
No matter what people will always need more money when they have kids. You just have to figure out a way to make it work and then you just do it! no matter what the state of the economy is!|||The economy will always have it%26#039;s highs and it%26#039;s lows. So while I will be waiting to have another child for at least another year or two, I still plan on having one.
I have mastered the art of doing things cheaply :)|||this has been this way for years %26amp; no one has changed their minds
i am still torn between wanting more %26amp; stopping at two, though i can aford it now i would hate to have to handle more if my husband lost his job.. but i am putting it in gods hands to show me which way to go|||Yes. I don%26#039;t want to bring kids into this world. More and more Canada is starting to look like the US, which scares me. I don%26#039;t want to raise kids in an oppressed, unsafe country with no middle class and many living under poverty.|||It does seem rather un promising for a child right now or possbly the near future. but people who has had litttle or nothing has grown and birth more children than we can possibly handle even with a house over our heads and a bag of chips for diner the piont is no matter what type of economic stability raisng a child wouldnt be such a struggle considering the fact that prices for food and clothes are cheapest now than they were before. There is nothning wrong with family dollar, the thrift, and or the dollar store.|||Yes.
I don%26#039;t want to purposely bring a child through another Great Depression. My honey and I talked about getting married and having a kid. We are both in company%26#039;s that has had serious reductions in staff and now time. We also agreed we would want a house to raise it in. Buying a house is not a easy or a great idea right now.
I want my kid to go through college, no die of starvation. Waiting 5 years to have a kid will be worth it. Although I think there will be a baby boom in about a year.|||If you know how to handle your money everything will be fine. I%26#039;m a very thrifty shopper and can find ways for my dollar to go far. So for me it doesn%26#039;t really matter because at some point the economy has to go back up. And it%26#039;s a little too late for me to reconsider having another child since I am 33 weeks along with my second.|||Well, if I didn%26#039;t already have my daughter, I would be hesitant to start a family at current times, but because we already have one child, then adding another wouldn%26#039;t be that much of a financial burden because all I would have to buy would be diapers, and hopefully my 2 1/2 year old would be securely out of diapers before a new little one appeared. If we were to have another little one, my finances probably wouldn%26#039;t change at all, as I%26#039;m a SAHM and don%26#039;t need to pay for childcare either.|||We are in a near depression but luckily we now have a Democrat in the white house, Obama is doing a great job so far regardless of his critics. There are Government programs cash aid, food stamps, wic, etc. plus there also is a baby boom going on im apart of it as my wife is curently preggo. My opinion right now is people are getting pregnant on purpose for gov benifits witch is wrong or no money means people cant buy GOOD condoms %26quot;durex sucks%26quot; so people are having more sex, more fights, then more makeup sex to take there minds off what this country is going through. If your thinking of having a baby do it for the right reasons dont worry about the economy this is the United States of America enough said we survived the BUSH administration, although it cost the lives of thousands of our soldiers. Forget the economy our Solders and the USA are the best in the world. Live your life as normal as you can, money and jobs are very tight right now country wide but after were back to where we were economically all us Americans will remember this and be more grateful for what we have that other countries dont have.
We will overcome and we will not forget. Dont stress have faith in our Government itll be a long hard road back to Jobs and Home but this is the greatest country in the world for a reason.
Is anything of this making you think- Gosh, I don%26#039;t know if I want to have a child or another child if we are going to repeat something like the %26quot;Great Depression%26quot; again. Or doesn%26#039;t it matter?|||well people will always continue to reproduce.....and they better otherwise Maury might lose his show and what would I watch on a Monday afternoon?????
No matter what people will always need more money when they have kids. You just have to figure out a way to make it work and then you just do it! no matter what the state of the economy is!|||The economy will always have it%26#039;s highs and it%26#039;s lows. So while I will be waiting to have another child for at least another year or two, I still plan on having one.
I have mastered the art of doing things cheaply :)|||this has been this way for years %26amp; no one has changed their minds
i am still torn between wanting more %26amp; stopping at two, though i can aford it now i would hate to have to handle more if my husband lost his job.. but i am putting it in gods hands to show me which way to go|||Yes. I don%26#039;t want to bring kids into this world. More and more Canada is starting to look like the US, which scares me. I don%26#039;t want to raise kids in an oppressed, unsafe country with no middle class and many living under poverty.|||It does seem rather un promising for a child right now or possbly the near future. but people who has had litttle or nothing has grown and birth more children than we can possibly handle even with a house over our heads and a bag of chips for diner the piont is no matter what type of economic stability raisng a child wouldnt be such a struggle considering the fact that prices for food and clothes are cheapest now than they were before. There is nothning wrong with family dollar, the thrift, and or the dollar store.|||Yes.
I don%26#039;t want to purposely bring a child through another Great Depression. My honey and I talked about getting married and having a kid. We are both in company%26#039;s that has had serious reductions in staff and now time. We also agreed we would want a house to raise it in. Buying a house is not a easy or a great idea right now.
I want my kid to go through college, no die of starvation. Waiting 5 years to have a kid will be worth it. Although I think there will be a baby boom in about a year.|||If you know how to handle your money everything will be fine. I%26#039;m a very thrifty shopper and can find ways for my dollar to go far. So for me it doesn%26#039;t really matter because at some point the economy has to go back up. And it%26#039;s a little too late for me to reconsider having another child since I am 33 weeks along with my second.|||Well, if I didn%26#039;t already have my daughter, I would be hesitant to start a family at current times, but because we already have one child, then adding another wouldn%26#039;t be that much of a financial burden because all I would have to buy would be diapers, and hopefully my 2 1/2 year old would be securely out of diapers before a new little one appeared. If we were to have another little one, my finances probably wouldn%26#039;t change at all, as I%26#039;m a SAHM and don%26#039;t need to pay for childcare either.|||We are in a near depression but luckily we now have a Democrat in the white house, Obama is doing a great job so far regardless of his critics. There are Government programs cash aid, food stamps, wic, etc. plus there also is a baby boom going on im apart of it as my wife is curently preggo. My opinion right now is people are getting pregnant on purpose for gov benifits witch is wrong or no money means people cant buy GOOD condoms %26quot;durex sucks%26quot; so people are having more sex, more fights, then more makeup sex to take there minds off what this country is going through. If your thinking of having a baby do it for the right reasons dont worry about the economy this is the United States of America enough said we survived the BUSH administration, although it cost the lives of thousands of our soldiers. Forget the economy our Solders and the USA are the best in the world. Live your life as normal as you can, money and jobs are very tight right now country wide but after were back to where we were economically all us Americans will remember this and be more grateful for what we have that other countries dont have.
We will overcome and we will not forget. Dont stress have faith in our Government itll be a long hard road back to Jobs and Home but this is the greatest country in the world for a reason.
Is Obama Changing his Mind on Raising Taxes an Indication that He got Into Harvard via Affirmative Action?
He finally admitted that Bush%26#039;s tax levels are good and that he will keep them for a few years.
But, it took him so long and so many Clinton people to finally convince him what 90% of educated people have been yelling at him for the past year.|||No it is not.
He did not say they were good, he simply made it clear he had not decided how they would disappear. |||But here%26#039;s the plus Joe... at least Obama listens to the smart people around him. Bush was too stupid to even do that!|||No, but this question seems to be indicative of someone who failed to become educated. Good luck...|||Obama going against everything he promised? Say it isn%26#039;t so.|||Obama made no such statement about Bush%26#039;s tax cut. The decision to let them expire rather than repeal them is based on the recent TANKING of our economy...not a recognition that Bush set out a good policy. Obviously if the Bush economic strategies were sound we wouldn%26#039;t be in a recession and trying to avoid a depression.
Hello?|||yes and yes he dont know much but he knows he needs to change|||He hasn%26#039;t admitted that Bush%26#039;s tax levels are good. He admitted that Bush%26#039;s tax levels are good in a crappy economy. I would say it shows Obama actually is intelligent and didn%26#039;t need to rely on Affirmative Action to get into Harvard.
No, Harvard shouldn%26#039;t take his degree back. Yale isn%26#039;t taking Bush%26#039;s degree back, which obviously didn%26#039;t earn. If being black shouldn%26#039;t earn you extra credit, being rich shouldn%26#039;t either.|||I think this was his plan all along. He was just trying to pander to the %26quot;change%26quot; voters so he would get his chance to do it.
He is a regular politician just like everyone else, but he didn%26#039;t want anyone to know that while he was running. |||yes
How do the left wing, hate America crowd feel about the messiah changing his mind about releasing the?
photos of water boarding?
Hows that transparency coming along? Another lie?|||I%26#039;ve already heeard - %26quot;Well, he must have a GOOD reason%26quot;. Yeah, right.|||he accidentally did something right for a change.|||the far left is likely PO ed at Obama if they have a shed of honesty|||Just more flip-flopping by the %26#039;bama. This guy flip-flops more than a Clinton!|||Did you hear how he (President Obama) threw himself under the bus when he stated that his economic policies are unsustainable, yet the mainstream media didn%26#039;t even or hardly mentioned on their programs. I haven%26#039;t really heard any criticism from the left about his policies. Also, before his (President Bush) reelection in 2004, many conservatives were very critical about his prescription program in 2003. Happily, that did not pass and I am still not happy about he managed the illegal immigration, knowing that an open boarder is an open invitation for terrorist to cause more destruction amongst the citizenry.|||He finally does something right and your bad mouthing him? Help Lord. Peace|||I really don%26#039;t care if he releases the pictures or not, it doesn%26#039;t change the fact that it happened. I do wish Obama was more aggressive at times though.
However, something I really want to know is how the GOP feels about having their party at the brink of extinction. Lets face it, the majority of the real republicans jumped ship years ago and all you have left is the bitter minuscule few who are doing nothing but continuing to kill the party.
The GOP itself is asking other members to change or die because their views are outdated, we are in the 21st century, not 1908 or the Reagan years.
Happy down rating, republicans :)|||How do the right wing, hate the world crowd feel about being such mental midgets?|||A lot of us are disappointed.
Unlike the American right, who loyally agreed with everything Bush did until his approval ratings were so abysmally low, they had to run from him in electoral panic, we%26#039;re willing to criticize our Presidents.|||I care about more concerned issues then this........like getting us out
of the BUSH mess!|||Our President Obama realises this could create danger for our fellow Americans. Nothing wrong with that wisedom.
Hows that transparency coming along? Another lie?|||I%26#039;ve already heeard - %26quot;Well, he must have a GOOD reason%26quot;. Yeah, right.|||he accidentally did something right for a change.|||the far left is likely PO ed at Obama if they have a shed of honesty|||Just more flip-flopping by the %26#039;bama. This guy flip-flops more than a Clinton!|||Did you hear how he (President Obama) threw himself under the bus when he stated that his economic policies are unsustainable, yet the mainstream media didn%26#039;t even or hardly mentioned on their programs. I haven%26#039;t really heard any criticism from the left about his policies. Also, before his (President Bush) reelection in 2004, many conservatives were very critical about his prescription program in 2003. Happily, that did not pass and I am still not happy about he managed the illegal immigration, knowing that an open boarder is an open invitation for terrorist to cause more destruction amongst the citizenry.|||He finally does something right and your bad mouthing him? Help Lord. Peace|||I really don%26#039;t care if he releases the pictures or not, it doesn%26#039;t change the fact that it happened. I do wish Obama was more aggressive at times though.
However, something I really want to know is how the GOP feels about having their party at the brink of extinction. Lets face it, the majority of the real republicans jumped ship years ago and all you have left is the bitter minuscule few who are doing nothing but continuing to kill the party.
The GOP itself is asking other members to change or die because their views are outdated, we are in the 21st century, not 1908 or the Reagan years.
Happy down rating, republicans :)|||How do the right wing, hate the world crowd feel about being such mental midgets?|||A lot of us are disappointed.
Unlike the American right, who loyally agreed with everything Bush did until his approval ratings were so abysmally low, they had to run from him in electoral panic, we%26#039;re willing to criticize our Presidents.|||I care about more concerned issues then this........like getting us out
of the BUSH mess!|||Our President Obama realises this could create danger for our fellow Americans. Nothing wrong with that wisedom.
Any chance of Flintoff changing his mind and playing one last Ashes series?
If he played the all-rounder role that would complete this English team I think.|||I do%26#039;t think so. The team is already performing well without him. He is not that much desperately needed by england.
He too must not be keen to injure himself again as the world cup is coming too.|||Nah...i don%26#039;t think England need him..|||no|||NIL|||I dont think so... he is out of game for such a long time and guess England can still put up nice fight :)|||You mean the guy who bowls and looks around as if to say - %26quot;Aren%26#039;t I great%26quot; No - he retired - let him stay retired. Besides - he cheats.
He too must not be keen to injure himself again as the world cup is coming too.|||Nah...i don%26#039;t think England need him..|||no|||NIL|||I dont think so... he is out of game for such a long time and guess England can still put up nice fight :)|||You mean the guy who bowls and looks around as if to say - %26quot;Aren%26#039;t I great%26quot; No - he retired - let him stay retired. Besides - he cheats.
Can you be criminally charged for changing your mind at the scene of a crime?
say someone is robbing a bank and brings is wearing a mask and holds a green garbage bag. when he sees the police come by, he leaves the scene. Can he be charged for anything?
this is for my law class so dont get any ideas that this is about me, lol.|||Quizzard, you don%26#039;t know what you are talking about, seriously.
The question is whether entering a bank with a mask and holding a green garbage bag would be enough to constitute attempted robbery. In determining guilt for criminal attempt, a court will look to see if the defendant committed an act which is a %26quot;substantial step%26quot; towards commission of the crime. An attempt is incomplete when the defendant is prevented from achieving his or her goal in the commission of the crime. There are several different tests that courts use to determine if a criminal attempt has occurred. I posted a link below.
Here, the defendant was caught with the instruments necessary to commit robbery and he had entered the bank itself. Furthermore, he only renounced the crime when he saw the police. Of the several definitions of criminal attempt, only one has a viable argument, that of the %26quot;last act.%26quot; It could be possible for a defense attorney to argue that the defendant did not come to the last acts before committing the robbery, which would have been putting on the mask, walking up to the counter, and demanding the money. The prosecution could argue that these actions are not necessary for a robbery, for the last act before actually committing the crime would be simply entering the bank. Of all the other definitions, the defendant doesn%26#039;t stand a chance.
When the crime involves a conspiracy, a conspirator must take affirmative action to foil the conspiracy for a renunciation to be valid. If renunciation occurs only for fear of getting caught, it is not a valid defense. This issue was on the July 2009 Bar exam in Pennsylvania as well as other states.
Renouncing a crime because one sees the police is not enough to escape prosecution. In criminal law, we are concerned with the mens rea, the criminal intent on committing a crime. Even when the crime is impossible to commit (such as believing you are poisoning someone with non-toxic soap), we still prosecute. In your above example, it is clear that the defendant fully intended to commit a crime. That is what society seeks to punish.|||No crime has been committed unless he demanded money, unless that jurisdiction has a concealment (mask) law. If he has demanded money, even f he doesn%26#039;t get any, he has committed a crime.|||The question of when a plan turns into an attempt is difficult. In most states, the person must take some concrete steps toward the crime in order to have an attempt. In your case, it may be an attempted robbery or it may be mere preparation.
this is for my law class so dont get any ideas that this is about me, lol.|||Quizzard, you don%26#039;t know what you are talking about, seriously.
The question is whether entering a bank with a mask and holding a green garbage bag would be enough to constitute attempted robbery. In determining guilt for criminal attempt, a court will look to see if the defendant committed an act which is a %26quot;substantial step%26quot; towards commission of the crime. An attempt is incomplete when the defendant is prevented from achieving his or her goal in the commission of the crime. There are several different tests that courts use to determine if a criminal attempt has occurred. I posted a link below.
Here, the defendant was caught with the instruments necessary to commit robbery and he had entered the bank itself. Furthermore, he only renounced the crime when he saw the police. Of the several definitions of criminal attempt, only one has a viable argument, that of the %26quot;last act.%26quot; It could be possible for a defense attorney to argue that the defendant did not come to the last acts before committing the robbery, which would have been putting on the mask, walking up to the counter, and demanding the money. The prosecution could argue that these actions are not necessary for a robbery, for the last act before actually committing the crime would be simply entering the bank. Of all the other definitions, the defendant doesn%26#039;t stand a chance.
When the crime involves a conspiracy, a conspirator must take affirmative action to foil the conspiracy for a renunciation to be valid. If renunciation occurs only for fear of getting caught, it is not a valid defense. This issue was on the July 2009 Bar exam in Pennsylvania as well as other states.
Renouncing a crime because one sees the police is not enough to escape prosecution. In criminal law, we are concerned with the mens rea, the criminal intent on committing a crime. Even when the crime is impossible to commit (such as believing you are poisoning someone with non-toxic soap), we still prosecute. In your above example, it is clear that the defendant fully intended to commit a crime. That is what society seeks to punish.|||No crime has been committed unless he demanded money, unless that jurisdiction has a concealment (mask) law. If he has demanded money, even f he doesn%26#039;t get any, he has committed a crime.|||The question of when a plan turns into an attempt is difficult. In most states, the person must take some concrete steps toward the crime in order to have an attempt. In your case, it may be an attempted robbery or it may be mere preparation.
Husband keeps changing his mind about a baby?
I had a tubal reversal April 2007. I got pregnant Dec 07 and had a miscarriage. I would like to try again and one minute my husband says no he does not want a baby the next minute he says he wants to wait. Now he is saying wait until I get my degree which I agree with but, I will be 40 years old. I would just like to hear some input on this matter.|||I think that you two need to sit down and work out the pros and cons of both sides. A baby needs to be a joint decision. |||I think 40 is too old to wait to have a baby. But, that doesn%26#039;t mean having a baby at 40 isn%26#039;t possible, it will just be more complicated.
If you KNOW that you are going to have children, I wouldn%26#039;t wait that long. There is no reason why you can%26#039;t be a mother and get your degree at the same time.
Good luck.|||there is a discussion board for women that are ready and men that are not on www.twoweekwait.com Sorry I am not more help. Good luck!|||Im sorry to hear about ur loss.
About ur husband. Ignore him!! Lol. Don%26#039;t mean to sound so brash but honestly he WANTS a baby but naturally he is wary of the whole concept.
Go for it, a baby will bring its own blessings and you can do ur degree while u r pregnant. Trust me 9 months when ur pregnant seems a lifetime.
How many years will he keep putting it off, tell him, that hopefully, in a years time he will hold his child in his hands, how will he feel?
Look to the future...hoping u all the best.
x|||jsut get prego now!|||I don%26#039;t understand...In the explanation it sounds like he either doesn%26#039;t want a baby, or he wants to %26quot;wait%26quot;. When guys say that crap it means they really don%26#039;t want to have a baby....but....I don%26#039;t think he knows what he wants. Talk to him... you don%26#039;t have forever.
If you KNOW that you are going to have children, I wouldn%26#039;t wait that long. There is no reason why you can%26#039;t be a mother and get your degree at the same time.
Good luck.|||there is a discussion board for women that are ready and men that are not on www.twoweekwait.com Sorry I am not more help. Good luck!|||Im sorry to hear about ur loss.
About ur husband. Ignore him!! Lol. Don%26#039;t mean to sound so brash but honestly he WANTS a baby but naturally he is wary of the whole concept.
Go for it, a baby will bring its own blessings and you can do ur degree while u r pregnant. Trust me 9 months when ur pregnant seems a lifetime.
How many years will he keep putting it off, tell him, that hopefully, in a years time he will hold his child in his hands, how will he feel?
Look to the future...hoping u all the best.
x|||jsut get prego now!|||I don%26#039;t understand...In the explanation it sounds like he either doesn%26#039;t want a baby, or he wants to %26quot;wait%26quot;. When guys say that crap it means they really don%26#039;t want to have a baby....but....I don%26#039;t think he knows what he wants. Talk to him... you don%26#039;t have forever.
Is there anyone who remembers changing their mind from paint on a sign?
We%26#039;re never gonna whin the whorrld.|||I love love love love love this song....the most beautiful lyrics I have ever heard. He%26#039;s my love! I love his voice and passion. Go John Mayer.
What would be a good career for someone who's always changing their mind?
Sure there%26#039;s the starving artist, but do you have any other suggestions?|||How about being an actor, like Marty Feldman?|||i%26#039;m 25 and 2 months ago I joind a new business. I get to work from home and my paychecks are huge! It%26#039;s perft for you. My first check was over $2000 in my first week. Check out my website at www.entrepreneurialendeavors.n鈥?
|||psychologist|||when we change our mind a lot in situations like this is cuz we haven%26#039;t made a good decision...so think of what you like the most and the things you would do to make it happen..... that%26#039;s what i did and it worked... but very important to stick with just one thing that you know you will accomplish.... and no matter who or what gets in your way you will get to the end, to be who you want to be, the things you want to have. very important its your future you live for your self no one else....|||Is being a woman a career?
Report Abuse
|||psychologist|||when we change our mind a lot in situations like this is cuz we haven%26#039;t made a good decision...so think of what you like the most and the things you would do to make it happen..... that%26#039;s what i did and it worked... but very important to stick with just one thing that you know you will accomplish.... and no matter who or what gets in your way you will get to the end, to be who you want to be, the things you want to have. very important its your future you live for your self no one else....|||Is being a woman a career?
What reason does Capulet give for changing his mind on the wedding timetable?
He doesn%26#039;t exactly give one, so it%26#039;s wide open to interpretation.
Could be as simple as %26quot;let%26#039;s get this thing done, before Juliet has a chance to get stubborn about it again%26quot;.
Could be as simple as %26quot;let%26#039;s get this thing done, before Juliet has a chance to get stubborn about it again%26quot;.
Have you ever got stuck in a store for hours because you kept changing your mind?
I was embarrassed because I was in the electronics store so long. Just could not decide on a blue ray and everything else distracted me too. I tried Guitar Hero, looked at Wii, looked at the big screens, CDs, cables and other devices.|||no, not really.
whoever does that has issues|||nope|||gamestop..
i%26#039;m picky lol|||no|||I%26#039;m asian, I don%26#039;t have money|||nope. i usually go in, and get out with what i wanted.|||i always do that|||Yes! It happens to me too! No need to be embarrassed thou!!|||all the time|||I don%26#039;t go to a store unless I have at least an hour...
Target? Always an hour...
A Mall? I need all day...
You are SO NOT ALONE!|||yess! i just did that today when i went to the mall :p|||no|||lol yea|||no not really|||not really.......|||that%26#039;s me and a clothing store...or basically any place. it kinda pisses my friends and family off, cause that makes shopping an all day event. lol.|||lol yes. mostly in the baby section haha. or i cant decide what i want for food.|||Oh yeah, that%26#039;s happened to me before lol. Especially in electronics places! So many different choices...|||dude every time i go in a friggen store i change my mind, and then when i walk out of the store i regret what i got, but don%26#039;t fell like going back in the store. yeah i hate that.|||omg i do that a lot at clothing stores and at gamestop. can never seem to make up my mind. but it happens to everyone so dont worry|||yes especially electronics|||All the time my friend, this is why I go shopping by myself... it relaxes me and I don%26#039;t have to hear people nag nag nagging in my ears to %26quot;HURRY UP%26quot;|||Yes, I%26#039;ve abandoned my cart and left the grocery store on several occasions, disgusted with every possibility, and I rarely buy anything else except online because it takes me months to decide on anything.|||Lol yup. I was in Eb games for around 2 hours just deciding which DS game i want and then 5minutes later i wonder around looking at other games and come back to the DS section to decide which one. Once they even tried to kick me out... Rofl they thought i was in there just for free air conditioner... Im never going to EB games again! xD|||i do that all the time|||Ahhhhhh! I do that all the time- changing my mind!!
But not usually for electronics!
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http://www.realitywanted.com/connecticut…|||yeah happened to me too. its just so darn hard to pick what to get for my b-day present. lol|||no but i did get kicked out of walmart for going to dollar tree, buying poster board and markers. writing OH YEAH on the posters and with my friends running around screaming OH YEAH with the posters in the air... hehehe good times....|||LOL
I do that a LOT. It%26#039;s totally fine. You shouldn%26#039;t be embarrassed. I%26#039;m a girl and I go to GameStop a lot with my dad. And we always say that we%26#039;ll only be gone for 5 minutes. THREE hours later, we%26#039;re stepping out with hand fulls of games and what not. It%26#039;s not your fault taht you can%26#039;t decide. I%26#039;d rather spend hours trying to decide what I really want, then buy something just because I don%26#039;t want to be there long. JUST to get home and realize that you wanted something else.|||oh yess i especially take forever getting cds, getting candy, and buying clothes|||LOLOLOL you must have a spy cam on me when I go to the shoe store. Yowee, I could spend my whole day there like what happened to you, but I love it.
whoever does that has issues|||nope|||gamestop..
i%26#039;m picky lol|||no|||I%26#039;m asian, I don%26#039;t have money|||nope. i usually go in, and get out with what i wanted.|||i always do that|||Yes! It happens to me too! No need to be embarrassed thou!!|||all the time|||I don%26#039;t go to a store unless I have at least an hour...
Target? Always an hour...
A Mall? I need all day...
You are SO NOT ALONE!|||yess! i just did that today when i went to the mall :p|||no|||lol yea|||no not really|||not really.......|||that%26#039;s me and a clothing store...or basically any place. it kinda pisses my friends and family off, cause that makes shopping an all day event. lol.|||lol yes. mostly in the baby section haha. or i cant decide what i want for food.|||Oh yeah, that%26#039;s happened to me before lol. Especially in electronics places! So many different choices...|||dude every time i go in a friggen store i change my mind, and then when i walk out of the store i regret what i got, but don%26#039;t fell like going back in the store. yeah i hate that.|||omg i do that a lot at clothing stores and at gamestop. can never seem to make up my mind. but it happens to everyone so dont worry|||yes especially electronics|||All the time my friend, this is why I go shopping by myself... it relaxes me and I don%26#039;t have to hear people nag nag nagging in my ears to %26quot;HURRY UP%26quot;|||Yes, I%26#039;ve abandoned my cart and left the grocery store on several occasions, disgusted with every possibility, and I rarely buy anything else except online because it takes me months to decide on anything.|||Lol yup. I was in Eb games for around 2 hours just deciding which DS game i want and then 5minutes later i wonder around looking at other games and come back to the DS section to decide which one. Once they even tried to kick me out... Rofl they thought i was in there just for free air conditioner... Im never going to EB games again! xD|||i do that all the time|||Ahhhhhh! I do that all the time- changing my mind!!
But not usually for electronics!
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http://www.realitywanted.com/connecticut…|||yeah happened to me too. its just so darn hard to pick what to get for my b-day present. lol|||no but i did get kicked out of walmart for going to dollar tree, buying poster board and markers. writing OH YEAH on the posters and with my friends running around screaming OH YEAH with the posters in the air... hehehe good times....|||LOL
I do that a LOT. It%26#039;s totally fine. You shouldn%26#039;t be embarrassed. I%26#039;m a girl and I go to GameStop a lot with my dad. And we always say that we%26#039;ll only be gone for 5 minutes. THREE hours later, we%26#039;re stepping out with hand fulls of games and what not. It%26#039;s not your fault taht you can%26#039;t decide. I%26#039;d rather spend hours trying to decide what I really want, then buy something just because I don%26#039;t want to be there long. JUST to get home and realize that you wanted something else.|||oh yess i especially take forever getting cds, getting candy, and buying clothes|||LOLOLOL you must have a spy cam on me when I go to the shoe store. Yowee, I could spend my whole day there like what happened to you, but I love it.
Whats the difference between just changing your mind and lying?
please tell me because someone says theres no difference|||There is a big difference, though sometimes politicians try to blur the line.
Lying is saying something you know or believe not to be true.
Changing your mind is changing your knowledge or belief based on evidence that recently came to your attention.
Say a congressman%26#039;s chief-of-staff is accused of killing a stripper. The congressman maintains his chief-of-staff is innocent. Later, he says he changed his mind because someone showed him new evidence. Was the congressman lying before? Only if he knew of the evidence before. Did he change his mind in both scenarios? Yes, though in the lying scenario he changed his mind about continuing to protect his chief-of-staff, whereas in the other scenario he changed his mind about what he believed to be the truth.|||Lying: You don%26#039;t tell the truth.
Changing your mind: You tell the truth, but your ideas and views change later on.
Lying is saying something you know or believe not to be true.
Changing your mind is changing your knowledge or belief based on evidence that recently came to your attention.
Say a congressman%26#039;s chief-of-staff is accused of killing a stripper. The congressman maintains his chief-of-staff is innocent. Later, he says he changed his mind because someone showed him new evidence. Was the congressman lying before? Only if he knew of the evidence before. Did he change his mind in both scenarios? Yes, though in the lying scenario he changed his mind about continuing to protect his chief-of-staff, whereas in the other scenario he changed his mind about what he believed to be the truth.|||Lying: You don%26#039;t tell the truth.
Changing your mind: You tell the truth, but your ideas and views change later on.
How do i go about getting a Large deposit back after changing my mind?
I have ordered a kitchen from a company who are alledgedly dodgey. I want to cancel the kitchen and get my deposit of 拢555 back have i any chance where the law is concerned or do I put it down to bad judgement?|||In terms of the consumer law, you have no statutory right to cancel a contract, from as soon as you have entered into it. Many retailers, in addition to one%26#039;s statutory rights, will allow a cooling off period, or a returns policy, but this is their choice.
If you went to the retailer, you have no recourse whatseover, apart from their goodwill. If they telephoned you to sell you a kitchen, you may have recourse under the Distance Selling Regulations.
If you paid by credit or debit card, contact your credit card company or bank, they may withold the payment from the kitchen company, especially if you spin them a line about the kitchen company having lied to you. however, if you do this, you would still legally owe the kitchen company the money, although it is reasonably unlikely they would take you to court for it, as it does not generate very good publicity for companies to take their customers to court in order to force services they do not want on to them|||Hard luck, we gotcha money and you can%26#039;t have it back.|||Read the contract immediately!
There may be a time limit clause.
The contract rules.|||look at the terms and conditions commonly known as small print and contact the citizens advice bureau
good luck|||They are probably covered by their contract. Read it carefully . Ill bet it says No refund of deposit somewhere in it. sorry|||normally you can cancle via a lawyer in this field. do not wait call your lawyer. We have insurance that covers lawyer fee in USA to see what they do please visit this site:
http://www.insuremeusa.com and click on legal service. You also should have the same services in Europe (started there).
So get a cheap lawyer and they look at the contract for free and give you the best advice. (here cost $17 per month!)
http://www.worldinsurancegroup.com|||Take them to a small claims court, if that doesn%26#039;t work, I always find that a base ball bat works wonders.|||brake legs
If you went to the retailer, you have no recourse whatseover, apart from their goodwill. If they telephoned you to sell you a kitchen, you may have recourse under the Distance Selling Regulations.
If you paid by credit or debit card, contact your credit card company or bank, they may withold the payment from the kitchen company, especially if you spin them a line about the kitchen company having lied to you. however, if you do this, you would still legally owe the kitchen company the money, although it is reasonably unlikely they would take you to court for it, as it does not generate very good publicity for companies to take their customers to court in order to force services they do not want on to them|||Hard luck, we gotcha money and you can%26#039;t have it back.|||Read the contract immediately!
There may be a time limit clause.
The contract rules.|||look at the terms and conditions commonly known as small print and contact the citizens advice bureau
good luck|||They are probably covered by their contract. Read it carefully . Ill bet it says No refund of deposit somewhere in it. sorry|||normally you can cancle via a lawyer in this field. do not wait call your lawyer. We have insurance that covers lawyer fee in USA to see what they do please visit this site:
http://www.insuremeusa.com and click on legal service. You also should have the same services in Europe (started there).
So get a cheap lawyer and they look at the contract for free and give you the best advice. (here cost $17 per month!)
http://www.worldinsurancegroup.com|||Take them to a small claims court, if that doesn%26#039;t work, I always find that a base ball bat works wonders.|||brake legs
Women, was there any changing your mind about finding out the gender?
My wife refuses to find out the gender until birth. And I do agree, but between my family and hers hounding us to find out the gender and my own curiosity, I kind of want to know. But if she doesn%26#039;t change her mind I%26#039;ve got to wait. Did you change your mind? Should I try to change hers?|||I had to know with both my children. 9 months is too long for me to wait to find out. I don%26#039;t like surprises anyway... I%26#039;m too nosey!|||you could find out, but like i told my husband when i wanted to know, your going to eventually spill the beans when people start to know and buy blue or pink stuff.|||I really wanted to know the gender of my baby. My husband really wanted it to be a surprise. Nothing he could say or do would have changed my mind one iota.
When she receives an ultrasound, you can always ask the doctor/tech to discreetly put %26quot;girl%26quot; or %26quot;boy%26quot; on a slip of paper into an envelope. You can then choose to find out or not, without having your wife%26#039;s surprise ruined.|||Just let your wife decide, afterall she%26#039;s the one carrying the baby :) Its hard to wait but in the end the surprise is definitely worth waiting for!|||dont let you family nag you into this The more you give in on stuff the worse it will get . I wish I were as patient as you I had to know
As for changing her mind when you and te others have to deal with everthing she does than go ahead do you and yours have morning sickness
zits|||I don%26#039;t want to be rude, but do not pressure your wife into finding the gender. She is the one carrying the baby for 9 months and going to deal with delivery and recovery. I am 25 weeks pregnant with triplets, and we found out the gender because we both agreed and we wanted to know asap to help for decorating :)
I would not change my mind at all about finding out the gender.|||Nope...We have always wanted to know the gender of our baby before it was born so as soon as we were able to find out we did. You shouldnt try %26amp; change her mind but let her know some good reasons why yall should find out. Like so yall dont have to paint or decorate after the baby is born (who has time when you have a new born), and you can buy clothes %26amp; other things too that are gender specific because lets face it there is only so much yellow %26amp; tan you can take :) You can also have a name picked out. Plus its just as much of a surprise at 5 months as it is when she gives birth. Anyways Good Luck %26amp; Congrats!
When she receives an ultrasound, you can always ask the doctor/tech to discreetly put %26quot;girl%26quot; or %26quot;boy%26quot; on a slip of paper into an envelope. You can then choose to find out or not, without having your wife%26#039;s surprise ruined.|||Just let your wife decide, afterall she%26#039;s the one carrying the baby :) Its hard to wait but in the end the surprise is definitely worth waiting for!|||dont let you family nag you into this The more you give in on stuff the worse it will get . I wish I were as patient as you I had to know
As for changing her mind when you and te others have to deal with everthing she does than go ahead do you and yours have morning sickness
zits|||I don%26#039;t want to be rude, but do not pressure your wife into finding the gender. She is the one carrying the baby for 9 months and going to deal with delivery and recovery. I am 25 weeks pregnant with triplets, and we found out the gender because we both agreed and we wanted to know asap to help for decorating :)
I would not change my mind at all about finding out the gender.|||Nope...We have always wanted to know the gender of our baby before it was born so as soon as we were able to find out we did. You shouldnt try %26amp; change her mind but let her know some good reasons why yall should find out. Like so yall dont have to paint or decorate after the baby is born (who has time when you have a new born), and you can buy clothes %26amp; other things too that are gender specific because lets face it there is only so much yellow %26amp; tan you can take :) You can also have a name picked out. Plus its just as much of a surprise at 5 months as it is when she gives birth. Anyways Good Luck %26amp; Congrats!
My husband keeps changing his mind to have a child together?
I don%26#039;t know what to do anymore. He knows how much I would LOVE to have a family, but some days he%26#039;ll be like, yeah, lets try, but then when the moment comes he says no. I guess I don%26#039;t understand, he doesn%26#039;t really like to talk about it either without getting upset. Has anybody else been in the same boat? Or have any suggestions?
Thank you!|||Maybe his mind is on the finances? Childern are expensive %26amp; a lot of responsibility. Sometimes men feel afraid because they are the bread winners. Tell him how important a family is to you %26amp; ask him what is holding him back...work on solutions to his fears! Good luck %26amp; he will come around :-)|||Pressuring him into this conversation is not going to have a great outcome.
You need to make sure that you approach it in a calm manner and at a time that is most relaxing for both of you.
I wish the best for both of you|||You both really do need to talk about it. Even if he does get upset. Because you need to know exactly where he stands on this situation instead dealing with him going back and forth. It%26#039;s not fair to you him acting like this. He needs to be an adult about this situation.|||explain to him that you 2 are getting old and to make sure you are proper aged no less then 20! anyway make sure you dont yell but say it nicely that yall getting old and you dont wanna wait till you 39 to havew a baby|||guys get soo fussed up when it comes to babies. they think they wont be free 2 do what they like, or the thought of a preggi wife freaks them out. im 20w an my partner is always here 4 me, but he just assumes im fine, an if im in pain or tired he gets irritated until i have to sit and explain it, then you see him at the kitchen sink cleaning.. lol
i dont knw why they stress, we have 2 bare it all.. they just need to hear the whyning thats all.. lol
just try talking to him, say urready but if he isnt ull wait, ask him what he is concerned about.. and try talking calmly even when he is frustraiting..
GL|||Life is filled with uncertainties.
Is there ever really a RIGHT time to have a child? He seems scared. Many people are afraid of change. If your husband is having doubts then you really need to get to the root of them.
Is he afraid he won%26#039;t be a good father? Did he have a bad childhood and not want to have his child/children endure the same? Afraid of somehow %26quot;messing up%26quot; by not making every correct decision? Afraid of having a lifelong commitment to another human being (besides you ; ) )?
Maybe he doesn%26#039;t feel financially secure at the moment. If you both are working then an income would be lost. Maybe he doesn%26#039;t want thing to change right now. He may want to enjoy his bride for a little while longer. Things DO change a lot when you have a child.
Something you must consider is that if you guys DO conceive and both aren%26#039;t ready for the challenge,commitment and awesomeness of being parents then it%26#039;s going to created unnecessary stress and havoc in your home.
It sounds like he%26#039;s just trying to make you happy by saying, %26quot;Yeah, let%26#039;s try.%26quot;
If he%26#039;s not ready, then he%26#039;s just not ready. Talk to him, pressure-free. Let him know that you love him and want to have an open, judgment free conversation about your future family. Maybe he wants certain things in life before he has a child to raise. many people problems have a lot to do with lack of money and I%26#039;m guaranteeing that $ has at least a part to do with his feelings on having a child. He gets upset because he has very strong feelings about it and he is entitled to them, as you are yours.
I wish you all the luck ; )|||my ex hubby was the same way... i think it is that when we tell them we want one, it scares them and they tend to run away from it!!!! my ex finally gave into it and gave me one and i hope the best for you and that you get your baby.... baby dust to you, and to me too because i am trying to have one again|||sit down and have a good talk with him. Tell him that you really really really want kids and tell him that you are scared too because who wouldn%26#039;t be but that it could take a while to get pregnant anyway and therefore you may as well start trying now for the off chance that it can take you a couple of years. Ask him if he pictures living forever without kids? How would he feel to never be a parent? Then tell him that no matter how scared you are at the thought of kids, diapers, finances etc. . .the thought of never being a parent scares you more. Identify with his feelings too but then say the consequences of not having kids could have on your life. Make it clear, however that you don%26#039;t just want kids for the wrong reasons. I think most men are afraid that the main reason their partners, especially if you are younger, want to have kids is to fill a void that he can%26#039;t fill. That kind of freaks men out. So make it clear to him that all the reasons are right and that if he is waiting for the %26quot;perfect%26quot; time to have kids, there is no such thing because as I said before, it could take a while.
Thank you!|||Maybe his mind is on the finances? Childern are expensive %26amp; a lot of responsibility. Sometimes men feel afraid because they are the bread winners. Tell him how important a family is to you %26amp; ask him what is holding him back...work on solutions to his fears! Good luck %26amp; he will come around :-)|||Pressuring him into this conversation is not going to have a great outcome.
You need to make sure that you approach it in a calm manner and at a time that is most relaxing for both of you.
I wish the best for both of you|||You both really do need to talk about it. Even if he does get upset. Because you need to know exactly where he stands on this situation instead dealing with him going back and forth. It%26#039;s not fair to you him acting like this. He needs to be an adult about this situation.|||explain to him that you 2 are getting old and to make sure you are proper aged no less then 20! anyway make sure you dont yell but say it nicely that yall getting old and you dont wanna wait till you 39 to havew a baby|||guys get soo fussed up when it comes to babies. they think they wont be free 2 do what they like, or the thought of a preggi wife freaks them out. im 20w an my partner is always here 4 me, but he just assumes im fine, an if im in pain or tired he gets irritated until i have to sit and explain it, then you see him at the kitchen sink cleaning.. lol
i dont knw why they stress, we have 2 bare it all.. they just need to hear the whyning thats all.. lol
just try talking to him, say urready but if he isnt ull wait, ask him what he is concerned about.. and try talking calmly even when he is frustraiting..
GL|||Life is filled with uncertainties.
Is there ever really a RIGHT time to have a child? He seems scared. Many people are afraid of change. If your husband is having doubts then you really need to get to the root of them.
Is he afraid he won%26#039;t be a good father? Did he have a bad childhood and not want to have his child/children endure the same? Afraid of somehow %26quot;messing up%26quot; by not making every correct decision? Afraid of having a lifelong commitment to another human being (besides you ; ) )?
Maybe he doesn%26#039;t feel financially secure at the moment. If you both are working then an income would be lost. Maybe he doesn%26#039;t want thing to change right now. He may want to enjoy his bride for a little while longer. Things DO change a lot when you have a child.
Something you must consider is that if you guys DO conceive and both aren%26#039;t ready for the challenge,commitment and awesomeness of being parents then it%26#039;s going to created unnecessary stress and havoc in your home.
It sounds like he%26#039;s just trying to make you happy by saying, %26quot;Yeah, let%26#039;s try.%26quot;
If he%26#039;s not ready, then he%26#039;s just not ready. Talk to him, pressure-free. Let him know that you love him and want to have an open, judgment free conversation about your future family. Maybe he wants certain things in life before he has a child to raise. many people problems have a lot to do with lack of money and I%26#039;m guaranteeing that $ has at least a part to do with his feelings on having a child. He gets upset because he has very strong feelings about it and he is entitled to them, as you are yours.
I wish you all the luck ; )|||my ex hubby was the same way... i think it is that when we tell them we want one, it scares them and they tend to run away from it!!!! my ex finally gave into it and gave me one and i hope the best for you and that you get your baby.... baby dust to you, and to me too because i am trying to have one again|||sit down and have a good talk with him. Tell him that you really really really want kids and tell him that you are scared too because who wouldn%26#039;t be but that it could take a while to get pregnant anyway and therefore you may as well start trying now for the off chance that it can take you a couple of years. Ask him if he pictures living forever without kids? How would he feel to never be a parent? Then tell him that no matter how scared you are at the thought of kids, diapers, finances etc. . .the thought of never being a parent scares you more. Identify with his feelings too but then say the consequences of not having kids could have on your life. Make it clear, however that you don%26#039;t just want kids for the wrong reasons. I think most men are afraid that the main reason their partners, especially if you are younger, want to have kids is to fill a void that he can%26#039;t fill. That kind of freaks men out. So make it clear to him that all the reasons are right and that if he is waiting for the %26quot;perfect%26quot; time to have kids, there is no such thing because as I said before, it could take a while.
Do you notice changing the mind of an Obama supporter is not that difficult?
This blind sheep theory looks to be true.
Example: During the election all his supporters that were on here were against nuclear energy, but now that Obama%26#039;s energy counsel seems to be OK with it so are they.
The majority of his campaign promises have dissolved, but it seems OK with his supporters that voted for him for those very reasons.
Do Obama supporters stand for anything other than Obama himself?|||That is an EXCELLENT, and extremely ASTUTE Observation.
Democrats in general don%26#039;t know squat about the issues they argue, they just follow the pied piper like good little fascists.|||Obama was in favor of nuclear during the campaign. You%26#039;re lying.|||LOL. Sure. But supporting Bush, the worst president EVER, doesn%26#039;t make conservatives blind sheep?|||That you believe his campaign promises have evaporated says all that need be said about the sophistication of your thinking.
Leave thought to the educated, OK? You aren%26#039;t very good at it, and, well, the process is too difficult to explain.|||I don%26#039;t think such speculative rants have much basis in reality...
Further, I would advise against anyone trying to obtain valid data from Y!A users, as most answers here seem to be replete with bias.|||Yes, because obama supporters actually think for themselves.
It%26#039;s you brain-washed bush lemmings that refuse to change your mind, even when facts, truth and reality prove you wrong.|||no, your acting as if obama supporters all agree on every topic....the only one we agreed on was that we%26#039;ve had enough of the republicans screwing our country over...|||Obama was for nuclear energy. There%26#039;s been no change. Go smoke some more weed, Blake.|||Nice example. But the Republicans still lost and have no realistic chance of winning the next election. So sheep or not all the name calling in the world won%26#039;t change that you chose the losing side.
Have a nice day.|||yes, but keeping them focused is the hard part.|||yes, these people do not think for rhemselves, us republicans hate everything they stand for|||Not a single truth in all of your question. It lost an election and you still continue.|||We love Barack Obama! YAY! The first black president! He%26#039;s a celebrity in my eyes. I agree with some of his policies and disagree with others. He%26#039;s going to do things I disagree with over the next 4 years but I still love him and his awesome wife and I%26#039;m so proud to call him our President! We endured 8 years of misguidance, policy and divisive rhetoric that we didn%26#039;t agree with. Now, its your turn to not agree with who%26#039;s in the White House. So suck it up! Democracy rocks!|||I have always thought nuclear power should be more heavily used. I can think of lots of reasons for that.
1. The total waste generated by all US plants would fit into a large high school gymnasium
2. It is not possible to create a neutron cascade using current fission technology (no more meltdowns)
3. The cost to fuel an automobile is roughly 5 cent%26#039;s equivalent gallon of gasoline.
As I%26#039;ve said all along, as Obama learns more about nuclear power, he will be more in favor of it. That is if he values his promises. If not, look for him to fall back onto coal plants.|||Turning an aircraft carrier takes thousands of feet
Turning a destroyer takes hundreds of feet
Turning a dinghy takes tens of feet
Turning a rubber duckie takes inches
How small must their minds be to turn as fast as they do?|||They had a weak mind in the first place or they would%26#039;nt have voted for the idiot!|||Yes. Once people actually know the facts about him, they open their eyes and realize what a LIAR and a FAKE he is.
Anyone who disagrees, take a few minutes to read some of the examples on the website I listed.|||wow. wasn%26#039;t sure Obama supporters had a mind.|||Another person claiming failure BEFORE HE IS EVEN IN OFFICE. Save your unfounded slander for when the man takes office IDGIOT.|||For now they seem to be staying on board but I wonder just how long it will last.|||do you generalize much? I voted for Obama (although I voted for Hillary in the primaries), and I support nuclear energy. In fact, most Progessives are in favor of all alternative energy sources, included nuclear energy.
What Obama stated during the campaign was that he opposed a Nuclear Energy bill because there was no addressing of disposal of nuclear waste. That is a fair consideration, and consistent with the Progressives concern for the environment.
Nice try, however, in attempting to create controversy where none exists.|||Cults always follow their leader. Thinkers need not apply.|||yes
Example: During the election all his supporters that were on here were against nuclear energy, but now that Obama%26#039;s energy counsel seems to be OK with it so are they.
The majority of his campaign promises have dissolved, but it seems OK with his supporters that voted for him for those very reasons.
Do Obama supporters stand for anything other than Obama himself?|||That is an EXCELLENT, and extremely ASTUTE Observation.
Democrats in general don%26#039;t know squat about the issues they argue, they just follow the pied piper like good little fascists.|||Obama was in favor of nuclear during the campaign. You%26#039;re lying.|||LOL. Sure. But supporting Bush, the worst president EVER, doesn%26#039;t make conservatives blind sheep?|||That you believe his campaign promises have evaporated says all that need be said about the sophistication of your thinking.
Leave thought to the educated, OK? You aren%26#039;t very good at it, and, well, the process is too difficult to explain.|||I don%26#039;t think such speculative rants have much basis in reality...
Further, I would advise against anyone trying to obtain valid data from Y!A users, as most answers here seem to be replete with bias.|||Yes, because obama supporters actually think for themselves.
It%26#039;s you brain-washed bush lemmings that refuse to change your mind, even when facts, truth and reality prove you wrong.|||no, your acting as if obama supporters all agree on every topic....the only one we agreed on was that we%26#039;ve had enough of the republicans screwing our country over...|||Obama was for nuclear energy. There%26#039;s been no change. Go smoke some more weed, Blake.|||Nice example. But the Republicans still lost and have no realistic chance of winning the next election. So sheep or not all the name calling in the world won%26#039;t change that you chose the losing side.
Have a nice day.|||yes, but keeping them focused is the hard part.|||yes, these people do not think for rhemselves, us republicans hate everything they stand for|||Not a single truth in all of your question. It lost an election and you still continue.|||We love Barack Obama! YAY! The first black president! He%26#039;s a celebrity in my eyes. I agree with some of his policies and disagree with others. He%26#039;s going to do things I disagree with over the next 4 years but I still love him and his awesome wife and I%26#039;m so proud to call him our President! We endured 8 years of misguidance, policy and divisive rhetoric that we didn%26#039;t agree with. Now, its your turn to not agree with who%26#039;s in the White House. So suck it up! Democracy rocks!|||I have always thought nuclear power should be more heavily used. I can think of lots of reasons for that.
1. The total waste generated by all US plants would fit into a large high school gymnasium
2. It is not possible to create a neutron cascade using current fission technology (no more meltdowns)
3. The cost to fuel an automobile is roughly 5 cent%26#039;s equivalent gallon of gasoline.
As I%26#039;ve said all along, as Obama learns more about nuclear power, he will be more in favor of it. That is if he values his promises. If not, look for him to fall back onto coal plants.|||Turning an aircraft carrier takes thousands of feet
Turning a destroyer takes hundreds of feet
Turning a dinghy takes tens of feet
Turning a rubber duckie takes inches
How small must their minds be to turn as fast as they do?|||They had a weak mind in the first place or they would%26#039;nt have voted for the idiot!|||Yes. Once people actually know the facts about him, they open their eyes and realize what a LIAR and a FAKE he is.
Anyone who disagrees, take a few minutes to read some of the examples on the website I listed.|||wow. wasn%26#039;t sure Obama supporters had a mind.|||Another person claiming failure BEFORE HE IS EVEN IN OFFICE. Save your unfounded slander for when the man takes office IDGIOT.|||For now they seem to be staying on board but I wonder just how long it will last.|||do you generalize much? I voted for Obama (although I voted for Hillary in the primaries), and I support nuclear energy. In fact, most Progessives are in favor of all alternative energy sources, included nuclear energy.
What Obama stated during the campaign was that he opposed a Nuclear Energy bill because there was no addressing of disposal of nuclear waste. That is a fair consideration, and consistent with the Progressives concern for the environment.
Nice try, however, in attempting to create controversy where none exists.|||Cults always follow their leader. Thinkers need not apply.|||yes
How can I stop from changing my mind about voting for Obama?
The more I think about it, the more I am starting to think about voting for Obama.
I HATE his financial policies, but the Republicans aren%26#039;t any better.
But, I like that the Democrats are more socially liberal.
|||Why would you want to not vote for the person you think can do the better job. If you think he can do better vote for him. What do the people or opinions on y/a have to do with your own mind. Think for yourself. An taxes will be going up no matter who%26#039;s elected at this point. Its unavoidable and anyone that tell you it is, is lying to you.|||I cannot IMAGINE voting for McCain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y395Tftgz鈥?/a> just watch it.
It%26#039;s your vote...do as you wish...but I truly cannot understand why anyone would vote for McCain.|||Vote for who you want to vote for. |||Well you could just think of it this way %26quot;Vote McCain and we can be McBroke together.%26quot;
|||If you want more government and more social welfare agencies more bureaucrats and government regulations and the higher taxes that go along with them then vote Democratic! |||Get you Butt Paste ready because Obama is going to drill you!|||Every time you feel the urge to change. Just go listen to one of Palin%26#039;s interviews.|||John G., it just amazes me how ignorant and stupid some people are! You just can%26#039;t let up with the idiocy, can you?|||Think about this, in the last almos eight years we have stated a war thru lies, yes everybody voted for it but again thru lies. The world does not respect us anymore due in part to this, our economy is in its worst shape ever, and its all due mainly to republicans. I would rather take a chance and vote for a new guy with little experince than for someone who is corrupted after so many years in govenment. Think about this, republicans talk about lack of experience, but with all the experince together in DC, look at our country now.|||Look at John G%26#039;s answer. Do you want to be grouped in with people like this? I guess you are starting to see the light. Leave George Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and Scooter Libbey and John McCain behind and join us on the light side! |||Obama wants to tax to death the %26#039;almost%26#039; low class so the REALLY low class can get free health care. Republicans want you to get off your a** get a job and let your rich employer pay for your health care. |||Here%26#039;s how:
remember how Obama is trying to fix the election by giving more money to ACORN
remember Reverend Wright%26#039;s firey sermons
remember Obama%26#039;s racist book, %26quot;Dreams From My Father%26quot;
remember Obama%26#039;s hundreds of %26quot;present%26quot; votes in the Senate
remember that Obama voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act
remember that Obama wants income redistribution
remember that Obama used the term %26quot;crackers%26quot; multiple times in his two books
remember that Obama wants to cut funding on national security
remember that Obama recieved millions from Freddie and Fannie
remember that Obama was paid to keep quiet about Freddie and Fannie for years while in the Senate
remember that Obama proposed over $400 million in pork projects while in the Senate, and most of it was proposals to send money to third world nations who hate America
remember that Obama would bring over $700 trillion in new spending as President with his new proposals
remember his sexist treatment of Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin
remember that he didn%26#039;t support giving healthcare to babies who survived abortion
remember that he opposed legislation to help keep America safe while in the Senate, and he voted to cut off funding for the troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan|||You are correct, the democrats are socialist and liberals, if that is your mind set, vote for the socialist Muslim.
I HATE his financial policies, but the Republicans aren%26#039;t any better.
But, I like that the Democrats are more socially liberal.
|||Why would you want to not vote for the person you think can do the better job. If you think he can do better vote for him. What do the people or opinions on y/a have to do with your own mind. Think for yourself. An taxes will be going up no matter who%26#039;s elected at this point. Its unavoidable and anyone that tell you it is, is lying to you.|||I cannot IMAGINE voting for McCain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y395Tftgz鈥?/a> just watch it.
It%26#039;s your vote...do as you wish...but I truly cannot understand why anyone would vote for McCain.|||Vote for who you want to vote for. |||Well you could just think of it this way %26quot;Vote McCain and we can be McBroke together.%26quot;
|||If you want more government and more social welfare agencies more bureaucrats and government regulations and the higher taxes that go along with them then vote Democratic! |||Get you Butt Paste ready because Obama is going to drill you!|||Every time you feel the urge to change. Just go listen to one of Palin%26#039;s interviews.|||John G., it just amazes me how ignorant and stupid some people are! You just can%26#039;t let up with the idiocy, can you?|||Think about this, in the last almos eight years we have stated a war thru lies, yes everybody voted for it but again thru lies. The world does not respect us anymore due in part to this, our economy is in its worst shape ever, and its all due mainly to republicans. I would rather take a chance and vote for a new guy with little experince than for someone who is corrupted after so many years in govenment. Think about this, republicans talk about lack of experience, but with all the experince together in DC, look at our country now.|||Look at John G%26#039;s answer. Do you want to be grouped in with people like this? I guess you are starting to see the light. Leave George Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and Scooter Libbey and John McCain behind and join us on the light side! |||Obama wants to tax to death the %26#039;almost%26#039; low class so the REALLY low class can get free health care. Republicans want you to get off your a** get a job and let your rich employer pay for your health care. |||Here%26#039;s how:
remember how Obama is trying to fix the election by giving more money to ACORN
remember Reverend Wright%26#039;s firey sermons
remember Obama%26#039;s racist book, %26quot;Dreams From My Father%26quot;
remember Obama%26#039;s hundreds of %26quot;present%26quot; votes in the Senate
remember that Obama voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act
remember that Obama wants income redistribution
remember that Obama used the term %26quot;crackers%26quot; multiple times in his two books
remember that Obama wants to cut funding on national security
remember that Obama recieved millions from Freddie and Fannie
remember that Obama was paid to keep quiet about Freddie and Fannie for years while in the Senate
remember that Obama proposed over $400 million in pork projects while in the Senate, and most of it was proposals to send money to third world nations who hate America
remember that Obama would bring over $700 trillion in new spending as President with his new proposals
remember his sexist treatment of Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin
remember that he didn%26#039;t support giving healthcare to babies who survived abortion
remember that he opposed legislation to help keep America safe while in the Senate, and he voted to cut off funding for the troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan|||You are correct, the democrats are socialist and liberals, if that is your mind set, vote for the socialist Muslim.
Why do I always keep changing my mind?
When ever I start to do something, I do it for sometime and then change my mind and do something else. And the result is that I never achieve anything in life. And the most annoying part is that - when I%26#039;m doing something I change my mind to do something %26#039;better%26#039;, after sometime I get bored with the %26#039;better%26#039; thing also. It%26#039;s like as if I%26#039;m searching for the ultimate happiness but I will never get there. I keep on thinking I%26#039;ll be happier doing something else, it%26#039;s almost like I don%26#039;t want my self to succeed. I%26#039;m currently doing a degree, and I%26#039;m actually good at it. And I had everything planned out, but lately I%26#039;ve got the %26#039;old feeling%26#039;, and I feel as if I%26#039;ll be happier doing something else. I feel like I%26#039;ll never succeed. How do I overcome this
Please advise. Thanks!|||A lot of people (guys included, previous gender-bashing responder) are 95 percenters. Set a goal, start out cooking with steam, but have a heck of a time staying to task when its almost done. I%26#039;m not sure if the psychology is fear of undeserved successs, fear of failure even when that dosn%26#039;t look likely, or something else. But I do know that self-knowledge of the problem is key to changing it. You are worthy of completing your goals and feeling good about having done so. Push through the old urge. Tell a supportive friend or parent, and have them on your accountability team for getting to the finish line. Sometimes others believing in you can push you through the times when it%26#039;s not internal.|||cause you dont know what you want|||because you are female|||because your indecisive. Simple enough. My solution would be to join the army. That way they%26#039;ll tell you what to do.|||are you eating a balanced diet? if not then you have a problem emotionally and mentally... certain hormones in your body are not functioning as well as they should... this happens to me too and all what you should do is eat lots of fruits and vegetables, less pork and beef, more fish and milk, also drink a glass of milk everyday and do the things you want with the help of your friends... i learned to stick to what is planned because if not the people helping me will think i suck... after accomplishing something you will feel good about yourself and feel that you achieved and overcomed an obstacle...|||I know exactly what your talking about , I鈥檒l tell u what i think , i think that most of the bright clever people have the same problem which is seeking perfect , which is actually a good thing if you know how to govern it , this is my advice , imagine there is some thing you want to do or achieve ask your self logically can i do this thing and if yes how long would it take and give your self more time and start doing it according to specific schedule and take in to consideration all the things that might delay you. Also do one thing at the time and try to figure out the best logical method before even starting - take your time in planning. the most important feel very happy and proud when you finish or achieve some thing that you planed for, and after all you got it !!!!!!!!!!|||Start %26#039;sticking%26#039; to your plans/ goals. Dont keep changing your mind if its not good. U know whats best for you. Just have to be determined. Maybe, been used to doing things this way as in changing mind very often. So now just tell yourself to focus!|||you need to be more wise and specific in your life.when you have too many things to do. arrange them by doing the easiest then then the hardiest.and when you feel bored,take a small rest then complete and don%26#039;t be busy with things around you when you are working.|||You change your mind because your don%26#039;t trust anyone or anything. you feel fear inside a lot of the time and you can%26#039;t get rid of it. you%26#039;ve have probably had some substancial losses in your life that has devestated you, you feel the need to grab on to anything that makes you feel good at the moment, but then because your decision was soo hasty, you always end up having second thoughts later on.Inside, you know that you did not give the nessessary deliberations to important decisions, and your sub-conscieus is always aware of this. that is why you seem to sense what seems like an eternal conflict. you possess two totally different parts to your eternal being. you must ask your self: %26quot;do my values match my prinicpals?%26quot; In other words I believe in the truth, do I tell It. sometimes the quick fix is not the answer, it leaves you feeling empty and hungry for something more solid in your life. do you enjoy your life? your job? the people that you spend time with? or are you living a lie just because it%26#039;s comfortable, and slightly miserable? do you want to know more? Can you take it, do you really want things to change.? or do you keep your life so full of kaos and turmoil that your just to busy to straighten it out? To busy to face your, pain? what do you think it is?|||I believe mind is the very important and very complicated part of human being God created. There is an old saying %26quot;A Thoughts reaps Action, Action reaps Habits, Habits reaps Character and Character reaps your Destiny%26quot; I am hoping that you are still in a habitual stage or maybe its already in your character. But don%26#039;t be dismay there will always be a solution for that problem. As human we are created by God to think, and how the way we are thinking is our responsibility. Why you are changing your mind? It%26#039;s simply because you wanted to. Of course there are some scientific explanation like hormonal imbalances or drug dependencies but the most major reason why you change your mind is how the way you discipline your thoughts. Your action will follow according to your decision. I have one good advise for you on how to handle this kind of problem. As we know that God is the only one who is responsible of providing us brain and thoughts, therefore the only person who knows better regarding our mind is GOD. If you have the Bible you will see what it says about our mind. In James 1:8 ,He said A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. I believe that only God can give us right direction. For we read in John 3:16 that he loved us so much. and He said in Proverbs 3:5-7 , that He will direct your path. But you must know God first, of course we know that there is God everybody knows. But the question is how deep you know Him, have you any relationship with Him. In Romans 3:23 says that we fall short to his glory, it started when our forefather Adam decided to desobey Him, Sin enter in our lives %26amp; we are all guilty. And in Romans 6:23 says that the penalty of our sin is death But God loves us so much.He said in Romans 5:8 he died for us and if only we call upon Him through prayers he will listen to us %26amp; save us.see Romans 10:13. And what will happen to those who believe and call upon Him? John 1:12 God said he will treat us like His own son. when you reach this point of accepting Jesus Christ, then Proverbs 3:5-7 is very easy for you to understand. Accept Jesus Christ and let Him be you Lord and Savior %26amp; He promise to guide you in your decisions and the most important thing you inheret the heaven %26amp; everlasting life according to His promise John 3:16. It begins in your thoughts and it will end to your destiny, as the old saying says.
Please advise. Thanks!|||A lot of people (guys included, previous gender-bashing responder) are 95 percenters. Set a goal, start out cooking with steam, but have a heck of a time staying to task when its almost done. I%26#039;m not sure if the psychology is fear of undeserved successs, fear of failure even when that dosn%26#039;t look likely, or something else. But I do know that self-knowledge of the problem is key to changing it. You are worthy of completing your goals and feeling good about having done so. Push through the old urge. Tell a supportive friend or parent, and have them on your accountability team for getting to the finish line. Sometimes others believing in you can push you through the times when it%26#039;s not internal.|||cause you dont know what you want|||because you are female|||because your indecisive. Simple enough. My solution would be to join the army. That way they%26#039;ll tell you what to do.|||are you eating a balanced diet? if not then you have a problem emotionally and mentally... certain hormones in your body are not functioning as well as they should... this happens to me too and all what you should do is eat lots of fruits and vegetables, less pork and beef, more fish and milk, also drink a glass of milk everyday and do the things you want with the help of your friends... i learned to stick to what is planned because if not the people helping me will think i suck... after accomplishing something you will feel good about yourself and feel that you achieved and overcomed an obstacle...|||I know exactly what your talking about , I鈥檒l tell u what i think , i think that most of the bright clever people have the same problem which is seeking perfect , which is actually a good thing if you know how to govern it , this is my advice , imagine there is some thing you want to do or achieve ask your self logically can i do this thing and if yes how long would it take and give your self more time and start doing it according to specific schedule and take in to consideration all the things that might delay you. Also do one thing at the time and try to figure out the best logical method before even starting - take your time in planning. the most important feel very happy and proud when you finish or achieve some thing that you planed for, and after all you got it !!!!!!!!!!|||Start %26#039;sticking%26#039; to your plans/ goals. Dont keep changing your mind if its not good. U know whats best for you. Just have to be determined. Maybe, been used to doing things this way as in changing mind very often. So now just tell yourself to focus!|||you need to be more wise and specific in your life.when you have too many things to do. arrange them by doing the easiest then then the hardiest.and when you feel bored,take a small rest then complete and don%26#039;t be busy with things around you when you are working.|||You change your mind because your don%26#039;t trust anyone or anything. you feel fear inside a lot of the time and you can%26#039;t get rid of it. you%26#039;ve have probably had some substancial losses in your life that has devestated you, you feel the need to grab on to anything that makes you feel good at the moment, but then because your decision was soo hasty, you always end up having second thoughts later on.Inside, you know that you did not give the nessessary deliberations to important decisions, and your sub-conscieus is always aware of this. that is why you seem to sense what seems like an eternal conflict. you possess two totally different parts to your eternal being. you must ask your self: %26quot;do my values match my prinicpals?%26quot; In other words I believe in the truth, do I tell It. sometimes the quick fix is not the answer, it leaves you feeling empty and hungry for something more solid in your life. do you enjoy your life? your job? the people that you spend time with? or are you living a lie just because it%26#039;s comfortable, and slightly miserable? do you want to know more? Can you take it, do you really want things to change.? or do you keep your life so full of kaos and turmoil that your just to busy to straighten it out? To busy to face your, pain? what do you think it is?|||I believe mind is the very important and very complicated part of human being God created. There is an old saying %26quot;A Thoughts reaps Action, Action reaps Habits, Habits reaps Character and Character reaps your Destiny%26quot; I am hoping that you are still in a habitual stage or maybe its already in your character. But don%26#039;t be dismay there will always be a solution for that problem. As human we are created by God to think, and how the way we are thinking is our responsibility. Why you are changing your mind? It%26#039;s simply because you wanted to. Of course there are some scientific explanation like hormonal imbalances or drug dependencies but the most major reason why you change your mind is how the way you discipline your thoughts. Your action will follow according to your decision. I have one good advise for you on how to handle this kind of problem. As we know that God is the only one who is responsible of providing us brain and thoughts, therefore the only person who knows better regarding our mind is GOD. If you have the Bible you will see what it says about our mind. In James 1:8 ,He said A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. I believe that only God can give us right direction. For we read in John 3:16 that he loved us so much. and He said in Proverbs 3:5-7 , that He will direct your path. But you must know God first, of course we know that there is God everybody knows. But the question is how deep you know Him, have you any relationship with Him. In Romans 3:23 says that we fall short to his glory, it started when our forefather Adam decided to desobey Him, Sin enter in our lives %26amp; we are all guilty. And in Romans 6:23 says that the penalty of our sin is death But God loves us so much.He said in Romans 5:8 he died for us and if only we call upon Him through prayers he will listen to us %26amp; save us.see Romans 10:13. And what will happen to those who believe and call upon Him? John 1:12 God said he will treat us like His own son. when you reach this point of accepting Jesus Christ, then Proverbs 3:5-7 is very easy for you to understand. Accept Jesus Christ and let Him be you Lord and Savior %26amp; He promise to guide you in your decisions and the most important thing you inheret the heaven %26amp; everlasting life according to His promise John 3:16. It begins in your thoughts and it will end to your destiny, as the old saying says.
I am doing a arugementive essay on parents changing their mind on an adoption of a baby after one year any adv?
This is personal I went thur this a year ago want to get some feedback? The judge told me the birth parent has the right to change there mind even though she had not been in the child%26#039;s life.|||those safeguards are in place for many reasons.it%26#039;s part of the risk you have to accept if you are going to try to adopt.heartbreak is a part of parenting it%26#039;s a tough thing but if a person can%26#039;t accept that they shouldn%26#039;t be trying to adopt.i%26#039;m sorry for what has happened but again you knew there was a chance this could happen.might i suggest if you want to adopt doing it through the child protective services.they don%26#039;t get the year through this way.once their rights are severed there is no going back|||well, i would have to think that you were more looking after this child than it being a foster child or you having legal custody. you don%26#039;t say. the parents can%26#039;t otherwise just say they want their kid back and bam, it%26#039;s done. they need to have done parenting classes, etc. i%26#039;m saying this being a ex foster parent. i did it in 4 different states for about 15 years. the parents rights would have been terminated sooner than that for the sake of the child. sounds like something wasn%26#039;t done right. sorry, been there|||GOOD! Even if they don%26#039;t live with them, children need to be able to grow up seeing others who look and think and act and speak the way that they do, otherwise they are left microscopically examining the world, struggling to work out where all the pieces of their jigsaw fit into it.|||Hmmm this is not typical most places do not allow biological parents to reclaim a year or so after the adoption has been finalized. The longest period is generally 6months and there are some states that don鈥檛 have a reclaim period at all. It seems you were unfortunate to be in a state that does have up to a year reclaim. It sucks and I am sorry for the loss of your child.|||In the early days of adoption, parents had a long time to reclaim children. In those days (1930s, 1940s...for example) people were not so fond of taking children from biological parents.
A year is not very long in comparison to a life-time.
Adoption is a very serious decision and should not be made hastily. Separation of families is not a simple matter. It affects people for generations to come, and can hurt children...as well as their parents.
ETa: I also don%26#039;t believe in pre-birth matching. It is potentially coercive. Temporary agency cradle care used to exist which gave mothers the chance to get their lives in order. If the agencies were ethical, this worked for some people and it didn%26#039;t use hopeful adoptive parents as baby sitters(which I think is wrong).|||Well, I think we need a bit more information here. An adoption can be overturned, even a year after the fact, if there was some wrongdoing during the adoption process. A more common example is that if the biological father doesn%26#039;t realize he has a child, he may contest the adopton because he didn%26#039;t give consent to have the child adopted.
However, I have never heard of the voluntary relinquishment %26quot;waiting period%26quot; being exended for an entire year. In the US, at least, there is a waiting period where the biological parents can change their minds for any reason. Depending on the state, it can be anywhere from 24 hours to 6 months.
I do think that if safety is not a concern, it is a good idea for the biological parents to be involved in the child%26#039;s life. But this question appears to be indicating that an adoption is overturned a year after the fact, due to the biological parents %26quot;changing their minds.%26quot;
It seems to be an opinion held by some that adoptive parents are just glorified babysitters. Adoptive parents apparently are supposed to love and nurture an adoptee, but if the biological parents suddenly decide to terminate the adoption, the APs are supposed to surrender the child and not have any hurt feelings about it.
PAPs that have physical custody of a child during the %26quot;legal risk%26quot; period are not suppsed to think of the child as part of their family, knowing that the adoption isn%26#039;t finalized. I can see that for a few weeks, but for an entire year?!
Adoption is supposed to be permanent and adoptive parents are not glorified babysitters.
ETA: OKay, Linny, what if *gasp* the biological father DID consent to the adoption and there WAS no coersion involved? (Which remains, IMO, the majority of adoptions) At what point do adoptive parents get to start thinking of the child as a permanent member of the family and how bad is it for the CHILD if the adoptive parents keep an emotional separation because the bio parents have a whole year to figure out whether of not they want to be parents?|||If the judge said the mother has the right to change her mind then obviously her parental rights hadn%26#039;t been terminated yet, so legally the process to adopt couldn%26#039;t even begin to start to take place.
Not only does this sound like a case of jumping the gun, it sounds like a foster care situation, because outside of foster care not one state permits a year revocation period for mother%26#039;s to change their mind.
There is no argument that justifies pre-birth matching or wanting babies who are not already available for adoption.|||I think MOST adoptions could be overturned after a year. Why? Because MOST adoptions aren%26#039;t even legal, due to agencies and attorneys advising the first Mother to lie and NOT include the child%26#039;s first father.
I see so many people say, %26quot;It would not be fair to the ADOPTIVE parents. %26quot;Really???? Then they should have done their homework in the beginning and made sure there was no coercion involved.
No one ever feels sorry for the one person that matters- THE CHILD. No one has the right to lie and keep a child from his or her natural parents. No one.|||I think that this is wrong. The child has settled into a life and routine, formed a bond with adoptive parents, and imagine the poor adoptive parents! You don%26#039;t adopt a baby only to have him/her taken away after a year.. It%26#039;s somewhat sick i believe..|||You must have misunderstood. Your right to change your mind was over Before the adoptive parent started her process to adopt the child. You are about a yr and a half to late.|||I think that is absolutely ridiculous. An inconvenienced parent can give up their child and then when there good and ready come back to claim them. That%26#039;s absolute crab and they wonder why so many parents have difficulty with the idea of adopting. That%26#039;s like saying take my fertilized egg out keep it growing over there I%26#039;ll be back for it when I%26#039;m good and ready. You don%26#039;t get to decide when to be a parent. You either rise to the challenge when it%26#039;s presented or you move on. How unfair to that precious little baby who%26#039;s now ripped away from the only mommy they%26#039;ve ever known. And people wonder why society is so screwed up.
A year is not very long in comparison to a life-time.
Adoption is a very serious decision and should not be made hastily. Separation of families is not a simple matter. It affects people for generations to come, and can hurt children...as well as their parents.
ETa: I also don%26#039;t believe in pre-birth matching. It is potentially coercive. Temporary agency cradle care used to exist which gave mothers the chance to get their lives in order. If the agencies were ethical, this worked for some people and it didn%26#039;t use hopeful adoptive parents as baby sitters(which I think is wrong).|||Well, I think we need a bit more information here. An adoption can be overturned, even a year after the fact, if there was some wrongdoing during the adoption process. A more common example is that if the biological father doesn%26#039;t realize he has a child, he may contest the adopton because he didn%26#039;t give consent to have the child adopted.
However, I have never heard of the voluntary relinquishment %26quot;waiting period%26quot; being exended for an entire year. In the US, at least, there is a waiting period where the biological parents can change their minds for any reason. Depending on the state, it can be anywhere from 24 hours to 6 months.
I do think that if safety is not a concern, it is a good idea for the biological parents to be involved in the child%26#039;s life. But this question appears to be indicating that an adoption is overturned a year after the fact, due to the biological parents %26quot;changing their minds.%26quot;
It seems to be an opinion held by some that adoptive parents are just glorified babysitters. Adoptive parents apparently are supposed to love and nurture an adoptee, but if the biological parents suddenly decide to terminate the adoption, the APs are supposed to surrender the child and not have any hurt feelings about it.
PAPs that have physical custody of a child during the %26quot;legal risk%26quot; period are not suppsed to think of the child as part of their family, knowing that the adoption isn%26#039;t finalized. I can see that for a few weeks, but for an entire year?!
Adoption is supposed to be permanent and adoptive parents are not glorified babysitters.
ETA: OKay, Linny, what if *gasp* the biological father DID consent to the adoption and there WAS no coersion involved? (Which remains, IMO, the majority of adoptions) At what point do adoptive parents get to start thinking of the child as a permanent member of the family and how bad is it for the CHILD if the adoptive parents keep an emotional separation because the bio parents have a whole year to figure out whether of not they want to be parents?|||If the judge said the mother has the right to change her mind then obviously her parental rights hadn%26#039;t been terminated yet, so legally the process to adopt couldn%26#039;t even begin to start to take place.
Not only does this sound like a case of jumping the gun, it sounds like a foster care situation, because outside of foster care not one state permits a year revocation period for mother%26#039;s to change their mind.
There is no argument that justifies pre-birth matching or wanting babies who are not already available for adoption.|||I think MOST adoptions could be overturned after a year. Why? Because MOST adoptions aren%26#039;t even legal, due to agencies and attorneys advising the first Mother to lie and NOT include the child%26#039;s first father.
I see so many people say, %26quot;It would not be fair to the ADOPTIVE parents. %26quot;Really???? Then they should have done their homework in the beginning and made sure there was no coercion involved.
No one ever feels sorry for the one person that matters- THE CHILD. No one has the right to lie and keep a child from his or her natural parents. No one.|||I think that this is wrong. The child has settled into a life and routine, formed a bond with adoptive parents, and imagine the poor adoptive parents! You don%26#039;t adopt a baby only to have him/her taken away after a year.. It%26#039;s somewhat sick i believe..|||You must have misunderstood. Your right to change your mind was over Before the adoptive parent started her process to adopt the child. You are about a yr and a half to late.|||I think that is absolutely ridiculous. An inconvenienced parent can give up their child and then when there good and ready come back to claim them. That%26#039;s absolute crab and they wonder why so many parents have difficulty with the idea of adopting. That%26#039;s like saying take my fertilized egg out keep it growing over there I%26#039;ll be back for it when I%26#039;m good and ready. You don%26#039;t get to decide when to be a parent. You either rise to the challenge when it%26#039;s presented or you move on. How unfair to that precious little baby who%26#039;s now ripped away from the only mommy they%26#039;ve ever known. And people wonder why society is so screwed up.
If you take while to make up your mind about things and then keep changing it, is that procrastination?
I often change my mind about things and often take a while to make up mind, I have also been called reserved. There are times when I go back and front should I or should I not and even then I%26#039;m sometimes not sure that I make the right decisions. Someone told me that I need to have more confident in myself. Is it lack of confidence or, is it procrastination ?|||It sounds as if you%26#039;ve been indecisive rather than procrastinating. Making decisions is often tough, and it can become a habit not to make them.
Try to get into the habit of making small decisions and telling yourself that the fact you made the decision is more important than the consequence of it at this point in your life.|||procrastination is when you know what to do, but keep putting off doing it. you%26#039;re more indecisive. it%26#039;s probably due to lack of confidence in your own decisions.|||Procrastination and indecisiveness. Im guilty of the same thing.
Try to get into the habit of making small decisions and telling yourself that the fact you made the decision is more important than the consequence of it at this point in your life.|||procrastination is when you know what to do, but keep putting off doing it. you%26#039;re more indecisive. it%26#039;s probably due to lack of confidence in your own decisions.|||Procrastination and indecisiveness. Im guilty of the same thing.
Is changing your mind, like Gordon, a sign of strength or weakness?
I%26#039;ve often changed my mind- always it annoys people, but sometimes it has most definitely been for the best. I don%26#039;t think Gordon %26#039;bottled it%26#039;, he just doesn%26#039;t want any chance of risking the country to the Conservative party just yet. I say good for you, Gorden, thanks for being rightly cautious.|||It was a daft idea in the first place, who wants to go down in the record books as the shortest serving PM of our times?|||Weakness|||i think it could be classed as either it depends on the situation.|||Its a womans prerogative.|||i would have to say weakness and uncertainty
I never make a decision until i have fully assessed it
In my opinion he panicked as he knows the Conservatives may well have succeeded in a general election|||Because of the large lead Labour had in the polls Browns spin team convinced the feeble minded twit to call a early election...............then the most horrific thing happened.a large lead became overnight ,level in the polls.........BETTER to be here for two years than not at all said feeble minded Brown........no election.|||Gordon Brown, like all the political clowns in that circus they call a government, is a loser. He cares nothing for the people and is only interested in lineing his own pockets for as long as he can. All political parties are the same.|||It%26#039;s Media hype, Brown never, in any way indicated that he was thinking of calling an election, the media supposed that he would, because the polls were going his way, and the Tories, at their conference indicated that they thought he should, then, when he says he has no intention, he%26#039;s accused of %26quot;bottling it%26quot;, what a load of tosh.
He will decide when to go to the country, not (call me) Dave, and he will do it when he%26#039;s ready.|||it a bit of both, in this case i understand that he wants to serve his time and prove himself to be frank i would never of voted him in, but then i didn%26#039;t vote for tony but sometimes the boy did good and sometime well...Gordon was never going to let a election happen.lets wait and judge him on what he does.. not sure about offstead taking over regulation of children%26#039;s services in social service though can see the pros%26#039;s of education merging but hey let wait and see...|||Gordon has done the right thing, he hasn%26#039;t changed his mind,he is doing what he was going to do all the time, that%26#039;s carry on for another 2 years or more.|||A sign of weakness.|||Strength, he has not had long enough in power as a Prime minister to make the influence he needs to stay in power.|||I don%26#039;t think for a moment that Gordon took the interests of the country into consideration at all. He thought he could win an election, then realised he might have a fight on his hands, and possibly lose power after a very short period in office. He is well known for disappearing when the going gets rough, let%26#039;s face it.|||strength.
I never make a decision until i have fully assessed it
In my opinion he panicked as he knows the Conservatives may well have succeeded in a general election|||Because of the large lead Labour had in the polls Browns spin team convinced the feeble minded twit to call a early election...............then the most horrific thing happened.a large lead became overnight ,level in the polls.........BETTER to be here for two years than not at all said feeble minded Brown........no election.|||Gordon Brown, like all the political clowns in that circus they call a government, is a loser. He cares nothing for the people and is only interested in lineing his own pockets for as long as he can. All political parties are the same.|||It%26#039;s Media hype, Brown never, in any way indicated that he was thinking of calling an election, the media supposed that he would, because the polls were going his way, and the Tories, at their conference indicated that they thought he should, then, when he says he has no intention, he%26#039;s accused of %26quot;bottling it%26quot;, what a load of tosh.
He will decide when to go to the country, not (call me) Dave, and he will do it when he%26#039;s ready.|||it a bit of both, in this case i understand that he wants to serve his time and prove himself to be frank i would never of voted him in, but then i didn%26#039;t vote for tony but sometimes the boy did good and sometime well...Gordon was never going to let a election happen.lets wait and judge him on what he does.. not sure about offstead taking over regulation of children%26#039;s services in social service though can see the pros%26#039;s of education merging but hey let wait and see...|||Gordon has done the right thing, he hasn%26#039;t changed his mind,he is doing what he was going to do all the time, that%26#039;s carry on for another 2 years or more.|||A sign of weakness.|||Strength, he has not had long enough in power as a Prime minister to make the influence he needs to stay in power.|||I don%26#039;t think for a moment that Gordon took the interests of the country into consideration at all. He thought he could win an election, then realised he might have a fight on his hands, and possibly lose power after a very short period in office. He is well known for disappearing when the going gets rough, let%26#039;s face it.|||strength.
If a person likes the single life, what the chances of changing their mind?
if you were interested in someone, but they are at a point in their life right now that they are looking to be single and have fun, how hard is it to change their mind set? is it nearly impossible? would it be a waste of time, or is there always a chance?|||With the right person the chance exists that anything can happen and usually does and nothing is impossible nowadays. Theres no telling what tomorrow can bring but if we dont at least take a chance we could be missing out on the chance of a lifetime. The more chances we take the higher the probability that one of them will pan out. Nothing is ever over til the fat lady quits singing so go for it and pray for the best|||In my experience you cannot change someone. You can have an influence on them but it is not in your power to change them. That is why acceptance is so key. If you were to change them, they would not be true to themselves and eventually they would be miserable and the house of cards would fall.|||I think there is always a chance for a relationship if two people have a connection. Just befriend him/her and go places to party and hang out. Flirt harmlessly and put it in his/her mind that you are in it to be more than friends eventually. Take your time! Good Luck.|||I don%26#039;t think you can change someone, but that also doesn%26#039;t mean that now or in the near future is the time they will decide it%26#039;s time to move on from a single life to a more committed one. You just never know.|||well i know for me to change my mind would have to be......the guy needs to make me fall over heels for him. :D i think anyone could change there mind. they just need someone who cares for them to change it.
--good LUCK!|||its not that hard mostly just admiting ur feelings gets the person out of that phase fast hahaha|||is it a male or a female?
--good LUCK!|||its not that hard mostly just admiting ur feelings gets the person out of that phase fast hahaha|||is it a male or a female?
Honestly, what is the likelihood of a super delegate changing their mind?
I understand that they are just %26quot;pledged%26quot; at this point. But what is the likelihood of so many of them changing over at the convention to make a difference for Clinton?
Wishful thinking or not?
They know that Hillary is losing and the ONLY support she really has are the Appalachian voters and those who are can not get pass Obama%26#039;s %26quot;pastors%26quot; and the %26quot;bitter comment%26quot;.
It seems to me if they are so bother by it, perhaps some truth hit a raw nerve.|||They can change their vote if they want. It is within the rules.|||i obamas check bounces then so will the super delegates vote.|||50%|||This is politics, not real life.
Still, HILLARY HAS NO CHANCE.|||I read that one was selling his vote for a million dollars so I suppose anything can happen.|||Not likely, the DNC is doing every thing they can to keep them from supporting Hillary, especially Pelosi,Reid,and Dean.|||They will change and change back. Whether she can get enough depends on events.
Supposing some new scandle comes out in the next few weeks, or Obama barely wins or loses a state tomorrow when expected to win? All of a sudden, there are questions and supers many of whom are elected officials may start to wonder what their constitutients are thinking.
However, the DNC doesn%26#039;t want the division to last just %26#039;in case%26#039; a new tape surfaces or Rezko%26#039;s trial (or Paul%26#039;s, could be either way) comes up with something. So after tomorrow there will be pressure and Clinton will at least have to take a position about whether she will stay in to fight, relatively soon.|||I am one of those wishful thinkers. However, I do not think it is likely to go in Hillary%26#039;s direction. We are forced to elect the weaker candidate. Had the Rev. Wright story came out in January...things would have been different. I really think that. The states that have chosen Obama are states that will vote republican in November anyway. She won the key states that elect presidents. Sad situation. If we ever needed a Dem president...now is the time...but the National Party doesn%26#039;t see the way the average voter does. Sad.|||It will take a scandal of some proportion. But no politician wants to be associated with someone who is on a sinking ship. Look at how the flow of super delegates trickled to a stand still when the Wright stuff came out. Any more of that type of thing, especially if one or two of the big boys switch sides and he could see his support quickly evaporate. And that is why Clinton is not getting out of the race.|||Wat the Feck is a super delegate in the first place...x:|||Considering that a majority of them %26quot;pledged%26quot; before the Rev. Wright/Phledger/Michelle Obama%26#039;s speech about not being proud of America until her husband was running for president...
They may change their minds; however I think the Dems are stuck with Obama and all his baggage.
Can you say %26quot;buyer%26#039;s remorse%26quot;?|||The Super Delegates are politicians - most will go as the wind blows them.|||They could decide that even though, they like Obama; he isn%26#039;t electable..........and Hillary has a better chance against McCain.
Wishful thinking or not?
They know that Hillary is losing and the ONLY support she really has are the Appalachian voters and those who are can not get pass Obama%26#039;s %26quot;pastors%26quot; and the %26quot;bitter comment%26quot;.
It seems to me if they are so bother by it, perhaps some truth hit a raw nerve.|||They can change their vote if they want. It is within the rules.|||i obamas check bounces then so will the super delegates vote.|||50%|||This is politics, not real life.
Still, HILLARY HAS NO CHANCE.|||I read that one was selling his vote for a million dollars so I suppose anything can happen.|||Not likely, the DNC is doing every thing they can to keep them from supporting Hillary, especially Pelosi,Reid,and Dean.|||They will change and change back. Whether she can get enough depends on events.
Supposing some new scandle comes out in the next few weeks, or Obama barely wins or loses a state tomorrow when expected to win? All of a sudden, there are questions and supers many of whom are elected officials may start to wonder what their constitutients are thinking.
However, the DNC doesn%26#039;t want the division to last just %26#039;in case%26#039; a new tape surfaces or Rezko%26#039;s trial (or Paul%26#039;s, could be either way) comes up with something. So after tomorrow there will be pressure and Clinton will at least have to take a position about whether she will stay in to fight, relatively soon.|||I am one of those wishful thinkers. However, I do not think it is likely to go in Hillary%26#039;s direction. We are forced to elect the weaker candidate. Had the Rev. Wright story came out in January...things would have been different. I really think that. The states that have chosen Obama are states that will vote republican in November anyway. She won the key states that elect presidents. Sad situation. If we ever needed a Dem president...now is the time...but the National Party doesn%26#039;t see the way the average voter does. Sad.|||It will take a scandal of some proportion. But no politician wants to be associated with someone who is on a sinking ship. Look at how the flow of super delegates trickled to a stand still when the Wright stuff came out. Any more of that type of thing, especially if one or two of the big boys switch sides and he could see his support quickly evaporate. And that is why Clinton is not getting out of the race.|||Wat the Feck is a super delegate in the first place...x:|||Considering that a majority of them %26quot;pledged%26quot; before the Rev. Wright/Phledger/Michelle Obama%26#039;s speech about not being proud of America until her husband was running for president...
They may change their minds; however I think the Dems are stuck with Obama and all his baggage.
Can you say %26quot;buyer%26#039;s remorse%26quot;?|||The Super Delegates are politicians - most will go as the wind blows them.|||They could decide that even though, they like Obama; he isn%26#039;t electable..........and Hillary has a better chance against McCain.
How do i go about changing my mind about overtime at work (UK)?
I accepted when I was asked to do overtime (being a week new i felt a little put on the spot) and now I dont want to do it as something else important has popped up. How do I tell my supervisor? Am I allowed to change my mind about it? I dont want to create a bad impression....|||working overtime is not essential, as long as u do ur normal hours then everythings fine, just bcoz u refuse doing overtime now and agian doesnt make u a bad employee.
try telling ur boss ASAP that something urgent has come up and that u cant do the overtime, just apologise to him/her, but uve got to tell him/her ASAP so that they can replace someone else to do ur overtime dont leave it to the last minute coz that%26#039;ll make u look really bad. u dont need to worry about that, its happened to me a few times and i had to cancel my overtime, thats normal.
goodluck hun x|||if you haven%26#039;t signed a contract it%26#039;s fine.|||yeah. im sure they wont mind if you tell them its really important. ask them if they can change the dates too to help you out.|||It probably wont create a good impression with your new boss. can you change the other thing?|||Overtime can only be carried out on a voluntary basis and therefore is not compulsory and it should not affect your rights as a worker. However you should let your manger know immediately so they can arrange cover. Just be honest and explain your predicament, you should be okay. |||Just be honest.
They will value that.
try telling ur boss ASAP that something urgent has come up and that u cant do the overtime, just apologise to him/her, but uve got to tell him/her ASAP so that they can replace someone else to do ur overtime dont leave it to the last minute coz that%26#039;ll make u look really bad. u dont need to worry about that, its happened to me a few times and i had to cancel my overtime, thats normal.
goodluck hun x|||if you haven%26#039;t signed a contract it%26#039;s fine.|||yeah. im sure they wont mind if you tell them its really important. ask them if they can change the dates too to help you out.|||It probably wont create a good impression with your new boss. can you change the other thing?|||Overtime can only be carried out on a voluntary basis and therefore is not compulsory and it should not affect your rights as a worker. However you should let your manger know immediately so they can arrange cover. Just be honest and explain your predicament, you should be okay. |||Just be honest.
They will value that.
What do you call "changing a girl's mind by talking " in english ?
when a boy try to change a girl%26#039;s mind and persuade her to be his friend make her interested in himself by TALKING , what is the expression for this in english ?
I do not mean %26quot; seduce %26quot; but just changing her mind and make her interested .
thanks for your answers !|||Persuade or persuasion.|||yeah, persuasion
I do not mean %26quot; seduce %26quot; but just changing her mind and make her interested .
thanks for your answers !|||Persuade or persuasion.|||yeah, persuasion
Why did God keep changing his mind in the bible, surely an all powerful god would be more decisive?
Ezekiel 4:12-15 God tells Ezekiel to cook his bread over human excrement as part of a prophecy of the Hebrew exile. When Ezekiel protests that he has never been defiled, God allows him to use cow dung instead.
Several times in Exodus. Generally God getting fed up with the Israelites and threatens to destroy them. Moses usually intercedes. God changes his mind.
|||Ut Oh, if god changes his mind doesn%26#039;t that mean he is not infallible? Doesn%26#039;t that mean he made a mistake and corrected it?
What about when god repents the evil he has done, which he does several times in the Bible. Doesn%26#039;t that mean he made mistakes?
I know logic escapes Xians but this means god screws up. Which means he is not perfect.|||In Exodus, He repents (changes His mind) about His people and what to do. That is showing how much He loves His people.
About Ezekiel, maybe God was wanting him to say that he has never been defiled. Who knows what God was thinking? Are we able to know what God is thinking?
|||because of his love for his people. he is not a dictator, he is a friend. it should be comforting to know that he actually listens to us and cares about our opinion about things.|||He is caring and that%26#039;s weakness to a business/political man
people would reject them
So you got know that people are more scrutinizing than God|||The Old Testament is not the original sciptures you don%26#039;t understand that even Yahweh God fortold of his works becoming currupted just read Jeremiah 8:8.|||God has repeatedly changed His will to our consideration. He did so for Hezekiah, for Moses, for David.
An all powerful God would be more decisive, but a merciful God would be considerate. A perfect God is both|||have you ever bartered with someone at a grage sale? you know what you are going to pay. you dont %26#039;change your mind%26#039; when you barter a price, you just dicsuss it till things change. either way you got what you wanted, they got what they wanted...|||He can do whatever He wants, He%26#039;s God!|||God has two faces ,often described as a male and a female sides to him/her.
so he has an angry ,judging ,fatherly side who wants to punish the brats that follow him but also she has a feminine compassionate and forgiving side.|||Guess He%26#039;s just not the cosmic tyrant some people think He is, huh?|||God NEVER changes His Mind.
Read the entire context and you%26#039;ll not have problems !
%26lt;%26gt;%26lt;|||it%26#039;s either
that %26quot;God%26quot; your saying is weak at making concrete and foolproof decisions
he%26#039;s God and enjoys doing what he wants to do, and tells you that you don%26#039;t have the right to question him because he%26#039;s God
Several times in Exodus. Generally God getting fed up with the Israelites and threatens to destroy them. Moses usually intercedes. God changes his mind.
|||Ut Oh, if god changes his mind doesn%26#039;t that mean he is not infallible? Doesn%26#039;t that mean he made a mistake and corrected it?
What about when god repents the evil he has done, which he does several times in the Bible. Doesn%26#039;t that mean he made mistakes?
I know logic escapes Xians but this means god screws up. Which means he is not perfect.|||In Exodus, He repents (changes His mind) about His people and what to do. That is showing how much He loves His people.
About Ezekiel, maybe God was wanting him to say that he has never been defiled. Who knows what God was thinking? Are we able to know what God is thinking?
|||because of his love for his people. he is not a dictator, he is a friend. it should be comforting to know that he actually listens to us and cares about our opinion about things.|||He is caring and that%26#039;s weakness to a business/political man
people would reject them
So you got know that people are more scrutinizing than God|||The Old Testament is not the original sciptures you don%26#039;t understand that even Yahweh God fortold of his works becoming currupted just read Jeremiah 8:8.|||God has repeatedly changed His will to our consideration. He did so for Hezekiah, for Moses, for David.
An all powerful God would be more decisive, but a merciful God would be considerate. A perfect God is both|||have you ever bartered with someone at a grage sale? you know what you are going to pay. you dont %26#039;change your mind%26#039; when you barter a price, you just dicsuss it till things change. either way you got what you wanted, they got what they wanted...|||He can do whatever He wants, He%26#039;s God!|||God has two faces ,often described as a male and a female sides to him/her.
so he has an angry ,judging ,fatherly side who wants to punish the brats that follow him but also she has a feminine compassionate and forgiving side.|||Guess He%26#039;s just not the cosmic tyrant some people think He is, huh?|||God NEVER changes His Mind.
Read the entire context and you%26#039;ll not have problems !
%26lt;%26gt;%26lt;|||it%26#039;s either
that %26quot;God%26quot; your saying is weak at making concrete and foolproof decisions
he%26#039;s God and enjoys doing what he wants to do, and tells you that you don%26#039;t have the right to question him because he%26#039;s God
What is the chance of an adoptive mother changing her mind?
My family is in the process of adopting from an expecting mother. We are SO excited, but we are worried that she will change her mind when she sees the child she held for nine months. I know it is hard, but we want to know how often it happens and what the chances of it happening this time.|||It happens more often than you think. Remember most of the time mom can decide to change her mind. She has a certain number of weeks to decide. That is just the way it is
we know a couple who were set to adopt 4 different times and each time the mother backed out.
Finally the fifth and last time they were going to try to adopt they got their little boy.
I know I could never give up my biological child whether I originally wanted him or not.
A lot of mothers do back out but some don%26#039;t.
Its just a risk you have to take with adoption
Unless you adopt through the foster care program but you won%26#039;t get a newborn
Sorry I couldn%26#039;t be more positive.
You may be lucky and get this baby but in the end I still believe its best in the long run for baby and bio mom to be together|||Most times, they really don%26#039;t allow the birth mother to see the baby for just that reason.
Are you paying for expenses? What kind of contract was signed? If so, then she can be held financially responsible should she decide to keep the baby as well.
But it does happen, but not as often as the movies seem to make it out. I don%26#039;t have an exact statistic for you though ;)
Best of luck!|||pretty high actually
good luck :]|||I don%26#039;t know the statistics but I know it happens a fair bit. Try not to get too excited until it%26#039;s definite. I know that%26#039;s a really hard thing to ask - but try to think of it from her perspective. Who wouldn%26#039;t want their baby? Good luck.
Harriet|||It%26#039;s really a 50/50 chance..
just don%26#039;t count your chicks until they hatch okay... Good luck
we know a couple who were set to adopt 4 different times and each time the mother backed out.
Finally the fifth and last time they were going to try to adopt they got their little boy.
I know I could never give up my biological child whether I originally wanted him or not.
A lot of mothers do back out but some don%26#039;t.
Its just a risk you have to take with adoption
Unless you adopt through the foster care program but you won%26#039;t get a newborn
Sorry I couldn%26#039;t be more positive.
You may be lucky and get this baby but in the end I still believe its best in the long run for baby and bio mom to be together|||Most times, they really don%26#039;t allow the birth mother to see the baby for just that reason.
Are you paying for expenses? What kind of contract was signed? If so, then she can be held financially responsible should she decide to keep the baby as well.
But it does happen, but not as often as the movies seem to make it out. I don%26#039;t have an exact statistic for you though ;)
Best of luck!|||pretty high actually
good luck :]|||I don%26#039;t know the statistics but I know it happens a fair bit. Try not to get too excited until it%26#039;s definite. I know that%26#039;s a really hard thing to ask - but try to think of it from her perspective. Who wouldn%26#039;t want their baby? Good luck.
Harriet|||It%26#039;s really a 50/50 chance..
just don%26#039;t count your chicks until they hatch okay... Good luck
When i go to the public swimming pool, I dont mind changing or going to the shower nude. But?
I dont mind being in nude or other men in nude cause we all are strangers.
But I am afraid if my friends at school is there ans saw me naked.
What should i do? always carry a towel around just in case? |||Generally one is naked in a locker room when changing and when showering. Nothing to be ashamed of there. Your state of nakedness shouldn%26#039;t be that long. Let the confidence and comfort you are experiencing when in the presence of strangers carry over should a friend from school be there also. Most likely they will be a bit embarrassed as well, but at least you are in a place (locker room) where it is expected and not out in public and seen naked. You will have to face this at school after PE class when you all need to shower there.|||Most people are naked when they go to the shower or are getting undressed when they are changing and most people will change that way. You should not care if they see you because you are all boys.|||Be confident and proud of your body. What is there to be afraid of? (And maybe start working out at the gym)|||be confident.whenever after your pe you will have to shower right ?most of them would be naked so just do not mind|||do it fast with a towle covering you up
But I am afraid if my friends at school is there ans saw me naked.
What should i do? always carry a towel around just in case? |||Generally one is naked in a locker room when changing and when showering. Nothing to be ashamed of there. Your state of nakedness shouldn%26#039;t be that long. Let the confidence and comfort you are experiencing when in the presence of strangers carry over should a friend from school be there also. Most likely they will be a bit embarrassed as well, but at least you are in a place (locker room) where it is expected and not out in public and seen naked. You will have to face this at school after PE class when you all need to shower there.|||Most people are naked when they go to the shower or are getting undressed when they are changing and most people will change that way. You should not care if they see you because you are all boys.|||Be confident and proud of your body. What is there to be afraid of? (And maybe start working out at the gym)|||be confident.whenever after your pe you will have to shower right ?most of them would be naked so just do not mind|||do it fast with a towle covering you up
What are the chances of a college changing their mind about your acceptance?
I asked this question already, but I didn%26#039;t get any responses so I figured I%26#039;d try again haha.
I just got accepted to my top choice university! but i heard colleges can change their mind if your grades slip senior year. i was just wondering how often this actually happens and how bad your grades would have to slip for the school to change their mind about you?|||If you get an academic scholarship, then you could get dropped (or lose your scholarship) if your grades drop. But, they would have to drop significantly. For example, if you were in the top 10% of your class at the beginning of your senior year, but your grades were bad enough so that you lost that position by the end of your senior year, then you would have something to worry about. Basically, I think that schools want to see that you still cared and tried second semester and did something other than party your way til the end of the year. If you have an A in calculus first semester and a B second semester, you will be ok. If you have an A first semester and a D second semester, then there might be something to worry about.|||slim.you would have to have done something BAD. your grades would have to drop dramatically and you would have to f up bad. the only circumstance i%26#039;ve heard of kids being kicked out after being admitted was when they lied to the university or the university had the kid on a waitlist and the rooms filled up. if you keep all B%26#039;s and A%26#039;s you have NOTHING to worry about even if it%26#039;s Harvard ;)|||Your GPA has to dramatically change for the college to rescind your acceptance. My GPA was a 3.65 before the application and 3.4 during final transcript and they still kept me. Just make sure it doesnt go dramatically low and you will be fine.|||They don%26#039;t change their minds, they rescind their acceptance. It will depend on the college. Your GPA slipping is one thing, getting F%26#039;s or D%26#039;s is another.
I just got accepted to my top choice university! but i heard colleges can change their mind if your grades slip senior year. i was just wondering how often this actually happens and how bad your grades would have to slip for the school to change their mind about you?|||If you get an academic scholarship, then you could get dropped (or lose your scholarship) if your grades drop. But, they would have to drop significantly. For example, if you were in the top 10% of your class at the beginning of your senior year, but your grades were bad enough so that you lost that position by the end of your senior year, then you would have something to worry about. Basically, I think that schools want to see that you still cared and tried second semester and did something other than party your way til the end of the year. If you have an A in calculus first semester and a B second semester, you will be ok. If you have an A first semester and a D second semester, then there might be something to worry about.|||slim.you would have to have done something BAD. your grades would have to drop dramatically and you would have to f up bad. the only circumstance i%26#039;ve heard of kids being kicked out after being admitted was when they lied to the university or the university had the kid on a waitlist and the rooms filled up. if you keep all B%26#039;s and A%26#039;s you have NOTHING to worry about even if it%26#039;s Harvard ;)|||Your GPA has to dramatically change for the college to rescind your acceptance. My GPA was a 3.65 before the application and 3.4 during final transcript and they still kept me. Just make sure it doesnt go dramatically low and you will be fine.|||They don%26#039;t change their minds, they rescind their acceptance. It will depend on the college. Your GPA slipping is one thing, getting F%26#039;s or D%26#039;s is another.
Is it legally okay for an owner to change his mind (for changing the rent) and return the token amount of the?
Is it legally okay for an owner to change his mind (for changing the rent) and return the token amount of the flat which was already discussed and fixed with mutual agreement and without any pressure from anyone?|||If you want to hold the hard line, a contract is binding on both parties.
But do you really want to rent your apartment from someone who does not want to rent it to you?
Let him off the hook. Ask for a couple bucks to agree to break the lease. Find somewhere else to live.|||No, it%26#039;s not. However, if there was nothing in writing it might be legal to do.
But do you really want to rent your apartment from someone who does not want to rent it to you?
Let him off the hook. Ask for a couple bucks to agree to break the lease. Find somewhere else to live.|||No, it%26#039;s not. However, if there was nothing in writing it might be legal to do.
What are some good songs about guys changing there mind all the time?
Preferably acoustic, but any type is fine.
About guys playing you, by saying they like you but then changing there mind.
Thankss :)|||well it is old but so am I but there is Gordon Lightfoot- If you could read my mind:
If you could read my mind, love,
What a tale my thoughts could tell.
Just like an old time movie,
%26#039;Bout a ghost from a wishing well.
In a castle dark or a fortress strong,
With chains upon my feet.
You know that ghost is me.
And I will never be set free
As long as I%26#039;m a ghost that you can%26#039;t see.
If I could read your mind, love,
What a tale your thoughts could tell.
Just like a paperback novel,
The kind the drugstores sell.
Then you reached the part where the heartaches come,
The hero would be me.
But heroes often fail,
And you won%26#039;t read that book again
Because the ending%26#039;s just too hard to take!
I%26#039;d walk away like a movie star
Who gets burned in a three way script.
Enter number two:
A movie queen to play the scene
Of bringing all the good things out in me.
But for now, love, let%26#039;s be real;
I never thought I could feel this way
And I%26#039;ve got to say that I just don%26#039;t get it.
I don%26#039;t know where we went wrong,
But the feeling%26#039;s gone
And I just can%26#039;t get it back.
If you could read my mind, love,
What a tale my thoughts could tell.
Just like an old time movie,
%26#039;Bout a ghost from a wishing well.
In a castle dark or a fortress strong.
With chains upon my feet.
But stories always end,
And if you read between the lines,
You%26#039;d know that I%26#039;m just tryin%26#039; to understand
The feelin%26#039;s that you lack.
I never thought I could feel this way
And I%26#039;ve got to say that I just don%26#039;t get it.
I don%26#039;t know where we went wrong,
But the feelin%26#039;s gone
And I just can%26#039;t get it back
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk1md5Iik鈥?/a>|||Hot And Cold by Katy Perry!
|||I dunno, the only one that came to mind was %26#039;Don%26#039;t Say You Love Me%26#039; by M2M lol.|||haha hot and cold by katy perry
About guys playing you, by saying they like you but then changing there mind.
Thankss :)|||well it is old but so am I but there is Gordon Lightfoot- If you could read my mind:
If you could read my mind, love,
What a tale my thoughts could tell.
Just like an old time movie,
%26#039;Bout a ghost from a wishing well.
In a castle dark or a fortress strong,
With chains upon my feet.
You know that ghost is me.
And I will never be set free
As long as I%26#039;m a ghost that you can%26#039;t see.
If I could read your mind, love,
What a tale your thoughts could tell.
Just like a paperback novel,
The kind the drugstores sell.
Then you reached the part where the heartaches come,
The hero would be me.
But heroes often fail,
And you won%26#039;t read that book again
Because the ending%26#039;s just too hard to take!
I%26#039;d walk away like a movie star
Who gets burned in a three way script.
Enter number two:
A movie queen to play the scene
Of bringing all the good things out in me.
But for now, love, let%26#039;s be real;
I never thought I could feel this way
And I%26#039;ve got to say that I just don%26#039;t get it.
I don%26#039;t know where we went wrong,
But the feeling%26#039;s gone
And I just can%26#039;t get it back.
If you could read my mind, love,
What a tale my thoughts could tell.
Just like an old time movie,
%26#039;Bout a ghost from a wishing well.
In a castle dark or a fortress strong.
With chains upon my feet.
But stories always end,
And if you read between the lines,
You%26#039;d know that I%26#039;m just tryin%26#039; to understand
The feelin%26#039;s that you lack.
I never thought I could feel this way
And I%26#039;ve got to say that I just don%26#039;t get it.
I don%26#039;t know where we went wrong,
But the feelin%26#039;s gone
And I just can%26#039;t get it back
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk1md5Iik鈥?/a>|||Hot And Cold by Katy Perry!
Report Abuse
|||I dunno, the only one that came to mind was %26#039;Don%26#039;t Say You Love Me%26#039; by M2M lol.|||haha hot and cold by katy perry
Washington State, Apartment Rent, Giving Notice, but Changing Mind?
My wife and I have been month to month on our apartment now. Within the last month, my wife gave notice that we were looking to move out. We used our %26quot;last months rent%26quot; during that month. However, we have since changed our minds-- our landlord knew this was a possibility, as we advised him we may stay afterall.
My question is, can we legally change our minds and remain in the same apartment?
And, is there any law requiring us to %26quot;refill%26quot; our last month rent buffer to remain living at the apartment?
Thanks!|||If the landlord has not re-rented the apartment...he may allow you to stay. He is not legally obligated to do so though...since legal notice has been given.
Yes...you will be required to pay last months rent again.|||If your landlord hasn%26#039;t already rented the apartment and allows you to stay, you need to give him the %26quot;last month%26#039;s rent%26quot; again. That was your original agreement.|||If there is a big demand for apartments he may of already rented it out. The area I live in, I had to sign and leave a deposit almost 2 months in advance to keep the apartment for me that they knew someone was moving out of, they didnt move out on time and I had to pay additional rent at my apt and they were understanding, since they had not prerented my existing apartment yet. The landlord could allow you, he could request also you give him 2 months rent so that he doesnt get stuck if you do not pay the following month after paying for one month. It will be up to both of these situations. If your able to split the deposit over 3 months or so it might be easier if you agree to not overstay the amount of deposit you were able to leave. Hope all works well for you.
My question is, can we legally change our minds and remain in the same apartment?
And, is there any law requiring us to %26quot;refill%26quot; our last month rent buffer to remain living at the apartment?
Thanks!|||If the landlord has not re-rented the apartment...he may allow you to stay. He is not legally obligated to do so though...since legal notice has been given.
Yes...you will be required to pay last months rent again.|||If your landlord hasn%26#039;t already rented the apartment and allows you to stay, you need to give him the %26quot;last month%26#039;s rent%26quot; again. That was your original agreement.|||If there is a big demand for apartments he may of already rented it out. The area I live in, I had to sign and leave a deposit almost 2 months in advance to keep the apartment for me that they knew someone was moving out of, they didnt move out on time and I had to pay additional rent at my apt and they were understanding, since they had not prerented my existing apartment yet. The landlord could allow you, he could request also you give him 2 months rent so that he doesnt get stuck if you do not pay the following month after paying for one month. It will be up to both of these situations. If your able to split the deposit over 3 months or so it might be easier if you agree to not overstay the amount of deposit you were able to leave. Hope all works well for you.
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